Walloc -> OT: (5/10/2007 4:40:37 PM)
OT:: be warned. Thinking it over i have been reading some organization theoritical stuff lately. Both OKH and modern US army, in regards to 4th Generation warfare.(4GW) Here is an interesting snip from William S. Lind By William S. Lind Many years ago, a friend of mine who was an aide to the Marine Corps Commandant asked his boss how many Marine generals he thought could command competently in combat. The Commandant came up with six, out of about sixty. That figure of ten percent should not surprise any historian. Militarily competent generals have always been in short supply. One need only think of either side in the American Civil War; as J.F.C. Fuller wrote, the main reason the Federals won is that they came up with two competent generals while the Confederacy had only one. Toward the end of that war, when Confederate President Jefferson Davis selected General Braxton Bragg to command the defense of the South's last remaining port, Wilmington, North Carolina, a Richmond newspaper's headline read, "Bragg sent to Wilmington; Good-bye, Wilmington." http://www.d-n-i.net/lind/lind_archive.htm I was a member of a wargaming sociaty for 10 years. We played alot of napoleaonic miniatures in teams, 5-10 per side. WWII and ACW too. A friend and me spend quiet a amount of time discussing the different players ability. One of the things i found interesting was, how little intelligence seemed to played role in ppls battlefield abiltities. We had ppl who was Ph.Ds, was members of mensa all very very bright and sucecsfull in business and to booth in general nice ppl. That seemed to have no bearing on what the french descripe as coup d'oeil here In Phillippe Thibaut translation: litterally "glance of the eye" (although 'coup' in French has the standard menaing of 'blow', but not in that precise case ...tricky language, guess why nobody wants to learn it...) The meaning in that particular case is roughly that the leader with the right 'coup d'oeil' will quickly spot the important action and location on the battlefield and know what to do / order / react in order to achieve victory... For instance, Napoleon was reknown for having it, as he was able to immediately find the place where the battle would be decided.. I would watch possibly point out to these other wise bright ppl that they we're going to be flanked and if they didnt move xx or react in some way, they would be in trouble, The ppl in question was totally obliviant to the situasion and wouldnt react until it was to late / it alrdy had happend. Things others could see turns / miles away. It intrigues me how promotions are done in real military settings. As in the case of the above by W.S Lind descriped situasion it seems that and this is my speculation that abilties, like leading, being an alpha male, personal connections plays in as much as actual battlefield lead ability. This is ofc human nature to do so. Im not saying that the ablities i descripe isnt importand. Being able to lead having men follow u certainly is. I do wonder tho in if the higher echalons that ppls actual ability to read battlefield situasions and reacting instinticly in the right way isnt just more importand. If we take an example from the ACW. Mcclelland being a prim example. He was both mytical, had the ability to inspire, was a good organizer, but as a battlefield commander i wouldnt intrust him with a Battalion let alone an army. Then ofc come the question can you spot the ability for battlefield management in ppl prio to testing them in RL settings. More so even if they have the ability to act on a battlefield with decisive results. In my own very limited experience i think at leased in cases it can be spotted, for those who certainly doenst have that ability. Possibly also which has the abiltity yo act decisivly. Taken into account is ofc wher i learned this so there naturally is a disclaimer to it. In my own military experience I never got any where near the level where it was of any concern/ i could learn any about the issue. Kind regards, Rasmus P.S back to gaming FoF where i just lost 1st bull run as CSA in the july scn. The first of my newly started Pbem's. I did say my ass was gona get kicked :-)