jpmulli -> KO Return Play Needed (4/8/2007 7:15:45 PM)
For some reason I am able to do everything except build or modify plays. I receive an error message about "Too few parameters for Player Process and for me to press F9 to Attempt To Continue". Prior to receiving this message I am only able to open a formation or an existing play and switch between Formation and After The Snap. It is when I attempt to start issuing points that the problem arises. Once I get the above message I then get the multiple Command Point boxes in the lower right corner of the screen but when I attempt to input a command I get the message "Unable to Continue - ESC to Quit".[:(]
I have managed to pick up some playbooks from and have created a playbook but the kick-off return play is horrible. The kick returners are up the field about (20) yards or more and have to race back to the end zone or near it to cover the kick. Of course the kicking team is going for the ball too and at least four to fice times a game beats the receiving team to the ball in the end zone for a touchdown. Very unrealistic. The play is KO Return NormB.
Does anyone have a decent kick-off return play? This is the only real glitch I am experiencing since installing the 149 patch except of course for the lack of ability to use the PDS.
hack153 -> RE: KO Return Play Needed (4/8/2007 8:30:32 PM)
when you create your KO play, have the kicking team wait 1 sec to 1.5 seconds to allow the KR team to set up. that is what i had to do on mine.
i have several KO and KR plays on fbamx under ""
you will need to adjust them to wait 1 - 1.5 seconds because i started doing that after i posted the plays.