BK6583 -> RE: AAR/Quick Guide Central Powers 1914 (9/17/2008 11:55:46 AM)
ORIGINAL: ei3014 In reply to BK6583: In The Economy section, the top line refers to Raw Materials. The Second line is the food line you refer to. The first column is the food carried over from last turn (stored). 2nd column is food produced within that country e.g. Germany. 3rd Column is how much food arrives by trade - i.e. your merchant fleet. Capt. (short for captured) is how many food areas you have captured, and Avail - Available, is how many this converts to (by dividing by 3 and rounding down) Consumed is how many are required. Current is how much is left over to store for next turn (if any). The affect of running out of food is to reduce you industrial capacity - shown on line 3. If you have 7 food, but you consume 10, your industry runs at 70%. Generally though (but not always) , it is raw materials that limit your production - not the shortage of food. (page 18 of the manual - section 12) - ask again if you need more explanation on this. Which number, i.e., "Food", "Prod", and "Current" tells you that you're country is running a deficit? In the screen shot on page 2 "Food" is 14; "Prod" is 7; and "Current" is 11. "Consumed" is 10.