Stromb -> RE: Vista compatibility ? Because, well, ... (5/5/2007 1:03:08 AM)
Considering that i've checked and updated my drivers a good week ago with all last versions, then i don't see what i can do more but waiting ... That said, in a way, i'm happy to be the only one having trouble with Battlefront on Vista but ... the fact that Matrix Games does not officially support Vista hints that they expect troubles, and the lack of user complaining either here or on SSG forums doesn't implies that there is no users victims of this problem ... Wargamer being what they are (that is cautious amongst others things), i suspect that just a few of them had switch their game station on a new OS. So the probability of bugs showing is less important. By the way, i've made this choice knowing it'll be a source of trouble, but not to this point as problem with games are rising as i install more of them, even if recently it seems to stabilize. Anyway, as even when it's supported you're unsure of the result, i still dream of a day where installing a software on a computer won't be like playing lottery. I know that 20 years is still young for any kind of technology, but in this area, the consumer are "paying" a lot for the troubles.