Giant robots in WW2 (Full Version)

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Terl -> Giant robots in WW2 (4/18/2007 1:36:56 PM)

A fun animation.

Nazi Robot Attack

Marc von Martial -> RE: Giant robots in WW2 (4/18/2007 3:26:28 PM)

Excellent animation short!

Terl -> RE: Giant robots in WW2 (4/18/2007 3:55:33 PM)

The things we find at work [;)] A buddy sent me the link and I had to share. I was surprised how well done it is.

Erik Rutins -> RE: Giant robots in WW2 (4/18/2007 8:00:53 PM)

Outstanding, really enjoyed that. [8D]

Marauders -> RE: Giant robots in WW2 (4/18/2007 8:39:33 PM)

That was really nice.

I wonder why the German mech didn't wreck havoc on the docked ships first.

Hertston -> RE: Giant robots in WW2 (4/18/2007 9:34:34 PM)

Superb! [sm=00000436.gif]

Maliki -> RE: Giant robots in WW2 (4/18/2007 11:06:25 PM)


ORIGINAL: Marauders

That was really nice.

I wonder why the German mech didn't wreck havoc on the docked ships first.

I wonder how it got to Pearl.

Lets not ask ourself's"Why..ask why?" but just enjoy some kick butt animation.That guy does need to make a full half hour or hour episode.I'd lobby any station,cable or basic to carry his work if it kept up the same excitment.The story speaks for itself,.

JeF -> RE: Giant robots in WW2 (4/18/2007 11:24:31 PM)

Very fun stuff indeed.

I just posted on c.s.i.p.g.w-h where I saw it first. I think I'll re-post here as well.


Impressive stuff. Technically. The movie I mean. Good animations,
nice rendering.

Is it me or did I hear a portion of Star Wars score during the first
part of the attack?

Scenario is nice as well, despite the fact that the Nazis seem to have
no other important targets in 1943 than attacking a US Pacific Base,
shooting at ambulances.

It would be good to see this extended and have English, Russian and Italian robots. Just to start with. [;)]


Maliki -> RE: Giant robots in WW2 (4/18/2007 11:38:09 PM)



Very fun stuff indeed.

I just posted on c.s.i.p.g.w-h where I saw it first. I think I'll re-post here as well.


Impressive stuff. Technically. The movie I mean. Good animations,
nice rendering.

Is it me or did I hear a portion of Star Wars score during the first
part of the attack?

Scenario is nice as well, despite the fact that the Nazis seem to have
no other important targets in 1943 than attacking a US Pacific Base,
shooting at ambulances.

It would be good to see this extended and have English, Russian and Italian robots. Just to start with. [;)]


Nazis should only ever shoot at ambulances.It's how people today can understand they are bad guys.

Arctic Blast -> RE: Giant robots in WW2 (4/19/2007 4:51:51 AM)

Wow! Who made that, just an independent? that's incredible!

Only problem...I wanna see the battle with the Samurai Mech!

LitFuel -> RE: Giant robots in WW2 (4/19/2007 5:49:44 AM)

That was great!!!... Thanks for the link, that was better then anything on TV tonight [:D]

The UFO:ET guys should hire Marco!! [8D]

Marauders -> RE: Giant robots in WW2 (4/19/2007 5:56:50 AM)


It would be good to see this extended and have English, Russian and Italian robots. Just to start with.

The French robot would just sit and wait, the English robot would wait offshore, the Russian robot would cut off its own right arm before attacking, and the Italian robot would run away.  These robots are historical representations after all. [;)]

Neilster -> RE: Giant robots in WW2 (4/19/2007 6:04:46 AM)

This may be by the same guy. I can't remember his website though.

Cheers, Neilster

Brigz -> RE: Giant robots in WW2 (4/19/2007 8:15:55 AM)

Very well done. Always was a robot freak. Reminded me of "Sky Captain". Thanks for the entertaining link.

JeF -> RE: Giant robots in WW2 (4/19/2007 8:28:47 AM)


Nazis should only ever shoot at ambulances.It's how people today can understand they are bad guys.

I have to agree, unfortunately.
The second I saw the red cross on screen, I knew it was coming.


Arctic Blast -> RE: Giant robots in WW2 (4/19/2007 11:58:16 PM)


ORIGINAL: Neilster

This may be by the same guy. I can't remember his website though.

Cheers, Neilster

I think his site Actually, from the description he had on there, he worked FIVE YEARS on the Nazi mech animation, and had one previous one which I didn't watch, but looked dinosaur related.

The P51 one was also cool, though...except for the Speak n' spell voices. [:)]

JudgeDredd -> RE: Giant robots in WW2 (4/20/2007 12:29:40 AM)

Enjoyed that!

Terminus -> RE: Giant robots in WW2 (4/20/2007 1:11:16 AM)

Very nice... First time I've seen somebody have their arm ripped off and been beaten to death with it...[:D]

pasternakski -> RE: Giant robots in WW2 (4/20/2007 1:35:52 AM)


ORIGINAL: Terminus

Very nice... First time I've seen somebody have their arm ripped off and been beaten to death with it...[:D]

What - nobody got fed feet first into a wood chipper? How disappointing.

pasternakski -> RE: Giant robots in WW2 (4/20/2007 6:32:19 AM)

They're back...


Neilster -> RE: Giant robots in WW2 (4/20/2007 6:34:02 AM)

She should be wearing overalls.

Actually, lesbians...I love you. I've got all your movies. [:'(]

Cheers, Neilster

pasternakski -> RE: Giant robots in WW2 (4/20/2007 6:53:27 AM)


ORIGINAL: Neilster
Actually, lesbians...I love you. I've got all your movies. [:'(]

Cheers, Neilster


robpost3 -> RE: Giant robots in WW2 (4/20/2007 7:00:57 AM)


Very nice... First time I've seen somebody have their arm ripped off and been beaten to death with it...

Go really B-movie and get your arse kicked with your own foot (leg optional but for cinematic flash it is best to rip leg and foot off).

robpost3 -> RE: Giant robots in WW2 (4/20/2007 7:05:55 AM)



Two lesbians are sitting together talking. One turns to the other and says, "They say 'you are what you eat'. Does that mean I'll be you in the morning?"

Brigz -> RE: Giant robots in WW2 (4/20/2007 7:28:33 AM)


ORIGINAL: pasternakski

They're back...


JEEZUZ!! That's enough to make a guy go Nancy boy.

pasternakski -> RE: Giant robots in WW2 (4/20/2007 7:59:01 AM)


ORIGINAL: Dave Briggs
JEEZUZ!! That's enough to make a guy go Nancy boy.

But will she get your vote?

Brigz -> RE: Giant robots in WW2 (4/20/2007 8:05:25 AM)

They are back!!


robpost3 -> RE: Giant robots in WW2 (4/21/2007 7:57:49 AM)

heres the midget reserve for the 50' batallion


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