Prince of Eckmühl -> RE: vista cross of iron (5/16/2007 4:22:08 PM)
I bought an OEM copy of Vista Premium/32-bit, and with it, a license to bitch about M$. I installed it to a blank, 70GB partition on my hard-drive, and now have a dual-boot arrangement into either Vista or WinXP. I've been pretty successful at getting legacy software to run, but it's almost always a hassle. And I'm not talking about more exotic stuff like ten-year old wargames, either, but up-to-date apps like Adobe Reader. WHENEVER I go to install or run software, I end up on Google, searching for a "work-around" to the inevitable issue that will arise during the process. It's worth noting, though, that some stuff simply won't run at all, peripherals, printers, cameras and the like. Having experimented with the OS for about a month, I've pretty much written it off for now. It's certainly not like going from Win9x to WinXP, in an evolutionary sense. LOL, its more like going from DOS to Win9x: The interface is slick but, in 1995, there were no games for it. DirectX hadn't even been invented yet! I boot into it about once a week, and play one of the two new games that are included, Mahjong Titans. The game has a bug in it such that tiles sometimes become unresponsive to mouse inputs. My, oh my! PoE (aka ivanmoe)