FlashfyreSP -> RE: SPWAW Encyclopedia (6/26/2007 8:22:56 PM)
No tools required other than a basic text editor, like MS's Notepad. The ENC entries are written in a simple ASCII text, no formatting; the * character is used to indicate Line Breaks (Carriage Return) and tells the game to move to the next line, or adda blank line if this character is the only one in that text line. There is a limit to the number of characters the ENC file can display; some experimentation may be needed to get them to appear completely in the game. All ENC files are stored in the ENC folder in the main SPWAW folder, and are assigned a number that matches the number in the OOB that each unit has as its ENC number. For example, the M4 Sherman uses "8215" as its Text number, which corresponds to the ENC8215.TXT file. The difficulty lies in the fact that many units have no numbers assigned in the OOB, so any new ENC file will not be useful until those OOBs are edited to reflect the new ENC files. And then everyone will need to download the new encyclopedia files AND the updated OOBs, which could be a problem depending on which set of OOBs is used to make those changes.