ColinWright -> RE: Comprehensive Wishlist (8/5/2010 8:20:32 PM)
ORIGINAL: Curtis Lemay Till that epiphany occurs, I'll go ahead and post my solution for a physical supply system for TOAW. A Physical Supply System would be modeled via concentrations of physical supplies in new map features called “Supply Dumps”. Supply and Supply Dumps would have the following Properties: A. Supply Dumps would have a map icon similar to (but different from) the icon of a Supply Point. B. Supply Dumps would contain a quantity of supply in tons (perhaps split into components). Amount would be displayed via popup to friendly player only. This would enable them to function like a variable supply point. C. Their variable supply value would depend upon what the FSL was, how much supply was in the dump and how much equipment could trace a line of communication to the dump. Presence of other dumps or supply points in the same contiguous area might have an effect as well. This is way too complicated and critical to figure out just now. D. Their Variable Supply Value would change dynamically as the above conditions changed (or at some regular interval – maybe just at the friendly supply calculation phase). E. Equipment supply tonnage needs would have to be figured out. It might be a new equipment parameter preset in the equipment list. Or it might be some combination of AP, AT, AA, and other existing parameters, dependent upon equipment type. F. During the friendly supply calculation phase, a supply dump would function just like a variable supply point with two exceptions: 1. After all units that traced supply to the dump were replenished, the total amount of supply required for whatever level of replenishment they all received would be deducted from the dump’s supply total (which may even eliminate the dump). 2. And, if the dump’s variable supply level began at less than some minimum fraction of the FSL, the dump could not be used to avoid an “unsupplied” unit state. Not sure yet what that minimum should be. This level might even be set by the designer. G. There would have to be another supply deduction from the dump to represent food consumption or the numbers won’t come out right (units at 150% supply would never need supply). This is better done at the unit (an automatic drop similar to what unsupplied units suffer) but that could screw up existing scenarios. This is why the whole thing needs component supply to be implemented first, which would deal with the issue at the unit. H. Naval unit supply would have to be made explicit in some fashion so that they consume supply as well. I. Supply Dumps could be placed on the map in the editor by the designer. There would have to be a limit, perhaps 99 – like supply points. J. Supply Dumps could be placed on the map via a “Place Dump” event (Value = supply amount in tons). This could deduct or add supply to an existing dump as well. K. Supply Dumps could be subject to air/artillery attack, similar to bridge attack. Results would deduct supply from the dump. L. Supply Dumps could be placed on the map during play by delivery of supply to a location. M. Supply could be lifted out of a dump by transport mechanisms, up to the total amount of supply in the dump (which would delete the dump). N. Perhaps supply could be lifted out of supply points as well. Not sure yet what the per-turn limit should be, if any. There would be no effect on the supply point itself, though. This ability would have to be enabled by the designer, however – perhaps by event. O. Supply transport mechanisms include Sea Cap, Air Cap, Rail Cap, as well as physical transport units (trucks, horse teams, porters, cargo vessels, amphibious vessels, cargo aircraft, etc.). P. Lift capacities (in tons) of various transport equipment would have to be specified as equipment parameters. Q. Supply could remain “lifted” indefinitely. R. Transport units would consume supply like any other unit. S. Ports would have a “capacity” in tons (it could be zero – for just a beach), and cargo vessels could only disembark that limit per unit interval per port. Amphibious vessels would not be limited. The existing Sea Cap would continue to be treated as “amphibious”. There might be a new “Cargo Cap” that wouldn’t be. T. Naval units would take up Port Cap as well. So naval units would no longer be able to enter beach hexes. U. Disembarking equipment (combat units) in the port could cost capacity too (unit weight), if not by amphibious vessels. V. When supply was lifted by Sea Cap, Air Cap, or Rail Cap, it would be represented by an ad hoc sea-embarked, air-embarked, or entrained unit (counter-set specified by designer). I’m not sure how to handle formations for them yet. W. Space for ad hoc units would need to be retained within the unit-per-side-limit if such are to be permitted in the scenario. X. Physical transport units would have to be created by the designer as part of the OOB. Y. Physical transport units could be used to lift other things than supplies (other equipment, for example). Transport unit would have to be big enough to lift the entire unit being lifted. Fine control of unit subdivision would be useful here. Z. Lifted contents of physical transport units could be viewed via popup by friendly player only. AA. Obviously, transport units (including the ad hoc units) would be subject to enemy attack/interdiction in transit. Losses to transport equipment would cause corresponding loss of supply/equipment as well. BB. Attacked physical transport units would defend with their own defense parameters, not those of the lifted contents. CC. The ad hoc units would have defense parameters proportional to the size of the supply lift they were making. DD. Existing enemy interdiction effects on the friendly FSL would still take effect as before. This is a little problematic, since interdictors will get to physically interdict supply transport units too. But I don’t know what to do about that yet. EE. Transport sharing effects would be retained as well, but lift units that contain supplies would be omitted from it. FF. I don’t understand TOAW’s air supply mechanism well enough yet to decide how dumps will mesh with it. GG. When supply was disembarked from any of these means it would create a new supply dump at the location. If disembarked into an existing dump, the amount would add to that dump’s total – adjusting its variable supply level accordingly. Disembarked onto a supply point, the supply would just disappear into the point. HH. If the number-of-dumps-limit had been reached, some other dump would have to be removed before any other supply disembarking could take place. II. Friendly units could destroy dumps during the friendly movement phase. JJ. Enemy units could capture dumps during the enemy movement phase (subject to chance of full or partial destruction if friendly occupied – mechanism to be determined). Note that this system retains, and operates within the existing system. It allows players to move supplies as much or as little as they desire. Designers could eschew it entirely, use it partially, or even rely on it entirely. There is, however, a huge amount of “stuff” to code. And lots of it (including some critical parts) hasn’t been figured out just yet, either. This is not going to be trivial. Other supply items I’ve advocated would still be desirable for the above system: An intermediate supply state, halved costs for motorized units on improved roads, and component supply. Good man. If you want, we can say you won. Just so long as we wind up in the right place. If I was truly wise, I'd shut up and let you slowly abandon every element of the current system on your own. Sometime around 1930, Admiral LeMay decides that maybe that battleship will work even better without those three tiers of oars.