SVal06 -> RE: If Germany doesnt start at war with Belgium ... (7/18/2007 10:28:25 PM)
ORIGINAL: Berkut I could understand the game starting with Germany NOT at war with Belgium, and Britainnot at war with Germany, and France and Germany at war. Germany declared war on France on 3rd of August and on the same time invaded Belgium (as it was their plan) --> If Germany are not on war with Belgium, it has no sense also that France and Germany are on war. But before that, Germany declared war on Russia first as the very beginning of the story is: Autriche-Hongrie (how do you said in english? [;)]) sent an ultimatum to Serbia because of the assassination of François Ferdinand. Russia defended Serbia (and mobilized) because they both are slavians. Then Germany declared war on Russia, on France, Britain did the same... and we know the rest of the story [:(] I found on my grand parents papers, some old school books from that period: 1910-1914. Some things are amazing. For instance, some songs openly spoke about "killing germans" who were described as "barbarians", and "the duty of a good citizen was to kill Germans and die for France",.etc... I guess it was the same thing in Germany or Britain. Actually, I don't think it has sense to search who are on war on the beginning of the game since each big countries involved wanted a war, no matter who declared war historically [:(] So; I guess game designers should have made some "adjustements" for gameplay, even it is historically false ;-)