So what do we think of the AI so far? (Full Version)

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SteveD64 -> So what do we think of the AI so far? (8/13/2007 11:10:39 PM)

Completed my first campaign game the other day and I got completely thumped as the CP. Austria surrendered in early 1917 due to my inability to launch any worthwhile counterattacks. Germany surrendered at the end of the year.

Italy overran Salzburg. It was ugly.

What kind of success are you having with a French first policy?

hjaco -> RE: So what do we think of the AI so far? (8/13/2007 11:29:35 PM)

Against the AI a certain conquest of France in each game after a years time - Belgium or no Belgium [;)]

Against a human player it is more even depending on each players abilities and strategy.

morvwilson -> RE: So what do we think of the AI so far? (8/14/2007 1:13:49 AM)

As the central powers, I was able to knock out first Serbia in late 1914, France in late 1915. The Turks were able to take Cairo and Alexandria and had made inroads into the caucasus.
Greece had entered the war on the allied side but was knocked out by Bulgarian troops under German leadership. Rumania suffered a simular fate.
I found I could contain the Russians since the ai will not consentrate the available leader ship and launch a determined campaign. Two or three attacks in a given area and they were done.

What got ugly for me was a British/Italian combanation that started to break out of the Salzburg area. Even with German troops in the mountains, I was getting steadily pushed back. But by that time, it was 1917 and I had already achieved a decisive victory.

I have found that on the western front I did not have to attack french or british troops directly, the AI kept leaving gaps in its front. I would do the Shleiffen(sp?) plan and drive through Belgium and just bypass any french or british units. Eventually I had a stack of 4 inf. Corps in paris. The French would then leave a gap in the south and I would then take advantage of it and drive as far as Dijon.

lol, had a lot of fun so far.

As the alliance, I have found that germany left NO defence in the east?! It is currently the second turn in 1914 and I am 3 hexes from Berlin with the Russians!
The french of course cant take the pressure and are crumbling but one more turn and I will capture Berlin.

SteveD64 -> RE: So what do we think of the AI so far? (8/14/2007 1:38:01 AM)

In my game the Turks had taken Cairo, but the British landed an army in Alexandria and crushed me.  When Greece came in I advanced against them with the Bulgarians but the British made another timely appearance and stopped me.  I suppose if France was knocked out I could spare the Germans and overwhelm them but it wasn't to be.

Bossy573 -> RE: So what do we think of the AI so far? (8/14/2007 2:38:50 AM)

I have yet to play a game where I haven't had my ass handed to me (4 games so far).

It does appear that there is absolutely no way the German offensive to open the war can succeed. That is a little disappointing as the actual offensive came within an ace of succeeding.

Cyrano~ -> RE: So what do we think of the AI so far? (8/14/2007 6:25:01 AM)


ORIGINAL: Bossy573

I have yet to play a game where I haven't had my ass handed to me (4 games so far).

It does appear that there is absolutely no way the German offensive to open the war can succeed. That is a little disappointing as the actual offensive came within an ace of succeeding.

That's strange, I followed the historical path and defeated France sometime in 1915 after taking Paris several turns earlier and then slowly ground down their forces elsewhere mostly by fighting defensively and using Artillery + Air Recon.

Bossy573 -> RE: So what do we think of the AI so far? (8/14/2007 6:49:20 AM)



That's strange, I followed the historical path and defeated France sometime in 1915 after taking Paris several turns earlier and then slowly ground down their forces elsewhere mostly by fighting defensively and using Artillery + Air Recon.

I was alluding to the Schlieffen "super-Canne" in 1914. I guess it would be impossible to model in this game.

I don't know how you guys have managed to win so far. I keep getting thumped.

morvwilson -> RE: So what do we think of the AI so far? (8/14/2007 9:02:44 AM)

Hey bossy what I did was conduct a defensive campaign like Cyrano implies. I would avoid direct assaults on french or british units(especially if they are fresh) and hit the gaps. I learned from watching the AI that a good move is to mass  your arty and hit just one hex before attacking. (remember one activated HQ will allow ALL of your units in a one hex radius to attack. So only one leader has to activate to take the first two hexes of belgium and luxemburg on the first move of 1914)
In the beginning I declare war on Belgium and Luxemburg. Leave maybe half a dozen corp in the east to hold the russians up. Push the rest north through Belgium. (take lux. on the first impulse). Do not attack the french in the south! leave a reserve with calvary support and wait. The french will open a gap near Nancy when your northern advance enters france. Then advance on both the southern front and northern front. They cant guard both at once. Just keep moving into open hexes. The french will try to counter attack and bleed themselves white! Just like in history![8D]

hjaco -> RE: So what do we think of the AI so far? (8/14/2007 10:10:24 AM)

Well feel free to try that strategy against a human player [:D]

The key to taking France down is by inflicting French casualties early so you must attack.

Let's assume Germany deploys their B corps in the east so they have 30 A corps left. France and Britain combined have 20 corps and must on top of that react to Germany's initiative. In turn 2 France get's another 10 corps mobilized but most will end up far from the front (no rail movement). Furthermore France can only replace 2 * 36 losses until january 1915.

It all boils down to - use numerical superiority to attrition the French army on the first couple of turns by maneuvering towards Paris. Aim for inflicting 200 - 300 casualties on the French in the first turn. Expect to loose 200 casualties yourselves. This loss rate may seem prohibitive high but it will drop substantially there after and be far lower than normal.

I disagree with Morvwilson in not attacking south of Verdun. Itīs just one more pressure point on the French. But use aerial reconnaissance and soften up with your artillery for a couple of impulses before attacking.

morvwilson -> RE: So what do we think of the AI so far? (8/14/2007 10:34:36 AM)



Well feel free to try that strategy against a human player [:D]

What I outlined will work on the AI only.
I also think you are right on the casualty count.
All in all I think the nortern rout through belguim works. Hit hard and fast in the beginning and I think Germany has a good chance to defeat france.

hjaco -> RE: So what do we think of the AI so far? (8/14/2007 10:59:33 AM)

Belgium will be the main thrust yes.

I like to deploy 4 artillery against the hex south of Verdun hit it once or twice and then attack it continuing attacking SW of Verdun in conjunction with reeling in on the other flank from the Ardennes in order to cut off some French troops. AH artillery will deploy in the alps in order to get another siege artillery against Verdun reducing the fortification level. When executing the pincer movement Verdun will be attacked the hard way by a frontal assault in order to keep the defenders in place.

Besides causing additional casualties on the French by the otherwise inactive units at the Franco-German border you also get to grab the 3 resource hexes in east France to boos production [8D]

Bossy573 -> RE: So what do we think of the AI so far? (8/14/2007 2:28:57 PM)



The key to taking France down is by inflicting French casualties early so you must attack.

I was going to but I was afraid of a nasty Op-ED in the New York Times. We're a sensitive bunch over here at headquarters. [:D]

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