Fabs -> (9/8/2000 2:38:00 AM)
I love mapmaking!
I haver made two maps from reality, one of an area in normandy around the village of Cristot, the other one in Sicily, covering a crossing point across the Simeto river between Centuripe and Adrano.
Both had challenges.
I use a table to "isolate" the battleground on the map, indicating the dimensions of the rectangle that would include the dimensions.
I convert from hexes to metres following this formula:
For the X axis (along the top of the map), I multiply the number of Hexes by 37.5. This is because if the hex is 50m across between opposite angles of the hexagon, two columns will be 75m across(because of the hex grid effect).
For the Y axis, I multiply by 43.3, this being the trigonometrically calculated distance between opposite sides of a hexagon with 25m sides (50m between opposite angles).
This table translates all current map sizes:
(First column: hexesxhexes, second column: cmxcm third column: mxm)
30x20 = 5.2 x 3.0 1,299 x 750
30x30 = 5.2 x 4.5 1,299 x 1,125
40x60 = 6.9 x 9.0 1,732 x 2,250
60x40 = 10.4x 6.0 2,598 x 1,500
50x50 = 8.7 x 7.5 2,165 x 1,875
80x40 = 13.9x 6.0 3,464 x 1,500
Small = 17.3x 6.0 4,330 x 1,500
80x60 = 13.9x 9.0 3,464 x 2,250
Medium = 17.3x 9.0 4,330 x 2,250
Large = 17.3x 12. 4,330 x 3,000
100x100 = 17.3x 15. 4,330 x 3,750
100x120 = 17.3x 18. 4,330 x 4,500
100x140 = 17.3x 21. 4,330 x 5,250
100x160 = 17.3x 24. 4,330 x 6,000
100x180 = 17.3x 27. 4,330 x 6,750
100x200 = 17.3x 30. 4,330 x 7,500
100x220 = 17.3x 33. 4,330 x 8,250
100x240 = 17.3x 36. 4,330 x 9,000
I cut a rectangle of the desired dimensions out of a larger piece of paper, then overlay it over the map to "window" the battle area.
I take a 1:1 color copy of it, then I enlarge it by 50%.
I draw a square grid over it where each rectangle represents 10x10 hexes, and start drawing in the main features by identifying their approximate location and reproducing them in the equivalent hex on the map.
At a certain point, you need to start making some compromises between absolute realism and the capabilities of SPWAW's graphic system/scale.
Fantasy maps are much more fun to make, but creating a map from a real location is very satisfying, after the hours of drudgery.
[This message has been edited by Fabs (edited September 07, 2000).]