PBEM (Full Version)

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Dave Ferguson -> PBEM (6/17/2007 2:46:41 PM)

Where is the best place to go if seeking a PBEM game, here or Slitherine?

After beating the allied AI I would like to try PBEM

IrishGuards -> RE: PBEM (6/17/2007 4:53:15 PM)

I will play ... might as well see if there are any bugs ... or such ... Only thing is I usually do not play Allies ....
Send me an email and we will figure out how to get this on the go ....

IrishGuards -> RE: PBEM (6/17/2007 6:30:37 PM)

Just need your email address .. ready to send the turn ..

Dave Ferguson -> RE: PBEM (6/17/2007 7:27:20 PM)

We have started, me as the allies and hardly any points to spend on units, meanwhile the Poles suffer [:(]

YohanTM2 -> RE: PBEM (6/18/2007 5:14:59 AM)

keep us posted on what is happening...

Dave Ferguson -> RE: PBEM (6/18/2007 4:24:16 PM)

Dissapointing that there was only one player interested in a PBEM, and in the game we have only got as far as turn 1. Is it that all those interested in PBEM were playtesters and are all played out?

With turns taking only a few minutes to play I reckon you should be able to cycle through quite a few turns in a evening or at a weekend. Of course both players sharing similar time zones helps but in the PBEM games I have played in the past I find you usually end up playing someone from the other side of the world.

When you end your turn for PBEM there is no prompt to enter a filename and the game auto saves with a name including the date. This overides any previous save which is inconvenient, a definite improvement would be to have a prompt for a user entered name. This of course might not be worth doing if no one is actually playing PBEM.

mikecoch -> RE: PBEM (6/18/2007 4:27:46 PM)

I'm up for a game. Just downloaded this over the weekend and haven't gotten far but "learning the hard way" could be quite fun... (and embarassing).


Dave Ferguson -> RE: PBEM (6/18/2007 7:46:37 PM)



I'm up for a game. Just downloaded this over the weekend and haven't gotten far but "learning the hard way" could be quite fun... (and embarassing).


I am juggling two games now and might fit in a third once I see how much time this all going to take. I will know better by tomorrow night.

Alex Gilbert -> RE: PBEM (6/18/2007 7:49:06 PM)

I would be interested in PBEM. Any interested can e-mail Alexander.gilbert@med.nyu.edu will play either side, but definitely want to play with oil restrictions.


Dave Ferguson -> RE: PBEM (6/18/2007 7:50:23 PM)

CEAW giving PBEM file save the same filename each time is a real pain. With two games I am having to rename all files before sending and store them in different folders otherwise things will start getting out of control!!!. I want to keep the files so a AAR can be produced.

A filename prompt for PBEM is top of my wishes for a patch.

Dave Ferguson -> RE: PBEM (6/18/2007 7:51:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: Alex Gilbert

I would be interested in PBEM. Any interested can e-mail Alexander.gilbert@med.nyu.edu will play either side, but definitely want to play with oil restrictions.


Idrink might be your ideal opponent as you share a timezone!

scott64 -> RE: PBEM (6/18/2007 8:29:21 PM)

I would like to try too [:)][8D]

IrishGuards -> RE: PBEM ... AAR (6/18/2007 8:49:10 PM)

Poles fall in 3 turns ... good d for poles or bad strat for Ger .. dunno yet ... took some damage .. nothing serious and have not found any convoys ... yet ..!!
Started Air unit prod ... also armor tech ... redeploying to west front and getting ready to attack Danes ..

scott64 -> RE: PBEM ... AAR (6/18/2007 9:39:22 PM)

You click on the button by the railroad thingy and then it turns into a transport, need to be near a sea or coastal hex [X(]

Dave Ferguson -> RE: PBEM ... AAR (6/18/2007 10:18:52 PM)

Thats how you load a unit on a ship, then you can move it, one or several turns later end up adjacent to a coast hex and then next turn you can unload, very neat idea.

Getting units to Egypt is going to be difficult with all those u-boats infesting the transport loop hex, maybe more loops?

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