RE: Round 2 2vs2 BoerWar/haudrauf vs Dahnyul/kondor (Full Version)

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BoerWar -> RE: Round 2 2vs2 BoerWar/haudrauf vs Dahnyul/kondor (12/7/2007 12:58:10 AM)

Germany - Fall '46: In honor of Kondor we'll say those were Croatian Rangers that came North to defend Czech. Not much more to do this turn but build and see if we can hold one more turn. Lost a para by being nosy and checking the odds of a suicide attack on W. Germany. They weren't good (0%).

Great game all. Hope we all make the next round.

Turn sent to Haudrauf.


Dahnyul -> RE: Round 2 2vs2 BoerWar/haudrauf vs Dahnyul/kondor (12/7/2007 8:02:58 AM)

Well, Russia in an attempt to save face recaptured its victory point regions, and liberated all but Leningrad. Just for fun I shipped in a unit to Western Poland. Hmmm, I just thought of this now, but I hope it didn't mess up Kondor's plans, but I see he has no armor there, so I guess I didn't. And, in a useless effort I hit a factory but it doesn't matter as there is no next turn for Germany.

Great game guys, particularly Kondor and Boer Ware played very well. Me, not so much. I am only still in game because of the rule where Russia doesn't surrender when it loses its capital.

Very fun game to be a part of.

Turn 30 sent to Kondor.


kondor -> RE: Round 2 2vs2 BoerWar/haudrauf vs Dahnyul/kondor (12/8/2007 12:42:21 AM)

WA decided to attack Berlin! After bombing the rail I even moved 2 tanks from London with amphib. landing into E.Germany but to my surprise 3 GE a[&:]rtys there did not fire on them while landing? Did I miss some rule there?[&:]


kondor -> RE: Round 2 2vs2 BoerWar/haudrauf vs Dahnyul/kondor (12/8/2007 12:46:10 AM)

Anyway the Germany falls[:)], but it is an axis substantive victory![&o]
Congratulations to BoerWar and Haudrauf on victory! It was well played, fun and unusual game!
Good luck in next round of tour...

The game didnīt continue east vs west, but there is no point on forcing that IMO. MrQ?
Turn forwarded to all.


MrQuiet -> RE: Round 2 2vs2 BoerWar/haudrauf vs Dahnyul/kondor (12/8/2007 1:52:06 AM)

Great Game Guys.
If the game does not allow East vs West when the Axis win then that is fine.
We know there would not be very much resistance from SU in this particular WW3.


I even moved 2 tanks from London with amphib. landing into E.Germany but to my surprise 3 GE artys there did not fire on them while landing? Did I miss some rule there?

There is a rule that for every friendly land unit in the area being amphib then I think it is -2 on the opfire (doubled for bombard) which eventually gets to a point where opfire has no chance at damaging amphib.

BoerWar -> RE: Round 2 2vs2 BoerWar/haudrauf vs Dahnyul/kondor (12/8/2007 5:22:58 AM)

The game did progress on to Russia after I tried to load so it may go into east vs west. I sent the file on to Dahnyul.

christian brown -> RE: Round 2 2vs2 BoerWar/haudrauf vs Dahnyul/kondor (12/8/2007 6:40:00 AM)


I even moved 2 tanks from London with amphib. landing into E.Germany but to my surprise 3 GE artys there did not fire on them while landing? Did I miss some rule there?

from the manual (8.2.3)

"For each enemy ground unit already in the region being invaded at the moment an artillery or air unit fires, 2 is subtracted from the die roll of the firing unit (the modifier is called "Opportunity Fire Enemy units in region.")

Perhaps you had so many ground units in East Germany already that by the time you moved those armor units in, the op-fire capable units had their op-fire opportunity nullified by the above modifier...........?

kondor -> RE: Round 2 2vs2 BoerWar/haudrauf vs Dahnyul/kondor (12/8/2007 1:14:29 PM)

Yes, that was the case, obviously I didnīt read the rules as I should...[:o].
Thx guys!

Dahnyul -> RE: Round 2 2vs2 BoerWar/haudrauf vs Dahnyul/kondor (12/20/2007 8:43:21 AM)

Well, fortunately, that didn't take long. Congratulations Kondor, and to BoerWar as well.


MrQuiet -> RE: Round 2 2vs2 BoerWar/haudrauf vs Dahnyul/kondor (12/25/2007 3:57:17 AM)

Great Job guys, excellent aar reading.
I have just tallied up the AAR points.
I am allowing all players to miss 1 post before penalties are applied.
If I made any mistakes let me know.

BoerWar 28 x .25 = 7 missed none (0) = 7
Haudrauf 1 x .25 = .25 missed fa41 wi42 su42 wi43 sp44 (-4) = (-3.75)

Dahnyul 10 x .25 = 2.5 missed none (0) = 2.5
Kondor 26 x .25 = 6.5 Missed none (0) = 6.5

WWII Axis SV Axis +40 Allies +0
WWIII Allied DV WA +15 SU +0

Finally below is a copy of the funniest aar post I have read on this forrum.
Great writting Dahnyul



Meanwhile, the Russians have mustered a crazy old man with a sharp stick, thrown him into a wagon pulled by a three legged donkey, and have begun to liberate territory the Germans captured but found useless for anything other than for freezing body parts (should you ever want to do that sort of thing.)

Go Allies! (If we had planes, trucks, tanks, soldiers and an economy we'd be fighting too!)

Just to be certain we have made our contribution, the Russian bombers do drop rotten cabbage on Rumanian factories and score a lucky hit.

Ahh. I was sure I took a screen shot, but trust me, it was very, very impressive!

"Ivan, keep pedaling I tell you, we are losing altitude."

rjh1971 -> RE: Round 2 2vs2 BoerWar/haudrauf vs Dahnyul/kondor (8/26/2021 9:51:52 PM)

Hopefully after reading an AAR and with the new patch that allows pbem++ people will become interested in this game again.

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