blastpop -> 2nd Battle of the Coral Sea (6/9/2007 7:46:07 PM)
Playing the Americans I chose to do the historical scenario. In my position, the best approach was NOT to fight the Japanese heads up. Consequently I went to the south West and would hug the Australian coast. In that way I may be able to catch a portion of the Japanese fleet unawares. Additionally it would allow me to use the assets of Moresby and Cooktown to help recon and strike the Japanese if they decided to come into my pool to play. [:)] I used the Tangier to head to the Tulagi area as a possible diversion. As play was undertaken a Japanese sub managed to put a tin fish into the Tangier only lightly damaging her. Once the Americans reached the Australian coast (day 3 or 4) and heading North the surface TF was sent into the van by about 100 miles to search and seek the Japanese. This managed to draw Japanese airstrikes, sinking surface TG 17.3. The Japanese took the bait and at days end launched full strikes onto the Japanese Carrier Force. Nicely, land base bombers also appeared striking both the Japanese main fleet and one of the Japanese cruiser forces. They managed to damage the Kinugasa and a destroyer. Unfortunately my carrier strikes failed to find any Imperial Japanese Naval targets and the Japanese landed some forces at Moresby. I immediately headed south at flank speed through the next few hours to shake any Japanese until it was about 11PM. At flank speed I headed North to catch the Japanese at dawn, at approx 8AM I attacked the Japanese Carrier forces. My attacks damaged the Shokaku, Zuikaku, Myoko and a destroyer. I was estatic. But retaliation was on the way... Heading south at flank speed the Japanese hit the Yorktown lightly, my cap and flak keeping further damage from occuring. With about two days left and my air forces suffering from extended action, I broke off contact and sent my forces to port in Noumea on the other side of the map. Likewise my recon showed the Japanese leaving too. When the battle ended, the Japanese scored a Marginal Victory. Nicely the Yorktown must have repaired in port as the Japanese scored no points for her. Not a victory for me but a moral one for sure! Kept both my Carriers intact and damaged the Japanese fleet line carriers. The Japanese seeing the American skill wonder if the Midway invasion may be a mistake and decide to put it off all together, prefering to turn turtle sooner than planned with all her carriers floating... Fantastic scenario, maybe the best in the game!