FrenchyUSMC -> The Proud and The Few (6/17/2007 4:32:52 PM)
In my "humble" opinion, The Campaign series is the best tactical PC wargame ever done...[:)] I love the scale of playing, the realistics of the game, the wide variety of sceanrios, the sounds and "3D" graphics... So, I like too the Squad Battles series "The Proud and the Few" (HPS) but this game is a little bit too fastididous to play and the graphics are really poors ... On the other hand, the scenarios are more accurate than those on Rising Sun... May be one day, we'll can reach a game with the best things of these 2 games but with new graphics, sound and rules ???[&:] But i think the wargamer's market is not profitable enough to develop a such new wargame...[8|]