Man the defenses! Incoming UFO: Extraterrestrials Update! (Full Version)

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SeanD -> Man the defenses! Incoming UFO: Extraterrestrials Update! (6/2/2007 8:52:17 AM)

Matrix Games and Tri Synergy ( are pleased to announce the release of the first update for the acclaimed turn-based/real time strategy blend, UFO: Extraterrestrials. The update file is eliminates a number of gameplay issues and adds some convenient new features.

  • There is an increase of the selling price for most equipment the player can manufacture or capture.
  • Autosaving is now possible before each mission and the start of every month.
  • UFO: Extraterrestrials can now be played in more resolutions (1024x768 and higher)
  • Windowed mode is now supported.
  • Tactical mode is animated smoother and is greatly enhanced by a variety of useful new hotkeys and available settings (like movement speed for units or scrolling speed).
  • Extensive hotkey support for both real time and tactical modes.

UFO: Extraterrestrials is a futuristic real-time/turn-based strategy blend set on the fictional planet of Esperanza in 2025. Having made a bloody first contact with a strange form of life from another planet, the player is thrust into the tough position of leading the defense of this isolated planet against the never-ending assault of these hostile invaders. To accomplish this, the player will have at their disposal squads of soldiers, light and heavy support combat vehicles, robots and air units located in bases throughout the Esperanza.

Only through controlling the skies with intense real-time fighter-to-fighter combat and utilizing tactical-level factors like terrain and cover will the player win fierce battles and, eventually, the war against the immutable malevolence that is this alien onslaught!

Jetau -> RE: Man the defenses! Incoming UFO: Extraterrestrials Update! (6/2/2007 10:06:20 AM)

OK, great, but where's the actual link to the download?

Kloreep -> RE: Man the defenses! Incoming UFO: Extraterrestrials Update! (6/2/2007 10:12:09 AM)

Someone on the CC forums pointed out that it's in the same directory as the readme. :) I can get the specific link, hang on...

Here it is:

Jetau -> RE: Man the defenses! Incoming UFO: Extraterrestrials Update! (6/2/2007 10:38:24 AM)

Cheers [:)]

PDiFolco -> RE: Man the defenses! Incoming UFO: Extraterrestrials Update! (6/2/2007 1:27:42 PM)

Does this patch work with the European Gamersgate version ? I suppose no (cause Matrix patches usually require a Matrix serial), but I can still ask ! [:D]

dbt1949_slith -> RE: Man the defenses! Incoming UFO: Extraterrestrials Update! (6/2/2007 3:47:53 PM)

I'm keeping my fingers crossed it works with my saved game.

SeanD -> RE: Man the defenses! Incoming UFO: Extraterrestrials Update! (6/2/2007 7:52:11 PM)

Another easy way to update is to click the "Update" button the main menu (the one that pops up BEFORE you enter the actual game). This will automatically detect if there are any available update files and install them for you. It's as easy a pie.

You can also get the update from here:

rmielech -> RE: Man the defenses! Incoming UFO: Extraterrestrials Update! (6/2/2007 9:26:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: dbt1949

I'm keeping my fingers crossed it works with my saved game.

If you're using a mod beware. Mine wouldn't load a save game with the patch.

dbt1949_slith -> RE: Man the defenses! Incoming UFO: Extraterrestrials Update! (6/2/2007 9:42:05 PM)

I'm using the plain vanilla version and it works fine with my old saved games.
As I've been busy recovering downed alien craft and now attacking their base I haven't noticed the updates except for the hotkeys which I'm happy with. And they move around faster speeding up the recovery missions.

jimwinsor -> RE: Man the defenses! Incoming UFO: Extraterrestrials Update! (6/3/2007 1:53:09 AM)

I had to reinstall the original vanilla, but as I've become somewhat unenchanted with the death option recently, this was fine by me.

Scott_WAR -> RE: Man the defenses! Incoming UFO: Extraterrestrials Update! (6/4/2007 12:02:20 AM)

Really need to fix the crash that some are getting when they throw a grenade.

ShoHashi -> RE: Man the defenses! Incoming UFO: Extraterrestrials Update! (6/5/2007 1:28:51 AM)


Really need to fix the crash that some are getting when they throw a grenade. I said in another thread before, I am still getting this crash.  Really I get far in the game, toss a grenade and bam...crash!  I'm willing to help track it down if someone tells me what they need.


Mister B -> RE: Man the defenses! Incoming UFO: Extraterrestrials Update! (7/3/2007 7:12:00 AM)

Okay, so perhaps I'm a dolt, but where can we find a list of the hotkeys that were implemented with the patch?

curtfred -> RE: Man the defenses! Incoming UFO: Extraterrestrials Update! (7/18/2007 6:59:31 PM)

Not sure but I think there is a readme file with the patch

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