MarkShot -> RE: WOW, I didn't know I was DEAD, did you? (6/27/2007 5:35:17 AM)
In general, I think a greater amount of project resources went into AI 10-15 years ago than today. An 80486/33 certainly had enough CPU cycles to perform complex algorithmic logic necessary for good game play, AI, and balance. What was lacking was GPUs, FPUs, and cycles to do complex physics etc... So, when I look at the AI/game play of some of the older games, I wonder if they have been surpassed. Games such as 1830, Sid Meier's Railroad Tycoon Deluxe, Sid Meier's Gettysburg, Aces of the Deep, Silent Hunter Commander's Edition, etc... Even CIV1 despite all the later automation provided in the series had a comfortable and fast paced game play that was not able to recaptured with later renditions. I do not mean to imply the CCAW surpasses CAW. However, there is no reason why core AI and game play cannot be comparable. The more I play old games, the more I am suprised by just how good some of them were, but it has all been forgotten due to the race for flash and glimmer. Flash will keep me amused for a few days to a week. But quality AI, game play, and balance can keep me amused for years.