Gettysburg - the film (Full Version)

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LuckyCJS1001 -> Gettysburg - the film (6/12/2007 12:26:21 AM)

Has anyone any opinions on the film 'Gettysburg' with Martin Sheen as Lee and Tom Beringer in ?

I seem to recall watching it years ago and although I knew nothing about the battle other than it was a turning point in the war, it was bloody awful.

But having bought FoF and some books on the war I feel I should give it another chance. Sort of ignore the hammy acting and just focus on the history.

Question is does it reflect what historically happened ?


anarchyintheuk -> RE: Gettysburg - the film (6/12/2007 12:36:34 AM)

Give it another chance, just don't rely on it for historical accuracy. I could only watch it once, the fake beard fest became unbearable. Berenger's in particular is a crime against wardrobe.

The movie underplays Lee's illness during the battle (a crippling case of the scoots that, let's face it, would be difficult to work into the screenplay) and overplays the fact that Lee was missing Stuart and his cavalry. Stuart actually only had 3 of the ANV's 7 cavalry brigades with him.

Its been along time since I've seen the movie, so I'm sure there are other problems as well as it being "bloody awful".

jkBluesman -> RE: Gettysburg - the film (6/12/2007 12:54:40 AM)

It very muched helped to change the image of Longstreet (Tom Berenger) in popular mind as he is more or less a hero in the movie and not the scapegoat for the Southern defeat.
Certain aspects are very historical. Some dialouges were taken from primary sources (whether reliable or not is a different question). So it might be worth to watch it again after reading the books. Which did you read by the way?

Ironclad -> RE: Gettysburg - the film (6/12/2007 1:08:25 AM)

Since its based on a work of fiction (which I haven't read) I suppose we can't expect it to be fully accurate. The heroes are clearly Chamberlain and Longstreet (the all knowing). Sheen does his best (not ideal to play Lee) but some of the lines he is given don't help - all that about this being the last battle. I don't think there is any reference to Vicksburg or the west.

LuckyCJS1001 -> RE: Gettysburg - the film (6/12/2007 1:15:41 AM)

So far this one:

Good maps and for a complete novice it offers a good overview of the war. Not one for an in depth study of individual battles but it made me realize that playing without the things like 'Advanced Supply, Governers and Generals' you are not really gaming the war.

Might make it easier but then if I wanted Risk I would go buy it. :-)

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freeboy -> RE: Gettysburg - the film (6/12/2007 1:24:00 AM)


Drex -> RE: Gettysburg - the film (6/12/2007 1:45:10 AM)

Did anyone notice how close Jeff Daniels comes to being a lookalike to Joshua Chamberlain? I purchased Chamberlain's "Passing of the Armies" with his likeness as a youthful hero and darned if it isn't Jeff Daniels.

Yogi the Great -> RE: Gettysburg - the film (6/12/2007 1:52:24 AM)

Personally I think it is a great film, one of the best of all time.  It is based on Killer Angels so historical accuracy beyond that is not to be expected.  Great depection of characters however and if you're into leadership styles, you can almost use it as a training tool.  Also a very moving and inspirational film.

I've watched it many times and will do so many more over the rest of my life.

Bbauska -> RE: Gettysburg - the film (6/12/2007 2:11:10 AM)

My biggest problem with the film "Gettysburg" is that the actor that plays Pickett plays Jackson in "Gods and Generals"

Gil R. -> RE: Gettysburg - the film (6/12/2007 2:22:21 AM)

I hated Tom Berenger's beard. Looks like it came from a Halloween costume shop.

Johnus -> RE: Gettysburg - the film (6/12/2007 3:04:07 AM)

The Novel: The Killer Angels, by Michael Shaara, is a classic. He won a Pulitzer Prize for it and it is my favorite war novel by far. If you have not read it, you must. You will not be disappointed.

I'm not a movie critic, but I've viewed the movie many times. It tracks the novel faithfully. I enjoy the re-enactments and the portrayals of Lee and Longstreet. I never noticed anything odd about Berenger's beard. I think some of the actual hairdo's and beards of the Victorian era did indeed look fake. Check out the pictures of Stanton's beard in Team of Rivals, by Doris Kearns Goodwin.

dude -> RE: Gettysburg - the film (6/12/2007 4:03:05 AM)

I have to admit to really liking the movie... but then I don't know the battle of Gettysburg down to the last minute.... or smallest detail... For someone who looks at it as more of an overview... I think it does a pretty good job.  As for the hairdoos.... have you ever really seen photo's of the era?  I think they all looked fake back then!

(of course I have to admit too that my job in the army years ago was as a terrain analyst so I love the aspect of the movie that concentrates on the "good ground" aspect...[:D]  terrain played such a vital part of this battle and I think they capture that well.  [and terrain can be such a key in FoF's detailed combat too [;)] just thought I'd bring FoF back into this somehow.])

How many of you caught Ted Turner dieing when crossing the fence line on Picketts charge? (he's the guy yelling..."Let's go boys..." and then promptly gets shot.  (His character was actually Col. Patton... George S. Patton Jr's Uncle.... (This is pointed out in the extra stuff somewhere on the DVD.)


Drex -> RE: Gettysburg - the film (6/12/2007 5:01:57 AM)

I gotta see it again just to pick out Ted Turner now. I knew Pattons forebearers were in the Civil War but didn't know he was shot at Gettysburg.

LuckyCJS1001 -> RE: Gettysburg - the film (6/12/2007 8:42:47 AM)

Think I'll get it.

Don't know what happened to my post above - second time the it has happened on the Matrix forums.

jkBluesman -> RE: Gettysburg - the film (6/12/2007 11:11:15 AM)

If you would like to read more about the battle, the preparations and the fighting on both sides, try Stephen W. Sears "Gettysburg". It starts with the planing for the campaign and tells very accurate how both sides stumpled into battle.

Walloc -> RE: Gettysburg - the film (6/12/2007 3:42:16 PM)

I can recommend:
The Gettysburg Campaign. A study in command. By Edwin B Coddington.

It isnt the newest book on the block, but does a very good job of getting into the heads of the different commanders and goes a long way into descriping the way of thinking militarily in the periode. While at same time giving a good overview of the campaign.

Kind regards,


dude -> RE: Gettysburg - the film (6/12/2007 5:14:39 PM)



I gotta see it again just to pick out Ted Turner now. I knew Pattons forebearers were in the Civil War but didn't know he was shot at Gettysburg.

Don't expect much.. his performace is pretty bad... even for just three words..[:D]

fortdick -> RE: Gettysburg - the film (6/12/2007 5:37:54 PM)

I hated the way they portrayed Lee.  First, Sheen is an anti-war liberal, and I was offended with him playing the part.  Secondly, they made Lee seem indecisive and weak.  The entire purpose of the Pennsylvania campaigh was to draw the AotP into the open for a fight.  Lee may have misjudged the situation, but he knew what he was doing.

Also, the did not explain well enough Ewell's hesitation in attacking the union right.  Or that, had Jackson been alive, the battle could have been won the first day.  The movie had a definate union slant.

Yogi the Great -> RE: Gettysburg - the film (6/12/2007 6:26:01 PM)


ORIGINAL: fortdick

I hated the way they portrayed Lee.  First, Sheen is an anti-war liberal, and I was offended with him playing the part.  Secondly, they made Lee seem indecisive and weak.  The entire purpose of the Pennsylvania campaigh was to draw the AotP into the open for a fight.  Lee may have misjudged the situation, but he knew what he was doing.

Also, the did not explain well enough Ewell's hesitation in attacking the union right.  Or that, had Jackson been alive, the battle could have been won the first day.  The movie had a definate union slant.

I respectfully disagree:

1) Personally I can't stand Sheen as a person or his political views, but I thought his performance in Gettysburg was good.

2) I may watch on a different level, but Lee was not portrayed as indecisive and weak at all, in fact just the opposite.

3) It is based on the book not the full battle of Gettysburg

4) I thought both sides are portrayed with respect and honor. Since the union won the battle as in real life - I suppose you could say there was a union slant.

5) I think if you look at any movie on any battle you will be able to find historical inaccuracy and bias in the presentation. All points can't be covered. Much of the fighting was never portrayed in the movie (or book) as it concentrated on the first contact, little round top and Picketts charge. I would have loved to see more for sure. But as a movie goes, this one was quite good.

wzh55 -> RE: Gettysburg - the film (6/12/2007 6:52:11 PM)

All I can ask is.....Is there a better Civil War movie out there?  If so, tell me!
I have seen Gods & Generals (religious fanaticism at its best/worst), and Glory. Plus all the John Wayne movies, ha.  Anyone remember The Blue and the Grey that was a TV mini-series? Any good?  How about The Blue and the Grey PC game from the 80's?  Strolling down nostalgia lane.

Gil R. -> RE: Gettysburg - the film (6/12/2007 7:29:12 PM)

Me, I'm partial to "Gone With The Wind," but I do like "Gettysburg" quite a lot, despite Longstreet's ten-cent beard. Once I get past the beard, it's a very good movie.

sirduke_slith -> RE: Gettysburg - the film (6/12/2007 7:57:50 PM)

Personally i think that gettysburg is a superb movie despites obvious errors in costumes and historical accuracy.  Despite these there are many good aspects to the film.  I think Sheen was a very good choice for Lee (my opinion of course)  but one thing i would have changed was cutting some of the harrison senes and shorten chamberlains role in the battle, one colonel out of some four hundred colonels in the AOP is not that important.  They could have used this extra time to show in more detail the many different engagments that took place (exs. wheatfield, culps hill, etc...)

Drex -> RE: Gettysburg - the film (6/12/2007 8:10:44 PM)

They should have made a trilogy: a film for each day. Still could be done for TV.

dude -> RE: Gettysburg - the film (6/12/2007 9:36:55 PM)



They should have made a trilogy: a film for each day. Still could be done for TV.

Actually it was supose to be part of a trilogy... "Gettysburg", "Gods & Generals", and "Last Full Measure"... I didn't know that when Gettysburg came out but when I watched the DVD for G&G a couple of years ago I noted someplace on the disk it mentioned the trilogy.


Drex -> RE: Gettysburg - the film (6/12/2007 10:12:02 PM)

Well, I meant the battle of Gettysburg itself could be the subject of a trilogy. Certainly each day has enough action to fill a couple of hours of film.

spruce -> RE: Gettysburg - the film (6/12/2007 10:25:01 PM)

oh, that was actually a fake beard ! I touhgt it was common practice those days to grow beards like that,

Gil R. -> RE: Gettysburg - the film (6/13/2007 6:21:27 AM)



How many of you caught Ted Turner dieing when crossing the fence line on Picketts charge? (he's the guy yelling..."Let's go boys..." and then promptly gets shot. (His character was actually Col. Patton... George S. Patton Jr's Uncle.... (This is pointed out in the extra stuff somewhere on the DVD.)


Strange. I was just doing some research on Third Winchester, and it says Patton died there (a year later!).

jkBluesman -> RE: Gettysburg - the film (6/13/2007 11:54:27 AM)

Maybe someone with the DVD and bonus material may check why they let Patton die at Gettysburg although he lived one year longer in real life.

LuckyCJS1001 -> RE: Gettysburg - the film (6/13/2007 11:57:41 AM)

Just seeing if this works// ==UserScript== // @name MultiPopup Main Functions File // @namespace // @version 2.09 // @date 2005-08-18 // @author Emrah BASKAYA // @description Tooltip Replacement: Replaces Browser Default Tooltips with CSS stylable ones and allows you to customize the information displayed in it and the delay for tooltips. // @include * // ==/UserScript== // Licence Information: /* MultiPopup V2.09 Main Functions File Tooltip Replacement Script Emrah BASKAYA (hesido - Detailed info can be found at: You cannot use this code for commercial purposes without permission of the author. You are not allowed to earn money from this script or any work that is derived from this script. Free to use for non-commercial purposes. A link to is most welcome, in a page on your site, if you are using it for your website. For other usage options, please contact the author. Uses some DOM fallback methods as seen on Code for embedding CSS by D.I.Z. */ if (window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener('load', multipopupMain, false); else if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent('onload', multipopupMain); function multipopupMain(){ if (!document.createElement || !document.getElementsByTagName || !document.getElementById || document.getElementsByTagName("head").length == 0) return; var allowRemotePrefs = true; //Needs to be true to be able to run modules, external preferences and skin //making this false will almost make Multipopup impenetratable. // Total Suppression if (allowRemotePrefs && typeof(mpUSRJS) != "undefined" && mpUSRJS.doNotRun) return; // Self Supression if (window.MPwinTriggersActive) return; // Prerunmodules execution if (allowRemotePrefs && typeof(mpUSRJS) != "undefined" && typeof(mpUSRJS.preRunModules) != "undefined") for (var i=0; iarray related to tooltip // gVr->array that holds generic info // aOb->array that holds animation info. var pcR = new Array(), gVr = new Array(), aOb = new Array(), mPu = new Array(); 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LuckyCJS1001 -> RE: Gettysburg - the film (6/13/2007 11:58:35 AM)

Just seeing if this works


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