SiTheSly -> Why can't extra BE Cav be purchased (8/4/2007 1:36:08 PM)
In my last game as the TE I decided to knock the OE out of the war steal the RM resources there and open up a land route for the British to Russia. Part of that plan included purchasing extra Cav units for the BE to use in the wide open spaces of the ME and hence thin out the line in the caucus letting Russia attack from there. To my amazement the British cannot purchase any more Cav units - they are stuck with the one unit from the beginning. I'm not claiming expert knowledge on WWI but surely the BE would have been able to raise lots of Cav units if it really wanted to for use in the Middle East. In fact didn't it do this? India had caverly units, South Africa did and so did Australia. Is this just an ommitance which should be corrected or is there some histroical reason which I am unaware of?