morvwilson -> RE: So what do we think of the AI so far? (8/14/2007 1:13:49 AM)
As the central powers, I was able to knock out first Serbia in late 1914, France in late 1915. The Turks were able to take Cairo and Alexandria and had made inroads into the caucasus. Greece had entered the war on the allied side but was knocked out by Bulgarian troops under German leadership. Rumania suffered a simular fate. I found I could contain the Russians since the ai will not consentrate the available leader ship and launch a determined campaign. Two or three attacks in a given area and they were done. What got ugly for me was a British/Italian combanation that started to break out of the Salzburg area. Even with German troops in the mountains, I was getting steadily pushed back. But by that time, it was 1917 and I had already achieved a decisive victory. I have found that on the western front I did not have to attack french or british troops directly, the AI kept leaving gaps in its front. I would do the Shleiffen(sp?) plan and drive through Belgium and just bypass any french or british units. Eventually I had a stack of 4 inf. Corps in paris. The French would then leave a gap in the south and I would then take advantage of it and drive as far as Dijon. lol, had a lot of fun so far. As the alliance, I have found that germany left NO defence in the east?! It is currently the second turn in 1914 and I am 3 hexes from Berlin with the Russians! The french of course cant take the pressure and are crumbling but one more turn and I will capture Berlin.