panzers -> RE: *** World War II Documentaries *** (3/1/2008 8:20:09 AM)
ORIGINAL: KG Erwin quote:
ORIGINAL: JudgeDredd quote:
ORIGINAL: KG Erwin BTW, you're welcome for we Yanks keeping the rump of the British Empire alive during the WWII years. [8|] KG Normally I'm on your side with a fair few arguments on these boards, but you are out of order there, my friend. You weren't the only "...keep the rump of the British Empire alive" during WWII. There were plenty of British that died for the cause also. And as Neilster said...he didn't disparage the actual input by the Americans during either war, or indeed any other conflict. What he did allude to was the fact that alot of US documentaries are biased. If you fail to distinguish between media propaganda effort and real life effort, then that's your lookout...not anyone elses. Ok, my admiration for the Aussies, who were part of the empire, is well known, but I crossed the line with that careless remark. In the context of recent events, it was in extremely bad taste. I sincerely apologize. [:o] I am an American and very proud of it. Normally, I would back my fellow countryman here, but I'm going to go agauinst the grain here and side with Neilster. I'm not going to say anything more other than to his defense we are being bashed across the world and we are getting a bit sensitive about it. So I can fully understand and appreciate where he is coming from. So let's all try and get along here. This is a very interesting topic and we all just want to find out what's out there. As far as that goes: I just say to continuously watch the History Channel. They are always coming up with something new like, as stated earlier, the battlefield series with all the computer animations and analysis. also, even though it's the 20th century , try the century of warfare. Obviously WWII is well represented there, but you also get everything that led to WWII in that series. That's the kind of thing I like. I saw the WAW series, and I agree with everyone that it is awesome. But, outdated now. I'm more interested in all the new serieses where they can use the computer to analyze situations much like battlefield to give us a better and more knowlegible base and understanding of how and why everything went down like it did. One more series I like and it is a very old series but fun to watch is the classic victory at sea series. One more: unsolved mysteries of WWII gives you a different spin on some of the mysteries Like the riddle of Dunkirk.