Costal Forts. (Full Version)

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firepowerjohan -> Costal Forts. (4/13/2007 2:13:16 PM)

Any way to beat large garrisons at coastal forts by naval support? Do I need to have lots of siege artillery with me if I want to take for instance New Orleans?

In real ACW they had mortar boats pounding forts along the coast and without them I see it is almost impossible if enemy has stacked up 10k+ garrison to win with a naval landing unless I have 40k infantry and that require a 1863 sized navy.

Is there any way to get a naval bonus when attacking forts at the coast or if not that is one thing should be considered for future patches :)
I think, like with gunboats at river, without naval support many sieges would have failed when the numbers of USA infantry and CSA infantry was quite equally matched but the big naval support made the difference.

Gil R. -> RE: Costal Forts. (4/13/2007 6:19:01 PM)

Currently this can't be done (it's a lot of programming and testing), but we definitely want to add it in the future.

If you've got engineers and siege artillery it won't take 40,000 men to take a CSA fort amphibiously. Sending two divisions really raises your chances of success, though.

Drex -> RE: Costal Forts. (4/13/2007 7:58:10 PM)

I was able to take NO and all forts with a large siege army(4 siege units) at the Captain level. Navy was never involved.

firepowerjohan -> RE: Costal Forts. (4/13/2007 9:00:34 PM)



I was able to take NO and all forts with a large siege army(4 siege units) at the Captain level. Navy was never involved.

Well you can try that strategy against me in PBEM [8D]

You were playing the AI right? It probably had not sent enough units to New Orelans area.

christof139 -> RE: Costal Forts. (4/13/2007 9:41:00 PM)

I had a CSA Gunboat take losses once it moved through and then ended its turn pats a Union River Fleet, and the Union Ricer Fleet apparently was cut-off and seemed to vanis, but there was not any Naval combat on the Quick battle scree. Is that what is supposed to happen??


Gil R. -> RE: Costal Forts. (4/13/2007 10:01:20 PM)

Yes, it is. Was there no message about the gunboat's loss?

christof139 -> RE: Costal Forts. (4/13/2007 10:04:58 PM)


Yes, it is. Was there no message about the gunboat's loss?

Unfortunately, I don't rmember as usual. [&:] That happened some time ago. There may or may not have been info. on the end/new turn screen concerning the Gunboat.

I guess someone or me will have to do this again to find out. Sorry, I can't be definitive about this here.


Drex -> RE: Costal Forts. (4/13/2007 11:25:25 PM)

All bets are off with PBEM. I only play the AI right now. If I have problems with the AI what business do I have playing a human? Its really a learning process for me right now. I took NO at captain but haven't come close at major level.

cesteman -> RE: Costal Forts. (4/14/2007 1:23:22 AM)

nice Avr Chritof. I need to find one!

christof139 -> RE: Costal Forts. (4/14/2007 1:34:40 AM)


nice Avr Chritof. I need to find one!

Thanx, Avatars can be fun. That's one big boat, too. There actually was a CSS North Carolina ironclad, and a CSS Raleigh, but they didn't fare to well. Chris

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