Extraneous -> RE: AI for MWiF - China (9/7/2013 11:08:48 AM)
I was working on strategy for China but not having the 2008 WiF Annual (including Factories in Flames) nor whishing to waste my time copying the rule judgments from the WiF Yahoo group. I have therefore concluded that discussion of MWiF strategy without a clear concept of the rules is futile. The WiF Yahoo group is set up by year posted not by subject and there is no subject search. This makes it necessary to read the entire set of entries each time you want to find a rule judgment. Yes you can cut and paste from the site you just need to do more work than should be necessary since it is coded in an attempt to prevent this. Chinese Grand Strategy 24.4.7 The Global war: Sep/Oct 1939 ~ Jul/Aug 1945 Japan has conquered China (east of the 1939 start line) and is aligned with Manchuria and Korea. Chinese Communists control Lan Chow and Sian. See below 22.4.15 Chinese Warlords (PoliF option 71) Cheng-Tu (Warlord) (2-3) Nationalists Chinese Chungking (Warlord) (5-2) Nationalists Chinese Kunming (Warlord) (4-2) Nationalists Chinese Lan-Chow (Warlord) (3-3) Communists Chinese Peking (Warlord) (3-2) Japanese Shanghai (Warlord) (5-3) Japanese Northern China North Temperate Weather Zone (first pair of impulses) Sep/Oct: Fair 60%, Rain 30%, Storm 10%, Snow 10% Nov/Dec: Fair 30%, Rain 20%, Storm 10%, Snow 40%, Blizzard 10% Jan/Feb: Rain 20%, Storm 20%, Snow 50%, Blizzard 10% Mar/Apr: Fair 30%, Rain 20%, Storm 20%, Snow 20%, Blizzard 10% May/Jun: Fair 80%, Rain 10%, Storm 10% Jul/Aug: Fair 100% Southern China Northern Monsoon Weather Zone (first pair of impulses) Sep/Oct: Fair 40%, Rain 30%, Storm 30% Nov/Dec: Fair 80%, Rain 20% Jan/Feb: Fair 100% Mar/Apr: Fair 70%, Rain 30% May/Jun: Fair 40%, Rain 30%, Storm 30% Jul/Aug: Fair 10%, Rain 30%, Storm 60% Nationalists Chinese Grand Strategy Nationalists Chinese Force Pools 1x CAV division (0) (1BP 3 Turns): 2nd Cavalry division (1-5) 2x GUN (1) (4BP 3 Turns): 40mm AA (2-3), 57mm AT (2-3) 2x FTR2 (1) (2BP 3 Turns): 2x I-16 (3,0,0,0,4,2), P-36A (3,0,1,0,7,2) 2x LND3 (0) (2BP 3 Turns): SB-2 (2,0,1,1,5), SB-2 (1,0,2,1,5) 1x LND4 (0) (2BP 3 Turns): TB-3 (1,1,2,5,11) Set up Chiang (5-(1)-2) 5x INF (5): 1st Army (5-3), 6th Army (4-3), 8th Army (3-3), 14th Army (4-2), and 17th Army (3-2) 2x CAV (2): 1st Cavalry CAV (3-4), 2nd Cavalry CAV (2-4) 5x MIL (5): Canton MIL (4-2), Chungking MIL (4-3), Kunming MIL (2-2), Peking MIL (3-3), Shanghai MIL (3-2) 2x GARR (2): 13th Army (Res) (3-1), 20th Army (Res) (4-1) 1x INF division (1-3) 1x GUN 1x FTR2 1x Oil Chungking (Warlord) (5-2) Kunming (Warlord) (4-2) Cheng-Tu (Warlord) (2-3) Communist Chinese Grand Strategy The Communists Chinese can only set up west of the 1939 start line within 9 hexes of Si-An or Lan-Chow but not in Nationalist cities. The Communists Chinese are exempt from "Option 40: (Chinese attack weakness)" (see below 11.16.5 Resolving attacks). Communist Chinese Force Pools 3x INF (1) (3BP 2 Turns): 1st Army (5-3), 2nd Army (4-3), 8th Route Army (7-3) 1x MIL (1) (2BP 1 Turn): Lan Chow (4-2), Sian (3-3) 1x CAV (0) (2BP 3 Turns): Cavalry Army CAV (3-4) 1x CAV division (0) (1BP 3 Turns): Cavalry division (1-5) 1x GUN (0) (4BP 3 Turns): 76mm ART (2-3) Set up Mao HQ-I (6-(3)-3) 1x INF 1x MIL 5th Army GARR (4-1) Lan-Chow (Warlord) (3-3) Production If Japan hasn't taken any Chinese resources, factories, or strategically bombed any factories it starts the game producing 4BP. The Chinese player needs to build the Communists Chinese Cavalry Army CAV (3-4) 2BP 3 Turns. quote:
2.5 Control Entities There are 2 geographical entities in the game ~ home countries and territories. Home countries have capital cities, territories do not. A home country consists of every hex that a MAR could reach from the capital of that home country without crossing a red political boundary or entering a hex containing the name of another major power (e.g. all of mainland China including Japanese occupied China is part of the Chinese home nation, but Hainan and Formosa are not). Changing control Control of a hex changes when: * An enemy land unit (except for partisans ~ see 13.1 Partisans (option 46), and supply units ~ see Supply units (MiF option 6)) enters it (the major power entering with the most factors if more than one); or * An island, territory, minor country or major power is conquered (see 13.7.1 Conquest); or * France is declared Vichy (see 17. Vichy France); or * It is a communist Chinese-controlled city entered by a nationalist Chinese land unit or vice versa; or * During the liberation step you return control to the original owner (see 13.7.5 Liberation, reversion). 4.2 Reinforcements Chinese communist units can only arrive as reinforcements in a city controlled by the communist Chinese. Similarly, Nationalist Chinese units can only arrive in a city controlled by the Nationalist Chinese. Chinese MIL may be removed from the force pool when the other faction controls their city. 9. Declaring war China may not declare war. 9.4 US entry When attempting to declare war on Germany and/or Italy; -2 if the UK has been conquered. When attempting to declare war on Japan; -2 if China has been conquered. -1 if China hasn’t been conquered but a Japanese unit is in China. +2 if the US fleet is not in Pearl Harbor (see 13.3.2 US entry options, entry option 26). When attempting to declare war on any Axis major power; +3 if you have not yet chosen US entry option 34 - Pass War Appropriations Bill (see 13.3.2 US entry options). 9.5 Neutrality pacts Other major powers Major powers from opposing sides can agree to enter into a neutrality pact during any peace step provided they are not at war with each other. Both the Nationalist and Communist Chinese must agree before China can enter into a neutrality pact. Major powers automatically enter into a neutrality pact when they choose to come to peace (see 13.7.3 Mutual peace). 9.6 Calling out the reserves In every scenario some major powers will already have called out their reserves at the start. The scenario information will tell you which ones have. Japan and China have called out their reserves in every World in Flames scenario - their units’ reserve status is for Days of Decision campaigns. 11.16.5 Resolving attacks Option 40: (Chinese attack weakness) Halve the combat factors of nationalist Chinese land units that are attacking. 13.1 Partisans (option 46) Controlling partisans Partisans in ‘green’ countries are controlled by the major power that controlled their country before it was conquered (or still control it if it isn’t yet conquered). Partisans in China are always communist Chinese units. French partisans are controlled by the Free French unless it is completely conquered, after which they are controlled by the Soviets. 13.5.1 Oil (AfA option 48) You can only use your own oil to flip your units face-up. Even oil controlled by co-operating major powers can’t help. However, communist and nationalist Chinese can use each other’s oil. 13.6.3 Production multiples Option 49: (Hitler’s war) Replace notes (b), (d) and (e) of the Production Multiples Table with: (b) +0.25 to China each turn; (d) +0.25 to the USSR while Germany and the USSR are at war with each other. Using this option, major powers no longer receive a bonus for an in supply enemy unit in their home country, and the USSR no longer receives any bonuses based on the cities they control. 13.6.4 Lend lease Lend lease was a device FDR invented to circumvent US neutrality laws concerning non-involvement in the war. US military goods were “leased” to the other Allies on a deferred payment or return basis (preferably without too many holes in them). To lend lease, you must announce how many build points you are giving during the lending stage (see 5. Lending Stage). You can lend lease any number of build points to or from each major power each turn (exceptions: China and USA ~ see 13.3.2 US entry options and the USSR ~ see 5. Lending Stage). You can lend lease build points and receive them in the same turn (but not to the same major power). Foreign aircraft China may not place US sourced aircraft in its force pools until US entry option 1 (build Chinese aircraft) has been picked. 13.6.5 Building units Limitations You may only build some Chinese and US units after you have chosen US entry options that let you build those units (see 13.3.2 US entry options, entry options 1 Chinese build aircraft and 28 Start strategic bomber production). 13.7.3 Mutual peace Two major powers at war can agree to come to peace on any terms mutually acceptable (except for transferring units). Both the nationalist and communist Chinese must agree before China can come to peace. A neutrality pact is then in place between the parties. 13.7.5 Liberation When China is liberated, the liberator may choose to revert each Chinese hex to the Communist or the Nationalist Chinese (some to one and some to the other). Reversion You can return a hex or minor country you control to the major power that controlled it in 1939 during any liberation step. You may revert Chinese hexes to either the Communists or Nationalists. You can also return control of a minor country hex to that minor country. You can only return hexes or minor countries to a major power or minor country that is on your side and is not currently completely conquered. 18.1 Who can co-operate 13. Chinese nationalist and communist units don’t co-operate. 14. Partisans co-operate with units from their own country only. Chinese partisans only co-operate with Chinese communist units. 18.2 Not co-operating Units that don’t co-operate cannot: 1. stack in the same hex, at any time that stacking limits apply; or 2. transport each other’s units; or 3. draw supply from a source controlled by the other; or 4. reorganise each other; or 5. be committed to any combat or mission that the other unit is, or will be, involved in this step. This doesn’t apply to naval air or naval air interception missions. Foreign troop commitments A major power or minor country unit that ends any step in the home country of a friendly major power it doesn’t co-operate with is destroyed unless: • it started the step there; or • it started the step elsewhere and the unit satisfies the foreign troop commitment limit. A minor country unit that ends any step in the home country of an aligned minor country on the same side is destroyed unless: • it started the step there; or • it started the step elsewhere and the unit satisfies the foreign troop commitment limit. You satisfy the foreign troop commitment limit if there is at least one HQ from the unit’s home country there (any Commonwealth HQ will do for Commonwealth units) and the total number of that country’s non-HQ units there is less than or equal to the total printed reorganisation values of the HQs. But you can do this Units that don’t co-operate are not otherwise limited. In particular, they can: 1. occupy the same section of a sea-box; 2. take part in the same naval combat; 3. take part in the same convoy chain (unless neutral); 4. lend resources to each other; 5. trace supply through territory controlled by each other; and 6. enter hexes controlled by each other outside their major power home countries. You may of course only enter territory controlled by another major power on your side if that major power agrees. 20. Chinese communists The Soviet player always controls the Chinese communist units and their activities count against Soviet activity limits. Partisans in China are always Chinese communist units. However, Nationalist and Communist Chinese units go into the same force pools. They are built by the Nationalist player but he or she has no choice whether to produce nationalist or communist units. Apart from the above (and the placement of reinforcements ~ see 4.2 Reinforcements), Communist and Nationalist Chinese count as one major power for all purposes (e.g. they can’t be conquered separately, declaring war on them is only one US entry effect, etc.). 21. Stilwell Stilwell is a nationalist Chinese HQ. However, he is also treated as a US HQ for some purposes. His HQ symbol is filled in with ‘US green’ to mark this. Stilwell counts as a US HQ for foreign troop commitment purposes (see 18.2 Not co-operating), so his presence in China allows the US player to send up to 2 US units to China. He also counts as a secondary supply source for US units (and units that can co-operate with US units). These units are in supply through Stilwell if he can trace a railway supply path back to a Nationalist Chinese supply source. AfA option 48: Chinese controlled oil resources may reorganize face-down US units in China if they can trace a supply path (of unlimited length) back to Stilwell. 22.4.15 Chinese Warlords (PoliF option 71) The Chinese warlord units represent forces loyal to one particular Warlord in China rather than the central Government. Each warlord unit has a city stated on the front of the counter. This is the warlord’s home city. All Warlord units set up in every game on their home city and are controlled by the major power controlling the city. Warlord units whose home city is controlled by the communist player are considered Communist units. If their city is Nationalist controlled, they are Nationalist units. Warlord units are treated like any other unit for all purposes except that no unit may move nor advance after combat more than 2 hexes from its home city. They can attack from that 2nd hex to a hex where they could not move to, but could not advance after combat. If forced to retreat from combat, the attacker must attempt to retreat them in such a way that they remain within 2 hexes of their city. However, if this is not possible, the unit is destroyed instead. Destroyed warlord units return to the owner’s force like any other unit and may be rebuilt as usual. When they arrive as reinforcements, warlord units arrive in their home city. When a warlord’s home city is conquered (or captured by the other Chinese faction), the warlord unit is immediately removed from the game, even before other combats are resolved (and ones that would have included their units). Warlord units not currently in the game may be added to the force pools of the major power that controls their home city during any production step and may be built from this turn onwards. 24.1.6 Setting up Where to set up When setting up the Chinese, you set up the Nationalists first. The Communists are then set up. They may not be set up in a Nationalist occupied hex. All units must conform to stacking limits after set up (see 2.3 Stacking). Chinese communist units can only arrive as reinforcements in a city controlled by the communist Chinese. Similarly, Nationalist Chinese units can only arrive in a city controlled by the Nationalist Chinese. Chinese MIL may be removed from the force pool when the other faction controls their city. quote:
13.3.2 US entry options 1. Chinese build aircraft (Ja) (There is a 30% chance a USA (Ja) entry pool chit will be moved to the USA (Ja) tension pool) You must choose this entry option before China can build any aircraft unit. 9. Resources to China (Ja) (There is a 40% chance a USA (Ja) entry pool chit will be moved to the USA (Ja) tension pool) Allied major powers can’t give resources to China until you choose this entry option. In future turns, each major power can give up to 5 resources a turn (no limit once that major power is at war with Japan). The US can use its convoy points to transport resources to China from the USA. Choosing this entry option opens the Burma Road. It then counts as a railway for moving resources and build points (only) into China (not out). The scenario information (see 24 Re-open Burma Road) will tell you whether the Burma Road starts the game open or closed. 17. Lend lease to China (Ja) (There is a 50% chance that a USA (Ja) entry pool chit will be moved to the USA (Ja) tension pool) Each Allied major power can give up to 5 build points a turn to China (see 13.6.4 Lend lease). The US can use its convoy points to transport build points to China from the USA. This entry option can only be chosen if you have already chosen USA entry option 9 Resources to China. 24. Re-open Burma Road (Ja) (There is a 40% chance that a USA (Ja) entry pool chit will be moved to the USA (Ja) tension pool) If the Burma Road was closed by political pressure (not military control), it is re-opened when you choose this entry option. 28. Start strategic bomber production (either) the USA plays this against either (Ge/It) entry pool and tension pool or (Ja) entry pool and tension pool (There is a 50% chance that a USA entry pool chit will be moved to the USA tension pool) The US can’t produce 4-turn LNDs until this entry option is chosen. quote:
13.3.3 US entry actions 4. China conquered (Not by surrender) (3 USA entry chits and 50% chance that another being added to the USA (Ja) entry pool) 6. Japan forces closure of Burma Road (There is a 50% chance a USA entry chit will be added to the USA (Ja) entry pool) The Burma Road is one way that the Allies can transport resources (see 13.3.2 US entry options, entry option 9. Resources to China) and build points (entry option 17. Lend lease to China) to China. The Axis can close it by physical occupation but Japan can also close it by diplomatic pressure on the Commonwealth. If Japan does this, an Allied major power can’t transport resources or build points to China via the Burma Road or French Indo-China until it is at war with Japan or the USA chooses US entry option 24. Re-open Burma Road. China can still use the road to transport its own resources. You only have to roll a die for diplomatic closure of the Burma Road, not for physical closure. 10. Japan occupies Chinese city: (40% chance a USA entry chit will be added to the USA (Ja) entry pool) Each time a Japanese controlled land unit occupies (or reoccupies) a Chinese controlled city in China, there is the possibility of an outrage like the rape of Nanking occurring, an atrocity that the USA public finds out about. You do not roll for cities controlled by the Japanese as a result of a Chinese surrender. quote:
Activity limits: All major powers (including the units of their aligned minor countries) during their impulse Unlimited Declarations of war Unlimited Naval air interception missions Unlimited Shore bombardment Unlimited Ground support missions Unlimited Headquarters reorganization Unlimited TRS re-supply These missions occur during every air mission except re-base, naval air and naval air interception -- Unlimited Combat air patrol missions -- Unlimited Escorting aircraft missions -- Unlimited Intercepting aircraft missions All major powers (including the units of their aligned minor countries) during an enemy impulse Unlimited Combat air patrol missions Unlimited Escorting aircraft missions Unlimited Intercepting aircraft missions Unlimited Naval movement only when a unit’s base is overrun (see 11.11.6 Overruns). Unlimited Naval interception missions Unlimited Naval combat only in sea areas your opponent moved a unit into, and only if they did not try to initiate combat there. Unlimited Naval air interception missions Unlimited Shore bombardment if you are playing with defensive shore bombardment - see 11.16.2 Shore bombardment. Unlimited Ground support missions Unlimited Re-base aircraft missions only when a unit’s base is overrun (see 11.11.6 Overruns). quote:
Nationalists Chinese activity limits: Naval action No Rail movement Unlimited Naval movements (a naval movement is the movement of 1 task force - see 11.4 Naval movement) -- Naval moves -- Naval Embarkation -- Naval transport -- Naval combats No Land movements -- Land moves -- Paradrop -- Unlimited Debarkation (units transported directly into port debark with no land movement cost) No Land attacks -- Land attack -- Invasions -- Paradrop 1x Air missions (an air mission is the flight of 1 aircraft unit) -- Port attacks -- Naval air missions -- Strategic bombardment missions -- Ground strike missions -- Paradrop this is only possible if your ATRs are carrying units of a co-operating major power that chose a land or combined action. -- Air transport missions -- Re-base aircraft missions -- Air re-supply missions Air action 1x Rail movement (You can only rail aircraft units) it costs 1-4 rail moves to move 1 unit depending on the distance moved, see 11.10 Rail movement. No Naval movements (a naval movement is the movement of 1 task force - see 11.4 Naval movement) -- Naval moves -- Unlimited Embarkation only if a co-operating major power (that chose a naval or combined action) embarks your unit. -- Naval transport -- Unlimited Naval combats No Land movements -- Land moves -- Invasions -- Paradrop -- Debarkation No Land attacks -- Land attack -- Invasions -- Paradrop Unlimited Air missions (an air mission is the flight of 1 aircraft unit) -- Port attacks -- Naval air missions -- Strategic bombardment missions -- Ground strike missions -- Paradrop this is only possible if your ATRs are carrying units of a co-operating major power that chose a land or combined action. -- Air transport missions -- Re-base aircraft missions -- Air re-supply missions Land action 1x Rail movement (You can only rail land units or factories) it costs 1-4 rail moves to move 1 unit depending on the distance moved, see 11.10 Rail movement. No Naval movements (a naval movement is the movement of 1 task force - see 11.4 Naval movement) -- Naval moves -- Unlimited Embarkation only if a co-operating major power (that chose a naval or combined action) embarks your unit. -- Naval transport -- Naval combat (this does not deny your naval units that stayed at sea from a previous impulse the ability to make enemy naval units fight their through) Unlimited Land movement -- Land moves (a land move is the movement of 1 land unit - see 11.11 Land movement) -- Invasions (each Invasion counts as 1x Land movement) -- Paradrop (each Paradrop counts as 1x Land movement) -- Debarkation Unlimited Land attacks (a land attack is an attack against 1 enemy stack by any number of units - see 11.16 Land combat). -- Land attack -- Invasions (each Invasion counts as 1x Land Attack) -- Paradrop (each Paradrop counts as 1x Land Attack) 1x Air missions (an air mission is the flight of 1 aircraft unit) -- Port attacks -- Naval air missions -- Strategic bombardment missions -- Ground strike missions -- Paradrop (each unit that Paradrops counts as 1x Air mission) -- Air transport missions -- Re-base aircraft missions -- Air re-supply missions Combined action 1x Rail movement (You can rail land units, factories, or aircraft units) it costs 1-4 rail moves to move 1 unit depending on the distance moved, see 11.10 Rail movement. 1x Naval movements (a naval movement is the movement of 1 task force - see 11.4 Naval movement) -- Naval moves -- Unlimited Embarkation -- Unlimited Naval transport -- Unlimited Naval combat 2x Land movement -- Land moves (a land move is the movement of 1 land unit - see 11.11 Land movement) -- Invasions (each Invasion counts as 1x Land movement) -- Paradrop (each unit that Paradrops counts as 1x Land movement) -- Debarkation 1x Land attack (a land attack is an attack against 1 enemy stack by any number of units - see 11.16 Land combat) -- Land attack -- Invasions (each Invasion counts as 1x Land Attack) -- Paradrop (each Paradrop counts as 1x Land Attack) 1x Air missions (an air mission is the flight of 1 aircraft unit) -- Port attacks -- Naval air missions -- Strategic bombardment missions -- Ground strike missions -- Paradrop (each unit that Paradrops counts as 1x Air mission) -- Air transport missions -- Re-base aircraft missions -- Air re-supply missions Each unit that Paradrops counts as 1x Air mission and 1x Land movement. Each Paradrop counts as 1x Land attack. quote:
Communist Chinese activity limits: The USSR player always controls the Chinese communist units and their activities count against the USSR activity limits. Partisans in China are always Chinese communist units. The USSR starts the scenario as a neutral major power. quote:
9.1 Neutral major powers A major power is a ‘neutral major power’ if it is not at war with any other major power. If it is at war with at least 1 major power, it’s called an ‘active major power’. Units controlled by a neutral major power can only enter hexes controlled by that major power, by a minor country aligned with it, or by a minor country it is at war with. They can also go to sea. A neutral major power can’t co-operate with any other major power (see 18. Co-operation) Neutral major powers must always pick either a pass or a combined action (exception Germany in 1939 ~ see 10.1 Action types). Each naval unit a neutral major power moves (rather than each task force) counts as 1 naval move - every 5 convoy points counts as a naval unit (SiF option 9: every 2 convoy points (or any spare point) is a naval unit). quote:
USSR activity limits: Naval action No Rail movement Unlimited Naval movements (a naval movement is the movement of 1 task force - see 11.4 Naval movement) -- Naval moves -- Naval Embarkation -- Naval transport -- Naval combats No Land movements -- Land moves -- Paradrop -- Unlimited Debarkation (units transported directly into port debark with no land movement cost) No Land attacks -- Land attack -- Invasions -- Paradrop 1x Air missions (an air mission is the flight of 1 aircraft unit) -- Port attacks -- Naval air missions -- Strategic bombardment missions -- Ground strike missions -- Paradrop this is only possible if your ATRs are carrying units of a co-operating major power that chose a land or combined action. -- Air transport missions -- Re-base aircraft missions -- Air re-supply missions Air action 3x Rail movement (You can only rail aircraft units) it costs 1-4 rail moves to move 1 unit depending on the distance moved, see 11.10 Rail movement. No Naval movements (a naval movement is the movement of 1 task force - see 11.4 Naval movement) -- Naval moves -- Unlimited Embarkation only if a co-operating major power (that chose a naval or combined action) embarks your unit. -- Naval transport -- Unlimited Naval combats No Land movements -- Land moves -- Invasions -- Paradrop -- Debarkation No Land attacks -- Land attack -- Invasions -- Paradrop Unlimited Air missions (an air mission is the flight of 1 aircraft unit) -- Port attacks -- Naval air missions -- Strategic bombardment missions -- Ground strike missions -- Paradrop this is only possible if your ATRs are carrying units of a co-operating major power that chose a land or combined action. -- Air transport missions -- Re-base aircraft missions -- Air re-supply missions Land action 3x Rail movement (You can only rail land units or factories) it costs 1-4 rail moves to move 1 unit depending on the distance moved, see 11.10 Rail movement. No Naval movements (a naval movement is the movement of 1 task force - see 11.4 Naval movement) -- Naval moves -- Unlimited Embarkation only if a co-operating major power (that chose a naval or combined action) embarks your unit. -- Naval transport -- Naval combat (this does not deny your naval units that stayed at sea from a previous impulse the ability to make enemy naval units fight their through) Unlimited Land movement -- Land moves (a land move is the movement of 1 land unit - see 11.11 Land movement) -- Invasions (each Invasion counts as 1x Land movement) -- Paradrop (each Paradrop counts as 1x Land movement) -- Debarkation Unlimited Land attacks (a land attack is an attack against 1 enemy stack by any number of units - see 11.16 Land combat). -- Land attack -- Invasions (each Invasion counts as 1x Land Attack) -- Paradrop (each Paradrop counts as 1x Land Attack) 3x Air missions (an air mission is the flight of 1 aircraft unit) -- Port attacks -- Naval air missions -- Strategic bombardment missions -- Ground strike missions -- Paradrop (each unit that Paradrops counts as 1x Air mission) -- Air transport missions -- Re-base aircraft missions -- Air re-supply missions quote:
Combined action 1x Rail movement (You can rail land units, factories, or aircraft units) it costs 1-4 rail moves to move 1 unit depending on the distance moved, see 11.10 Rail movement. 1x Naval movements (a naval movement is the movement of 1 task force - see 11.4 Naval movement) -- Naval moves -- Unlimited Embarkation -- Unlimited Naval transport -- Unlimited Naval combat 5x Land movement -- Land moves (a land move is the movement of 1 land unit - see 11.11 Land movement) -- Invasions (each Invasion counts as 1x Land movement) -- Paradrop (each unit that Paradrops counts as 1x Land movement) -- Debarkation 2x Land attack (a land attack is an attack against 1 enemy stack by any number of units - see 11.16 Land combat) -- Land attack -- Invasions (each Invasion counts as 1x Land Attack) -- Paradrop (each Paradrop counts as 1x Land Attack) 4x Air missions (an air mission is the flight of 1 aircraft unit) -- Port attacks -- Naval air missions -- Strategic bombardment missions -- Ground strike missions -- Paradrop (each unit that Paradrops counts as 1x Air mission) -- Air transport missions -- Re-base aircraft missions -- Air re-supply missions Each unit that Paradrops counts as 1x Air mission and 1x Land movement. Each Paradrop counts as 1x Land attack. [image]local://upfiles/29440/5002DADC4DDF439CBD9C66A16C5F9797.jpg[/image]