Human vs Human Has anyone won as Allies Yet (Full Version)

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targul -> Human vs Human Has anyone won as Allies Yet (7/7/2007 9:22:02 AM)

I am still waiting to find someone who has won a game as the allied player against another player.

I have asked for many days now without a postive response. If you have won playing the Allies please let me know.

Please dont tell me how you devestated the AI we all know how to do that.

IrishGuards -> RE: Human vs Human Has anyone won as Allies Yet (7/7/2007 3:52:08 PM)

I will give it a shot .. I will put up a post for 3 email games as Allies ...

schury -> RE: Human vs Human Has anyone won as Allies Yet (7/7/2007 6:35:11 PM)

if you face a newbie like AI, you can surely win. so this doesn't solve the problem. what about telling us in detail how could axis garantee its victory? and let's prove it right or wrong[:)]

targul -> RE: Human vs Human Has anyone won as Allies Yet (7/7/2007 7:36:20 PM)

I have been asking for one person to step forward for 4 days now and say he won playing allies vs another human player. 

Everyone tells me game is balanced and they can beat the Axis but not one single person has said they have done that.  Here are the possibilities as I see them

No one has ever played the Allies 
Allied players are the poorest players in existance
It is embrassing to actually win as Allies so no one wants us to know
Game is biased for the Axis

I also find it funny that everyone wishes to challenge me to prove I am wrong and they can win as Allies.  I have played many games since its release only person who has played more is probably IDG.  No one won as the Allies that includes me. 

Even random chance would allow for an eventual Allied victory but I have not been told of it.  I watch the boards careful for that one winner.  I do not want to play one more person who knows he can win as Allies when he hasnt.

I am only asking if people are winning as Allies so I can have some faith that when I and everyone else I know wins as Axis it is not simply a given.

So someone out there in Commander land step forward dont be ashamed to say it.  Say I WON as an allied player against another player.  Please do not mention the other players name to prevent embrassment.

schury -> RE: Human vs Human Has anyone won as Allies Yet (7/7/2007 8:02:03 PM)

what about telling people more details about the unbalanced point and how you use it to win/suffer from it and lose? if it is not balanced, why don't you show the designer how to improve, how much to imporove, as the most vs game player. in addition, why don't you fight the designer as he suggest? that would be a strong improvement. and he's fighting me and vy as allies, it just take time to finish it.usually four days can't finish a game, far from enough i guess.
and i saw another posibility, that ppl maybe just have no time replying you......then that would be pathetic, what about asking who has complete a human vs human game as allies to see whether people care about your post and they actually played as allies but lost?

rastak -> RE: Human vs Human Has anyone won as Allies Yet (7/7/2007 8:03:34 PM)

I'll try a LAN game against my wife, who has never played a wargame and see if I can provide you that win you so desperately want.....[;)]

Actually, I'm on the fence and haven't bought the game yet....pretty expensive and I just bought ageod's civil war game.

firepowerjohan -> RE: Human vs Human Has anyone won as Allies Yet (7/7/2007 8:04:05 PM)

I am currently undefeated with Allies with the 1.00 version (other versions do not count). [8D]
I have 0 victories, 0 defeats and 0 draws, 2 ongoing games in TcpIP though but due to time differences it is hard to get them to finish in just some days. But you could also say I have never won as Allies, never won as Axis or is undefeated as Axis. Statistics in low numbers cannot be used to draw conclusions. You often get 0% or 100% when dealing with low numbers. [;)]

targul -> RE: Human vs Human Has anyone won as Allies Yet (7/7/2007 8:21:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: firepowerjohan

I am currently undefeated with Allies with the 1.00 version (other versions do not count). [8D]
I have 0 victories, 0 defeats and 0 draws, 2 ongoing games in TcpIP though but due to time differences it is hard to get them to finish in just some days. But you could also say I have never won as Allies, never won as Axis or is undefeated as Axis. Statistics in low numbers cannot be used to draw conclusions. You often get 0% or 100% when dealing with low numbers. [;)]

I am 5-2-1 Won 5 games as Axis, Lost 2 as allies and one tie

Agreed that is why I continue to request Allied wins. Since they remain at 0 for the Allies that skews the line strongly in favor of the Axis.

BTW, can you play a human vs human game and hit those bonus buttons for the other player.

targul -> RE: Human vs Human Has anyone won as Allies Yet (7/7/2007 8:25:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: rastak

I'll try a LAN game against my wife, who has never played a wargame and see if I can provide you that win you so desperately want.....[;)]

Actually, I'm on the fence and haven't bought the game yet....pretty expensive and I just bought ageod's civil war game.

Game is good and fun. Needs work they all do when they are first released. Patch coming soon may repair alot of the problems.

AI is good in Russia and France otherwise needs work. PBEM need playback should be here next week. IP is okay.

Lan havent tried but when your wife kicks your butt let us know.

BTW my wife is a wargame player. I have played against her for 40 years and she kicks my butt everytime. So I wish you luck women are very difficult to beat.

SeaMonkey -> RE: Human vs Human Has anyone won as Allies Yet (7/7/2007 11:31:58 PM)

Women's intuition.........accept no substitute!

VonManteuffel -> RE: Human vs Human Has anyone won as Allies Yet (8/22/2007 9:58:30 AM)

I thought I would bump this because it seems now that the Allies can easily win. I find it much harder to play the Axis vs. humans.

Am I just bad or have others found this to be the case? Does some strategy exist that makes the Axis unbeatable?

Dave Ferguson -> RE: Human vs Human Has anyone won as Allies Yet (8/22/2007 11:33:28 AM)

I have won 1 PBEM as allies and another is heading the same way. In another I am losing in a tcpip as allies but the crunch of russia hasn't happened yet.

Originally reported was a invincible axis and then a invincible allies. Maybe the original axis victories were by experienced players against allied newbies who tried to play WW2 style and got jumped on!!. Then the adepts played as allies and trounced the axis newbies who still hadn't realised that military logic was not important!

this game is a scissors-paper-stone thing. Work out a strategy, the counter to that strategy and the counter to the counter etc etc, then the trick is to identify what strategy  your opponent is following.

as allied player always play with oil and operationally always look for the opportunity to make his armour/air move, make him spend oil points.

SMK-at-work -> RE: Human vs Human Has anyone won as Allies Yet (8/22/2007 12:47:58 PM)

If the super-carriers and RAF can stop the blitzkrieg cold as claimed then there's no reason why the germans should be winning ANY games...!!1[;)]

Dave Ferguson -> RE: Human vs Human Has anyone won as Allies Yet (8/22/2007 2:11:06 PM)

True!. RAF fighter command is good with enough fighters to match the Luftwaffe but those carriers have got to be fixed.

If they are to be used historically for providing air cover in some landings surely they only need an attack range of 2?

Plus don't forget that to fly off aircraft they need to steam into wind and there is not much room in the Channel

Mmm? can'tfly missions if in coastal hexes unless they are in port (air wing is presumed to be ashore)


targul -> RE: Human vs Human Has anyone won as Allies Yet (8/22/2007 10:54:58 PM)

Russia seems pretty well balance.   I would tweak up the production in 42 just a hair but overall Russia is close.

England has been made a little too powerful now it seems.  They are now making landing in 42 which just wasnt possible.  Problem there could be no Africa not sure.  Two carriers are too much and they are better then any fighter, bomber or ship in the game those need serious work.

France seems about right.

Italy is still just extra units for Russia so after discussing this on the boards I am beginning to think they should just remove everything on the map below France and just play the top of WWII.

Axis now needs a little help.  They can ill afford U Boats.  You never see them anymore so all that space out there is just space.  Cost of UBoats needs to be dropped to 60 maybe 50.  Given the small number of points they due prior to dieing they are not worthwhile at this point.  Axis has less air then the French and British combined but they actually had the same amount so this is a problem.  Now if they removed the long range inland bombing of carriers the air would be fine.  Axis needs more garrisons to start.  First there really was a line of basically garrison units at the Maignot Line.  The Germans didnt attack Poland and say oh BTW French we failed to garrison our boarders so if you want now is the tme to take German territory without a fight.  Suggest west wall be made by just placing garrison along it.  These can later be moved to garrison France and make game seem like WWII.

Finally this whole commander concept is questionable.  Why are they so expensive?  Was there a big recruitment bonus to get qualified commanders into the service?  Nope!  Commanders should either be given or brought down significantly it cost to where they make some kind of sense.

VonManteuffel -> RE: Human vs Human Has anyone won as Allies Yet (8/23/2007 2:40:37 AM)


ORIGINAL: targul

England has been made a little too powerful now it seems.  They are now making landing in 42 which just wasnt possible.  Problem there could be no Africa not sure.  Two carriers are too much and they are better then any fighter, bomber or ship in the game those need serious work.

In a PBEM game I am currently playing, the Allies made a huge landing 1942 and another even bigger one in 1943, one in France and one in Denmark!

It seems a bit much to me and those kind of landings make Russia unconquerable, because there's no way you can ignore 10 corps landing a few hexes from Germany every summer.

Vypuero -> RE: Human vs Human Has anyone won as Allies Yet (8/23/2007 7:35:59 PM)

The idea is that you should retain fairly reasonable numbers of troops in France or risk the attacks.  I am finding it fairly balanced but need some more games.  I will play more games as either side.  DaveF I want to continue our game when you are available again.

Dave Ferguson -> RE: Human vs Human Has anyone won as Allies Yet (8/23/2007 7:48:26 PM)

Yes we can continue our game, not until the weekend though for me. Should be getting a shiny new PC tommorrow
which hopefully will improve matters, if I can get the game to work with Vista!!!

Just had a PBEM game spoiled by the Bucharest oil bug. The axis went from 298 to -133 oil. This has just spoiled the game on 2 occasions now. Oh! continuing from a mid turn save is no good either, the game is totally screwed up.

Thinks we could test this oil bug in tcpip. You make a copy of the save file, we start a session and you DOW russia. Move your units out of the way, I occupy Bucharest and we see what happens to the oil stockpile.


Vypuero -> RE: Human vs Human Has anyone won as Allies Yet (8/23/2007 11:18:15 PM)

I am pretty sure this bug exists period.  They just need to get us the patch is all.

Bossy573 -> RE: Human vs Human Has anyone won as Allies Yet (8/25/2007 3:46:52 PM)

I have not played against a human opponent in this game as yet but against the Axis AI I was in Berlin by 1943. Against a human opponent I could see the Axis really making life difficult if starting from 1939. Starting in say 1941 or 1942, the Allies would stand a much better chance.

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