Coming to a new SPWAW version near you? (Full Version)

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Infanterie -> Coming to a new SPWAW version near you? (9/1/2000 1:50:00 AM)

The ability to choose what type of ammo to fire. Its a shame to waste those precious HEAT rounds on a sniper, for instance! [img][/img] I didn't find this one on the list of new improvements in 3.0 (maybe I just missed it), but I hope its there... at least in the next update, then? [img][/img] -Inf

Paul Vebber -> (9/1/2000 2:04:00 AM)

Nope not in there. The level of game (as a battalion or regiment commander) makes that level of "micromanagement" inappropriate in most circumstances. Not saying it will never happen...

Drake666 -> (9/1/2000 2:22:00 AM)

From what I have see the computer handels ammo better then the real life crews of the time. It will only use HE rounds against infantry and saves the Heat rounds only for armour units and no time is ever wasted loading the rong ammo type. The crews of the time would often load the rong ammo and have to wast time reloading or they would just have to fire what they had loaded.

Infanterie -> (9/1/2000 2:35:00 AM)


Originally posted by Drake666: From what I have see the computer handels ammo better then the real life crews of the time. It will only use HE rounds against infantry and saves the Heat rounds only for armour units and no time is ever wasted loading the rong ammo type. The crews of the time would often load the rong ammo and have to wast time reloading or they would just have to fire what they had loaded.
Dang, you are precisely right, Drake. My mistake, should've been paying more attention. It seems that in the heat of the battle my observations were not completely accurate. [img][/img] Nevertheless, I'd still love to see the option available. The last part of Paul's reply sure fired my imagination... And yes, I don't mind micromanaging at all, as far as wargaming is concerned. [img][/img]

Rover -> (9/1/2000 2:35:00 AM)

Wow Drake... maybe that's a setting we need for more realism. Just a thought anyway.

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