destroying bridges (Full Version)

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british exil -> destroying bridges (7/25/2007 10:15:09 PM)

Is it possible to blow up bridges, by ordering enough Art units to fire on a hex with bridge?
Or is it only possible with Eng units? And how do I go about it?

Is there the possibility to use tactical bombers to bomb bridge hex?

If the enemy has denied me the use of a bridge can i repair/build a bridge?

Just wondering if the scenario arises, too late to start asking when the enemy is knocking at my door.

Jason Petho -> RE: destroying bridges (7/25/2007 10:23:00 PM)


ORIGINAL: british exil

Is it possible to blow up bridges, by ordering enough Art units to fire on a hex with bridge?

No it is not possible.


ORIGINAL: british exil
Or is it only possible with Eng units? And how do I go about it?

Engineers can destroy HEX SIDE bridges only. They have no effect on bridges that cross a full hex.

An undisrupted engineer unit that has not yet expended any AP may attempt to destroy an adjacent “high wall” hexside or a hexside bridge using its inherent demolition capabilities. Select the engineer unit, then from the “Units” pop-down menu, choose “Damage Wall or Bridge”. In the dialog box that appears, select the hexside “direction” (up, up-right, down-right, etc.) to attack, and press the OK button. An attack is performed, using the engineer’s attack factor and its SP strength, vs. the inherent strength of the feature. Attempting a demolition requires 100 AP


ORIGINAL: british exil
Is there the possibility to use tactical bombers to bomb bridge hex?

No, it is not.


ORIGINAL: british exil
If the enemy has denied me the use of a bridge can i repair/build a bridge?

Not yet, no. Hopefully we can figure out that as an additional feature in a future patch.


ORIGINAL: british exil
Just wondering if the scenario arises, too late to start asking when the enemy is knocking at my door.

Now you know

Jason Petho

asiaticus -> RE: destroying bridges (7/25/2007 10:58:38 PM)

There is a trick to make a full hex bridge effectively "blown". When you make the map put a deep river hex side across the road on one bank of your river. Then put a hex side bridge across that river hexside linking the road to the bridge. Then you can have your engineer blow the hexside bridge during the scenario which effectively cuts the large bridge, units cant cross the bridge to the other side.

1925frank -> RE: destroying bridges (7/26/2007 5:13:19 PM)

Do pontoons work like full-hex bridges, meaning they can't be destroyed by any means -- engineers, artillery, or direct fire?

Pontoons have 9 or 10 different strengths.  What are the cutoffs for vehicles (jeeps/wagons/trucks), light vehicles (armoured cars/light tanks), medium tanks, and heavy tanks? 

Jason Petho -> RE: destroying bridges (7/26/2007 5:40:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: 1925frank

Do pontoons work like full-hex bridges, meaning they can't be destroyed by any means -- engineers, artillery, or direct fire?



ORIGINAL: 1925frank
Pontoons have 9 or 10 different strengths.  What are the cutoffs for vehicles (jeeps/wagons/trucks), light vehicles (armoured cars/light tanks), medium tanks, and heavy tanks? 

Off the top of my head, I don't know.

Jason Petho

warhead2 -> RE: destroying bridges (12/9/2008 5:40:05 PM)

I'm playing a DCG river crossing. I've crossed one bridge w/o any problems.but the other bridge has accumulated 14 wrecks (that was fun). So now I can't cross the bridge with any units. I've tried a 6SP infantry which couldn't move into the bridge hex(with full 100AP) and then I tried a 3SP infantry unit and wasn't able either. I thought stacking was 24 so 24-14 wrecks should allow 10SPs on the bridge. Or is stacking on a bridge different?
FYI this is east front version 1.04 matrix

Jason Petho -> RE: destroying bridges (12/9/2008 6:05:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: warhead2

I'm playing a DCG river crossing. I've crossed one bridge w/o any problems.but the other bridge has accumulated 14 wrecks (that was fun). So now I can't cross the bridge with any units. I've tried a 6SP infantry which couldn't move into the bridge hex(with full 100AP) and then I tried a 3SP infantry unit and wasn't able either. I thought stacking was 24 so 24-14 wrecks should allow 10SPs on the bridge. Or is stacking on a bridge different?
FYI this is east front version 1.04 matrix

Stacking on a bridge has a 12 SP limit, the same as a road network.

Jason Petho

warhead2 -> RE: destroying bridges (12/9/2008 10:55:22 PM)

I've been playing this game since november 1997 and just learned something I didn't know
so I have to make that bridgehead with attrited units
fortunately I crossed to the left via boats
and the right bridge is expanding well
I really don't need that center bridge to get to the high value objectives
but I have about 40% of my force in that center bridge area multiple kilometers from their boats
all the 2SPs are going forward (the grisly vets)

warhead2 -> RE: destroying bridges (12/9/2008 10:56:21 PM)

actually I cant at all
it's like the Arnhem bridge
impassable now

warhead2 -> RE: destroying bridges (12/9/2008 11:00:52 PM)

engineers need to be able to remove wrecks
like 1/turn or 1/turn with a percentage for success

another adjustment I thought of long ago
attempts to make an improved position should be adjusted for the SP strength of the unit
maybe like a quarter percent for regulars (thus a full 6SP unit has 1.5% chance,4SP 1%,2SP .5%)
and the same for engineers but double the percentage (i.e. .5% per SP)

Jason Petho -> RE: destroying bridges (12/10/2008 3:02:21 AM)


ORIGINAL: warhead2

engineers need to be able to remove wrecks
like 1/turn or 1/turn with a percentage for success

another adjustment I thought of long ago
attempts to make an improved position should be adjusted for the SP strength of the unit
maybe like a quarter percent for regulars (thus a full 6SP unit has 1.5% chance,4SP 1%,2SP .5%)
and the same for engineers but double the percentage (i.e. .5% per SP)

With the latest update, there are now special units that can clear wrecks. Dozers, Maintenence Units, Werkstat platoons, etc.

Unfortunately, since they are new units, they are not included in many of the old scenarios.

Jason Petho

umbro -> RE: destroying bridges (12/16/2008 8:54:27 PM)


ORIGINAL: warhead2
another adjustment I thought of long ago
attempts to make an improved position should be adjusted for the SP strength of the unit
maybe like a quarter percent for regulars (thus a full 6SP unit has 1.5% chance,4SP 1%,2SP .5%)
and the same for engineers but double the percentage (i.e. .5% per SP)

What is the rationale behind 30 guys digging foxholes for 30 guys being faster than 5 guys digging foxholes for 5 guys?

scottintacoma -> RE: destroying bridges (12/17/2008 4:04:38 AM)

I am not sure that "digging in" is just digging fox holes. I think it also includes sandbagging and other activities. The more people filling sand bags the better. And sandbags take mulitple people to fill quickly. Those burlap bags do not want to stay open.

Miamieagle -> RE: destroying bridges (12/26/2008 3:24:16 AM)

I believe Bridges should be able to be destroy with Art and Airstrikes in the Future. Thats just my opinion!

Miamieagle -> RE: destroying bridges (12/26/2008 3:27:11 AM)

I also believe that many of the other Infrastructures should be also be able to be destroy with Art and Airstrike as well. This would make this game just that more interesting!

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