rtrapasso -> RE: OT: Choices - Sea Of Thunder or Black Shoe Carrier Admiral? (4/21/2007 7:36:21 PM)
Here is the WITP map for comparison (AB's map in this case, however, the standard map is similar) - note that the chain is tilted in comparison to reality, so that the South coast of Guadalcanal has become the "West" coast. If one remembers geography in terms of the game map (as i tend to do), certain distortions creep in! [:-] [:'(] [image]local://upfiles/7543/9863652E8FA04C309C6F8DB41AB657F7.jpg[/image] [image]local://upfiles/7543/D9EA3B2A7F994F689332D6B32097CCC6.jpg[/image]