Siege Options (Full Version)

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firepowerjohan -> Siege Options (4/15/2007 12:50:36 PM)

Siege options:
The entrench is a half damage attackers, half damage defenders, half siege progress so it is basically half of everything.

So, it means you only pick entrench when you really do not want to siege since you are willing to slow down the process.

I would like instead that damages are 33% and siege progress is 50% (or maybe damage 50%, progress 70%) so that it makes sense to use it. Entrenching should be more cost efficient but take alot more time and that is why they did it in real ACW.

Also, one thing I wonder is, does the defence % affect the casualties? I think it should somewhat because else damaging a fort is pointless if defenders die before it reaches 0%.

This also means cross-strategies evolve where you might first entrench to bring defences down and then switch to normal or aggressive siege later on when defenders have less cover.

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