2by3 ACW Game??? (Full Version)

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wzh55 -> 2by3 ACW Game??? (7/4/2007 10:22:05 PM)

Hey out there in computer land...

Anyone know the status of this game, no real news since 2005. I know we have all these new ACW games out now and all are excellent, but a ACW game from Gary Grisby would be the icing on the cake.

Quote from Developer's journal at 2by3 Games:

American Civil War

"Work has been ongoing on our Civil War game. We expect to be making a public announcement regarding this game before the end of this year and should have some screenshots to show at that time. The game has been playable for the past few months and we'd like to get it into outside beta testing before the end of the year. If things go well we're shooting for it to be on sale before next summer. It uses a greatly modified World at War system. The biggest difference is the inclusion of leaders (over 1000 historical leaders are in the database). Units are attached to leaders, and those leaders must gain initiative in order to participate in offensive action. The game has monthly turns and the map consists of over 400 regions. The importance of cavalry for not only reconnaissance but also for disrupting enemy supply lines is addressed as well. Our goal with this game, similar to with World at War, is to create a game that covers the entire war, can be played quickly and without a steep learning curve, yet retains a very large measure of historical realism. "

Also these is a remake in the works for an old ACW game I still have on my HD, from WR Knutsell: http://www.hutsellgames.com/CivilWarStrategy/UpcomingGame/tabid/367/Default.aspx

Hertston -> RE: 2by3 ACW Game??? (7/4/2007 10:39:27 PM)

From the, erm.. developers journal at 2by3 Games;


As for progress on our games in development, the work on our game on the Civil War is going well. We've had a solid playable version of the game in testing since January. With the help of a handful of testers we've been fixing bugs, improving the AI, and developing the rules (and adding new features) and have made great progress. We're hoping to finish the artwork in June in time to have a good beta copy of the game ready for Origins in early July. If things go well, Gary Grigsby's War Between the States (WBTS) will be available for sale before fall sets in. Gary's work on WBTS is almost complete, and Keith's remaining task list doesn't look too daunting, so assuming he can get a few more hours of sleep, you should be hearing an official announcement about the game from Matrix Games in July. I'd tell you more but I'm busy working on some tutorial videos that we hope to include in the final product.

ravinhood -> RE: 2by3 ACW Game??? (7/5/2007 4:47:46 PM)

Well one things for certain there should be no more whinning about civil war games for a longggggggggggggg time after this. You all got or are getting 3 in one year that's plenty and you don't need/deserve anymore. It's now time for some Pacific Land Battles GDmit. :)

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