stall84 -> NEED ADVICE AND HELP PLEASE! (7/27/2007 4:33:08 AM)
Hey all, I was a huge HTTR fan... still play it every now and then. I personally love ground combat and the types of TOE's they ahve in these games. However Grigsby's War in the Pacific is probably the best wargame Ive ever played.. simply bcause of the production factor and others I cant mention right now. Heres the thing.. Ive already got both HTTR and WITP. I can buy 1 new game under $60.... Should I go for Conquest of the Agean (and give some descent reasons why because HTTR seemed a little "lacking) Should I go with War plan orange? (BB vs. BB) sounds like a lot of fun... I'd look forward to taking the planed out of the mix. Or should I go with that new Carriers at War game.. which sseems overly focused on Carrier tactics in the Solomons. HELP.! ADVICE! PLEASE! I wanna make a purchase TONIGHT!!