Desert Fox - Non Delivery (Full Version)

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linwood -> Desert Fox - Non Delivery (6/12/2001 3:36:00 PM)

I ordered Desert Fox on 6 May which I have not received. I am concerned that my VISA account was debited on that date. I have no intention of paying for goods you have not sent me. My E-Mails and messages to your help desk have been ignored.

volz423 -> (6/12/2001 4:49:00 PM)

Well, I'm in the same boat. I ordered it on the 8th. My problem with it, like yours is that I was billed for it (and not as a pre-order) and nothing came. Although, as was pointed out to me, this may be common practice for pre-release games I will state again that I got charged the extra amount and am apparently down on the list (hopefully still on the list). I'm going to wait it out, I think this is a great game and easy to play (not to mention fun). I did see a post earlier from them that they will offer refunds to anyone, but I'm going to carry on and give them a chance. :)

Drex -> (6/12/2001 8:02:00 PM)

They have had delivery problems.It will get here fellas. I sent them a check some time ago. alot of us have pre-paid. Play some pbem to pass the time.

moore4807 -> (6/12/2001 8:12:00 PM)

Paul Vebber posted that the CD's had to be re-printed due to an error (and they added V5.01 as well to the CD). Then the CD's were'nt sent back on time by the printer. The last word was June 18th would be the tentative shipping date- provided the CD's got to the shipping warehouse by then. I can understand your frustration, I paid too. However if you checked the threads first you would have read this information the same as I have. Matrix has been pretty upfront about this and are taking the heat for it (as they should). I commend them for not folding thier tents and sticking with it. I just wish them luck with this mess and they are better for it when its over. :cool:

DerSoldat -> (6/12/2001 8:34:00 PM)

I learned my lesson with preorder from a major seller of Pc/board/console games.NEVER AGAIN.If I were you guys Id hold on to my money until a product is released.

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