Froonp -> RE: How will AI attacks be performed? (7/30/2007 11:56:23 PM)
Finally, there is the question of what attack odds are acceptable for performing an invasion. The question here is best answered by wondering what losses are acceptable in the event of a possible counter-attack. What can the enemy mobilize against my beachhead to put me back to sea. The AIO should check the possible counterattacks, taking into consideration that the enemy may be able to supply troops that are not at the moment of invasion. Also, the question can be answered by wondering what mobility I want for the next impulses. Do I need to be face-up for exploiting the terrain, as when taking Oran and racing toward Morocco, or do I just need to hold the hex for conquest conditions to come ? quote:
What I would like to do is be able to create invasion groups (land, air, and naval units) for attacking: Malta, Gibraltar, Marseilles, a clear hex behind the CW front line in Egypt, a coastal hex in Syria or Greece, and so on. That is just for the Italians in the Med. Similar fleets are needed by the japanese in the Pacific, the Germans if they invade the United Kingdom, and the Allies when storming Fortress Europe. Land : As powerful as it can be, considering the attack odds question's answer. Not necessarily build out the MAR & PARA, but keeping DIVs in places where they can load in SCS and then invade is a good thing. Invading a coastal hex in the Med, outside of France and mountain hexes is fairly trivial to achieve with 3 INF type DIV. Invading Malta generaly needs 2 corps & a DIV, whatever the corps but invasion specialized are better (MAR, PARA). Invading Gibraltar is the same, with the survivability of the invading units being near 0% and the success chances close to 0% too. Air : Air for domination of the sea is crutial if the invasion is to be useful. You need NAVs (the Italian NAV2 are great here), long ranged FTRs (Range 4 or more -- Italy has a few, and Germany can loan them a couple of extraordinary Fw190). Speaking of the Italians, ground striking the enemy is generaly not an issue as most invasions will be against empty hexes. Now for invading Malta, a couple of bombers are a minimum. A friend of mine has a good rule of thumb : To be "sure" to ground strike everything in an hex (i.e. to give yourself the best chances to succeed), the sum of the TAC factor of your bombers should be 10 or more. So, 3 x 3 strength bombers are OK, 2 x 5 Stukas too, etc... This is just a rule of thumb, but it is quite a good one. For invading Gibraltar, the same rule of thumb can be used, but having bases from them to take of is harder and need more planning (taking Morocco, and Algeria before). Invading Marseilles is not worth the calculation, as you would spend years to build the necessary material (MAR, AMPH and/or PARA) if Marseille is garrisoned, and you'd better attack from Land. Naval Units : Italy starts with a very good navy, but should in nearly always finish the Roma BBs. They are the best in town, and great value for the cost. The invader should always try to have sufficient shore bombardement for 3 uses : 1) Initial invasion. 2) possible immediate counterattack. 3) possible next turn initial impulse counterattack (taking into consideration that ships will have to drift 1 section lower). Having solid supply ships is also a necessity here, and keeping it at sea under protection for next turn is a concern too. Having a second for replacing the first next turn is a good option to try to have. As the Air units, the naval units are also here to control the seas, but to a lesser extend. They are here for providing supply (if progress want to be made, and if being put back to the sea is not wanted) and shore bombardement. The fleet (TRS & CP included) should also try to compel with the "magic numbers" for a fleet creation, that are : 4 ships, 7 ships, 11 ships, 16 ships, 22 ships, 29 ships. Only the bare minimum should be sailed to satisfy either the 3 shore bombardement needs or only the 2 first. Example, if the invasion force has a strength of 5 (as 3 DIVs have), 2,5 points should be here for the initial invasion, 5 for the possible counterattack, and 5 more for a possible first impulse counterattack, but the last 5 are from the same ships of the 7.5 first ones who have drifted 1 section. 8 shore bombardement wold be sufficient. Putting more ships can then only be a solution to help those shore bombardement ships to survive the enemy possible naval units reaction. Well, discussing the Italians invasion possibilities is a little frustrating as they have close to none, and have very little way to have more, except by building the necessary assets from scratch, which is a long and costly built plan. The goal has to be worth it, and generaly, except for Gib, it is not. Invading any non occupied shore of the Med is quite trivial with 3 DIVs, and Invading Malta generaly is done when the CW leave it a little weak. Discussing Japanese invasions possibilities is more constructive IMO, as they have more possibilities, and a more adapted force pool, to succeeed here.