Leader Experience (Full Version)

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AlvinS -> Leader Experience (7/10/2007 9:24:01 PM)

On page 37 of the manual



Leaders gain and lose experience by winning and losing battles. This will in turn affect their other results.

I have a problem with this. How can you lose experience by losing a battle? No matter the outcome you gain experience to apply to your next battle.

We learn little from what we do right and alot from what we do wrong.

Any thoughts on this?


jimwinsor -> RE: Leader Experience (7/10/2007 10:36:29 PM)

Actually, I'm not sure that you actually lose experience.  BUT you may lose "senority" after a lost battle, which impacts promotions and who may lead over who.

AlvinS -> RE: Leader Experience (7/10/2007 10:46:23 PM)


Actually, I'm not sure that you actually lose experience. BUT you may lose "senority" after a lost battle, which impacts promotions and who may lead over who.

That would make more sense. I think there should be a penalty for losses, but experience is the wrong attribute to penalize.

I think a leader that loses battles should have their Political Cost reduced, and possibly Combat Values. If the leader is not living up to listed abilities, maybe he should lose those.

Anyhow, thats my 2 cents. I don't think of this as a game breaker, I just caught the wording on my second time through the manual.

I love this game. All others on my hard drive are sitting idle.[8D]

2 Thumbs up to the team at AGEOD!! [;)]

Gem35 -> RE: Leader Experience (7/10/2007 11:08:12 PM)

senority only counts when choosing Army commanders or promoting generals

Motomouse -> RE: Leader Experience (7/11/2007 12:50:27 AM)

Its not true that one improves with every failure.
(If thats, what you are implying.)

AlvinS -> RE: Leader Experience (7/11/2007 1:14:40 AM)


Its not true that one improves with every failure.
(If thats, what you are implying.)

Not at all. [;)] I do not think You should lose experience with a loss. Everything is an experience that teaches something. I don't think this attribute should really change based on a battle, but years of experience plus total battle experience.

I have not played long enough to see if this is a problem. I only commented because the statement did not make sense to me.

tiredoftryingnames -> RE: Leader Experience (7/11/2007 1:57:46 AM)

Page 37 conflicts with page 64 which covers in more detail Battle Aftermath. It specifically states that seniority can be lost for losing and attributes may suffer slightly for losing. It never says experience is lost, but does say experience is gained in winning. So either page 64 is right or further explaination might be needed from someone who knows the code.

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