wolflars -> RE: Response to Veers (7/8/2007 2:19:12 AM)
VICHY: Complicated, very complicated. As you know from EA the whole French thing is off kilter. We have events that allow for France to continue to fight despite losing Paris. This was a very real possibility, a redoubt in Brittany/Normandy or continuing the fight from North Africa. During the exodus from Paris, Reynaud and his government fled, mostly to Bordeaux. Things went awry from there. What I have never liked is how there is always an assumption that a nation will surrender with the loss of the capital, sometimes it takes more, sometimes less. For France, in our version, it will be a decision made by the allied player. If we do it right it won’t be an easy choice to make, there will be consequences to NOT surrendering once Paris falls (Spanish Entry for sure and probably reduced USA EV). I also don’t like how there is a big battle for Paris which destroys the city. These two things will be tied together. Basically if the allied player does NOT defend Paris (open city) then it will be a full collapse. If he does defend, partial collapse if/when Paris falls. In this case the Army still surrenders, but Navy and Air Force as well as Colonial forces fight on. The Colonial OOB is expanded to reflect additional units that might have been built later. In this case also DeGaulle does not form the Free French. Mers-el Kebir: What a crazy thing. Well, we have aUK theater option to destroy (some anyway) the Vichy French Fleet. Side effects are historical, Vichy loses some boats and they are uncooperative. Churchill ordered this because he feared Hitler might seize the fleet. We know now Hitler had no intention to do so. However, in our game he can (%50 success)so the fear is very real and there is an accompanied boost in Axis shipping. If he does, he gets a healthy amount of French ships added to the Kriegsmarine. These are in addition to Vichy ones already on the map. Because of this, the Vichy fleet is under strength because we are avoiding duplicating ships. Ordering Mers-el Kebir cancels the Axis T/O. Simple so far. But where it gets complex is what happens to the UK if they do not launch this raid. Well, it turns out a number of French ships were in various ports, including Alexandria and the Caribbean about this time. It is possible they might have joined the Free French had it not been for this event. So, in our game they do. We have had varying degree of success getting this event to trigger properly however and are still working on it because it runs the possibility of duplicating ships. Our craziest Vichy events revolve around Darlan, DeGaulle, and Giraud. This is a work in progress and is largely affected by the fact I just finished Rick Atkinsons “Army at Dawn” lol. Vichy is complicated all the way around, but if we get this right it will be one of the best features of this scenario. Strategic Warfare: This probably won’t work. We have 2 models that we are trying out. What we really need is a “Formation Withdrawal Event” What I don’t like in EA is how you can commit so many B-17s and B-24s to close air support. But, then again, I like it because you have a choice. I also don’t like bombing those industrial units in the German cities, never seems to work out for me. What we are working on is a series of player activated events which essentially make the player choose between using these units for Strategic warfare or support. Choose SW, you loose the planes but get strategic warfare events. Don’t choose and you can use the planes for whatever. The second model is very board-gamey and I is largely dependent on a house rule which will require some honesty on the Allied players part. Units “committed” to SW are not withdrawn but basically set aside. They can be brought back into the fray, however. To this end, we have set up a little SW track that relies on unit disbands, captured locations to trigger events. Units brought out of SW commitment can only be done by disbanding a certain unit (house rule, honesty required). This triggers a “respite in the bombing campaign” event for the German or Japanese which presumably allows for more production. Depending on which one it was it will result in what is usually additional reinforcements for the Axis player. They range from more Jet units to SS Volunteers to Type XXI subs produced en masse to supply effects. Mostly they are inconsequential but add chrome and, more importantly, punish the allied player for using his B-17s to bomb tanks and not airplane factories. All in all, this model may not work whatsoever because it needs a more ebb and flow. What would be ideal, is to have the ability to set aircraft to a SW mode similar to Interdiction, whereas a certain percentage of air dedicated to this would produce a desired effect.