Something Missing? (Full Version)

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S Gerät -> Something Missing? (6/5/2007 3:55:08 PM)

Just downloaded the games, and it's great to have them back again...but something seems to be missing. Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but there was a late add-on for EFII which had a bunch of new scenarios and two or three new linked campaign games (one was Kursk, another featured the Maus). As far as I can tell, these have not been included. An oversight?

Jarexx -> RE: Something Missing? (6/5/2007 4:25:45 PM)

"Fall Of The Reich" was the EFII add-on not sure if its included in the new version tho?

JudgeDredd -> RE: Something Missing? (6/5/2007 4:40:43 PM)


Also included in this compilation, which has never before been available for sale, is the ”Fall of the Reich” official expansion for East Front II!

From the game website

Jason Petho -> RE: Something Missing? (6/5/2007 4:46:38 PM)

Bizarre, it is supposed to be there.

Jason Petho

S Gerät -> RE: Something Missing? (6/5/2007 5:05:01 PM)

Yeah, "Fall of the Reich", that was it. I just checked again, and it's definitely not included.....have to put it in a patch, I guess...

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