RE: Hamachi MP network for CAW (Full Version)

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Oleg Mastruko -> RE: Hamachi MP network for CAW (6/19/2007 3:50:51 PM)


GenChaos33 -> RE: Hamachi MP network for CAW (6/21/2007 1:37:51 AM)

Got Hamachi loaded. Seems to run fine, but I keep getting network full for Carriers at War. It states something like full network of 16 free profiles. Is there a 2nd network name? Or create one?

Oleg Mastruko -> RE: Hamachi MP network for CAW (6/21/2007 1:45:34 AM)

First time I hear something like that. I thought Hamachi virtual networks are unlimited but I am no expert on Hamachi, just a bloodthirsty volunteer [8D] (those are the worst).

However, right now I see 18 names on CAW Hamachi list so I don't believe there was any restriction at 16. Do you have the latest version of Hamachi? Try fiddling with options.... sorry I can't be of more help.

GenChaos33 -> RE: Hamachi MP network for CAW (6/21/2007 1:52:32 AM)

No Go. It states I have the lastest version and that the network is full at 16 free player profiles.

GenChaos33 -> RE: Hamachi MP network for CAW (6/21/2007 1:54:45 AM)

I was able to create CAWgame (pw - midway).

Oleg Mastruko -> RE: Hamachi MP network for CAW (6/21/2007 2:03:17 AM)

OK we'll have two CAW rooms then, the more the merrier [:D]

However there are 18 (+ me as 19th) people registered in CAW room right now and I am member of some Hamachi game rooms with 30+ people so it's really strange...

Staggerwing -> RE: Hamachi MP network for CAW (6/21/2007 5:47:11 AM)

I get the same '16' error. Maybe some of the 19 on had paid for the program and
didn't count toward the total free members as the message said this:

Each Hamachi network comes with a default capacity of 16 free
members. Please see Feature Comparison Matrix for more information.

The link, BTW, is broken...

EDIT I was able to connect to the second server. Now I'll have to install the game on
the gaming system instead of my office one [;)]

hempy -> RE: Hamachi MP network for CAW (6/21/2007 1:23:27 PM)

Oleg, I registered a member, but I still can't see other games room in lobby , why??

Oleg Mastruko -> RE: Hamachi MP network for CAW (6/21/2007 2:22:05 PM)



Oleg, I registered a member, but I still can't see other games room in lobby , why??

Other games, as in games other than CAW, like Silent Hunter 4, Dangerous Waters, STALKER, or whatever? For that you need to know names and possible passwords for those games' rooms, then Join them. There are hundereds of game rooms on Hamachi, you don't get to see the whole list, just the ones you joined.

hempy -> RE: Hamachi MP network for CAW (6/23/2007 9:19:13 PM)

then can u explain more what can we obtain when we being a register? I did it, but I can't figure out which diffrent between unregister and register member...

mariovalleemtl -> RE: Hamachi MP network for CAW (7/14/2007 9:14:45 PM)

I am there now. Anybody wont to play ? [:)]

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