ravinhood -> RE: If this isn't BS I don't know what is BS...Paris Hilton goes home!! (6/9/2007 1:52:21 AM)
ORIGINAL: andym Well shes back in Jail,dragged screaming "its not fair" as she was taken away to serve the rest of her sentence behind Bars! http://tv.yahoo.com/news/article/urn:newsml:tv.ap.org:20070608:paris_hilton__ER Well, good for that, I was beginning to wonder what our country had come to. But, I'd still like to see her have to shack up with the rest of the riff raff in there. ;)~~~ I can see some big ole street mama come over to her now saying. "Gimme your shoes honey, then gimme everything else you got" (licking her lips in anticipation) lol Also, I don't know why, but, I expect to see some movie made out of this. She'll probably commit suicide, her fans will go crazy and riot even to the point of attacking the judge, all hell will break lose and then the big earthquake of the century will happen along the fault line. ;) EDIT: Also clue me in on Monica Gooding, see, I don't know squat about her, she's not in the news like this piss ant Paris.