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IrishGuards -> AAR ... (6/17/2007 4:40:09 PM)

Well .. seems ok so far ... on turn 2 built ftr ..
As well .. a wee bit of tech .. research ... this turn infantry
Next turn .. enough for both Air and Armor ...
Poland .. conquered in 2 turns ..
Denmark .. only took 1 turn ..
Low Countries .. 2 turns .. use the Tac on cities ..
France Falls ... Feb 1940 ... Even w 8 entrenchment a few shots from air ... hit em with some shock motorized ... then follow w arm and inf
Redeploy air to N denmark .. Norway falls 1 turn .. ??? No port in Oslo ????? I have to move units to port on w coast Nor ?????
Invade Yugo 4 turns later ... just when Italians come in ... falls in 2 ..

I have a question ... when I use the research .. If I try to select say armor .. the middle cookie then all my tech goes to middle cookie ... I really dont want ASW for the Axis ...
What am I doing wrong ..???? Is this a balancing feature .. or do I have to have Level 1 in each before I proceed ..???

Most impressed we can actually have terrain in a game ... lmao ... and the best innovation so far ...
The exploit move ... great for taking capitals .. after there softened up ...

Forwarn45 -> RE: AAR ... (6/17/2007 8:48:08 PM)

What level of difficulty are you playing?

Ancient One -> RE: AAR ... (6/17/2007 8:49:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: IrishDragoonGuards
France Falls ... Feb 1940 ...

I'm not sure I like this. Fighting in the winter should be difficult.

JudgeDredd -> RE: AAR ... (6/17/2007 9:59:24 PM)

Well maybe I'm crap (more than likely) but France did not fall for my until summer 1941! [X(]

firepowerjohan -> RE: AAR ... (6/18/2007 1:39:23 PM)

Any wargame out there is easy on normal difficulty, so is CEaW. We have set the balanced difficulty very close to level terms. If you want more challenge try just give minor advantage diffculty for the other side.

So, if you play as Allies then you set handicap as "Small Axis Advantage" and if you play as Axis then you set it as "Small Allied advantage".

What difficulty level were you playing Irish taking Paris in February because I certainly have problems myself getting Paris before Summer 1940.

The difficulty does give abit better economy for the side receiving it. Furthermore, in games against the AI, if AI gets handicap then it will also start with some extra units in force pool. This gets the AI player out of the starting blocks faster and means it is much harder to use exploit strategies where a Allied human player rushes into Germany from the west or other exploit strategies that rely on knockiong the AI player out early.

IrishGuards -> RE: AAR ... (6/18/2007 8:56:06 PM)

Just the standard ... no advanatge .. was just my second game ... I don't play the AI usually .. try new strategies and so forth ... I always think a player will be much better at the game ....
And maybe I just got lucky ... but I used all ny air 5 .. units .. Paris wa entrenched w 8 .. used my shock troops and surrounded Paris .. the exploit move is important .. I hit the french armor 2 times before he retreated ... I only had 3 hexes on Paris also .. dont surround Paris totally .. If you hit the corps enough he will retreat ...
You definetly need air for cities ..

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