GalacticOrigins -> RE: what to do about CAG counterstrike? (check 3 boxes, for items 1,2,3) (4/26/2007 4:01:22 AM)
Implementing 1b would cause some serious play balance issues and even abuse. Consider, USN 2 CV+2 CAG enter close to IJN 4 CV+4 CAG. USN has 1 FTR on CAP. USN launches a full strike of 2 CAG. Whatever the outcome over the IJN CV group, the IJN cannot launch a conterstrike. USN then retreats the CV group and pulls the FTR back onto an atoll, possibly with Flak+Arty to help keep IJN away on the next turn. This would be a safe way for the USN to attrit the IJN, and there is not much the IJN can do about it. They could, on their counterturn, move ships to chase the US group, but that may not be what they want to do (perhaps the IJN does not want to move that far away from -their- land based air.) 1c and 1d would help stop the trap, but they would also have implications and considerations since the situation could be similar to the above. Also, 2b and 3b are more attempts to stop any counterattack. Taking into account that the WA production is much higher than the Japanese production, all of these changes would eventually lead to an exploit where the USN group could launch counterattacks and the IJN just takes its licks. Therefore, I would have to vote either No Change across all three or an Alternate proposal. So, here is my proposal: since most of this is supposedly Sea Action, the Land Units on either side may have an Intel-based penalty during the counter. Therefore, the FTR units on both sides may have less attack strength in air-air during the counterattack. Likewise, any CAG not based from a CV may have limited sea attacks when countering (these supposedly chase the attackers along with any ship based CAG or FTR CAP). All limitations based on a SIGINT role. Example: Although Henderson Field was instrumental in the battles for Guadalcanal, the SBC's stationed there were not able to participate in all of the CV actions of 1942/3. Sometimes they were close enough to help the Allied Forces and sometimes the sea battles were way too far away for the land based air to make a great contribution. Likewise, the 'betty' bombers based on Rabual had similar limitations. Certainly, both sides were wary of the land based air assets, but at times the sea battles were again not close enough for the land based air. Of course, there are numerous other examples. Basically, the SIGINT alteration would make the land based units sometimes not effective during counterstrikes. This would apply to both the attackers land-based CAP left behind and the incoming defender land-based FTR/CAG that pursues. Of course, if one side launches an attack into a sea area with defending land based air, the defenders should be considered defending the area, including the port, if any. Any defending ships are being sought after, and in the end this SIGINT penalty should not apply to attacks, just counters. (This last paragraph just restates the obvious that the change discussed does not apply to normal attacks, just the counterattacks.) I hope I am clear on this. Thanks, anyway. Oh, btw, I am not certain if the SIGINT would be based on a comparison between the two sides or a random roll based on each side's SIGINT alone. Open to discussion. er, of course, this is a lot of change/coding for just this 'trap', so, maybe the IJN should just do what the AI does when I have 6-7 USN CV+CAG and retreat all the way to the China Coast ...