Which scenario ? (Full Version)

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Zakouski -> Which scenario ? (5/30/2007 4:11:24 PM)

I'm about to start a PBem game with a friend. We're both "green" at FoF, but seasoned wargamers.. So which scenario should we choose to have the most interesting game ?

Thanks for your advices. [:)]

Erik Rutins -> RE: Which scenario ? (5/30/2007 4:17:21 PM)

I would go with one of the two historical scenarios, with whichever player you think is more skilled taking the CSA. Coming Fury is probably the hardest for the CSA, Southern Steel is slightly easier but both are a real challenge for the Confederate player and also offer the closest experience to the historical war.

If you want a more forgiving scenario for the CSA player to learn on, try Coming Fury (Balanced). The most challenging scenario for the Union player is the Standard Campaign.

Zakouski -> RE: Which scenario ? (5/30/2007 6:06:43 PM)

Thanks for the answer. Will try Coming Fury (balanced) so both of us may have fun while learning. 

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