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105mm Howitzer -> Memoir 44 fans (8/14/2007 9:22:05 AM)

Just out of curiosity, any Memoir 44 players out there? [sm=00000436.gif]

Marc von Martial -> RE: Memoir 44 fans (8/14/2007 11:01:30 AM)

Once in a while a play a round or two. Good game.

ravinhood -> RE: Memoir 44 fans (8/14/2007 11:54:53 AM)

If it was on computer I would play it. I've seen it and think it's a great entry level boardgame and would greatly enjoy seeing it come to the ocmputer. Wonder why Matrixgames doesn't try to make this happen? ;)

Marc von Martial -> RE: Memoir 44 fans (8/14/2007 4:08:51 PM)

At Origins rumors were that "Days of Wonder" is working on a computer version.

Erik Rutins -> RE: Memoir 44 fans (8/14/2007 4:13:47 PM)

Yep, I rarely have time to play, but I enjoy it and have the base game plus one of the expansions in my game closet.


- Erik

pomakli -> RE: Memoir 44 fans (8/14/2007 9:24:18 PM)

Yes, there is a fan!

I bought it and played several times.

But the best solution is to play it by VASSAL!


Sarge -> RE: Memoir 44 fans (8/15/2007 2:54:17 AM)

My son plays it a lot with his buddies (Lord Of The Flies social club as my wife puts it)
along with Axis And Allies Dday and the Pacific game.

I picked it up for him last Xmas to introduce him to the hobby , great game !
Wife told me over the last 6 months she had to answer a battery of requests by parents inquiring what game and where to get it .

He has been asking for Flame Of War ?

Anyone play or even seen it played ?

David Heath -> RE: Memoir 44 fans (8/15/2007 3:46:47 AM)

Oh yea my kids and I have a blast with it.

ravinhood -> RE: Memoir 44 fans (8/15/2007 6:28:47 AM)

David, when do you have time for games and kids? ;)

Jeffrey H. -> RE: Memoir 44 fans (8/15/2007 6:41:10 AM)

Play Tide of Iron....when you want a little more serious game.

Bloodybucket28th -> RE: Memoir 44 fans (8/15/2007 7:11:11 AM)

I like M44, the simplicity makes it work, great gateway game and fun to play just for the heck of it. 

Tide of Iron looks OK, but I sense complexity creep...I have shelves and shelves of wargames that don't get played nowadays because they are simply too complex for casual, quick play.

oi_you_nutter -> RE: Memoir 44 fans (8/15/2007 9:03:28 PM)

got it and most of the expansions... its simple, fun and quick

ravinhood -> RE: Memoir 44 fans (8/15/2007 9:45:59 PM)

M44 on the computer could be just the game the market needs to shoot it into overdrive. Axis and Allies is just old and it does take a long time to play a game out. With the attention span of most kids nowadays they need a game like M44 with quick and easy play. Need to get back to those 1-4 hour playable wargames again. It's why North vs South is still one of my favorite computer civil war games. lol Simple, quick and to the point, but, a load of fun value and you could play out a game oh in less than 2 hours easy.

That "Tide of Iron" looks interesting also, perhaps more intermediate to M44 though. But, I'm a sucker for minature type games in the tactical field of play, so, I'd probaby buy it. I like the larger hexes and unit sizes. One of my biggest gripes of HPS games is their minature units are just too small. Needs another zoom level for us old farts with bad vision from playing these small hexed games and small font manuals I need larger font. ;)

Jeffrey H. -> RE: Memoir 44 fans (8/15/2007 9:53:08 PM)

All the kids in our area are playing Warhammer 40k. Is there a computer version of that ?

ravinhood -> RE: Memoir 44 fans (8/15/2007 9:58:09 PM)

Warhammer? My gawd they need to toss that trash in the garbage and play REAL minature wargames. hehe And yeah I think there's Warhammer wannabe's all over the place in computer gaming.

Knock yourself out with Warhammer glob

Gamerankings suks for direct links you'll have to type in Warhammer in the search box....sorry, they suk not me. ;)

Here's Warhammer 40k

Actually as I look through all the Warhammer series games there was one I did like. "Dark Omen". Had a fantasy setting to it.

Marc von Martial -> RE: Memoir 44 fans (8/15/2007 10:04:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: David Heath

Oh yea my kids and I have a blast with it.

Yeah, and he get's his butt served too [:D]

David Heath -> RE: Memoir 44 fans (8/16/2007 7:52:43 AM)


ORIGINAL: ravinhood

David, when do you have time for games and kids? ;)

Hey the kids were my wife idea.... the games with the kids to give me the strength I need to keep working here [:D]

David Heath -> RE: Memoir 44 fans (8/16/2007 7:58:00 AM)


ORIGINAL: Marc Schwanebeck


ORIGINAL: David Heath

Oh yea my kids and I have a blast with it.

Yeah, and he get's his butt served too [:D]

Yea I really stink at it.

ravinhood -> RE: Memoir 44 fans (8/16/2007 8:13:42 AM)


ORIGINAL: David Heath


ORIGINAL: Marc Schwanebeck


ORIGINAL: David Heath

Oh yea my kids and I have a blast with it.

Yeah, and he get's his butt served too [:D]

Yea I really stink at it.

You know we expect better out of people who produce wargames. How does that look when the top dog admin can't beat some little kiddies at a kiddie wargame? hahaah J/King ;)

Jeffrey H. -> RE: Memoir 44 fans (8/17/2007 5:58:47 AM)


ORIGINAL: ravinhood

M44 on the computer could be just the game the market needs to shoot it into overdrive. Axis and Allies is just old and it does take a long time to play a game out. With the attention span of most kids nowadays they need a game like M44 with quick and easy play. Need to get back to those 1-4 hour playable wargames again. It's why North vs South is still one of my favorite computer civil war games. lol Simple, quick and to the point, but, a load of fun value and you could play out a game oh in less than 2 hours easy.

That "Tide of Iron" looks interesting also, perhaps more intermediate to M44 though. But, I'm a sucker for minature type games in the tactical field of play, so, I'd probaby buy it. I like the larger hexes and unit sizes. One of my biggest gripes of HPS games is their minature units are just too small. Needs another zoom level for us old farts with bad vision from playing these small hexed games and small font manuals I need larger font. ;)

TofI is just the ticket for you I think.

JudgeDredd -> RE: Memoir 44 fans (8/17/2007 11:33:47 AM)

I'd love to go back to boardgaming....but I don't know anyone who would be into it. [:(]

I had Red Storm Rising (my favourite), The Hunt for Red October, A Line in the Sand and a Pacific War one, but it wasn't any fun (as much as I tried) to play them on my own...especially The Hunt for Red do you manage to hide the location of the Red October when you are playing on your own!!

Neilster -> RE: Memoir 44 fans (8/17/2007 12:48:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: JudgeDredd

I'd love to go back to boardgaming....but I don't know anyone who would be into it. [:(]

I had Red Storm Rising (my favourite), The Hunt for Red October, A Line in the Sand and a Pacific War one, but it wasn't any fun (as much as I tried) to play them on my own...especially The Hunt for Red do you manage to hide the location of the Red October when you are playing on your own!!

It's like dancing with one's sister. One goes through the motions but the interest isn't there. Thanks Kevin Sheedy [:D] [:'(].

Cheers, Neilster

Arctic Blast -> RE: Memoir 44 fans (8/18/2007 7:35:39 AM)


ORIGINAL: JudgeDredd

I'd love to go back to boardgaming....but I don't know anyone who would be into it. [:(]

I had Red Storm Rising (my favourite), The Hunt for Red October, A Line in the Sand and a Pacific War one, but it wasn't any fun (as much as I tried) to play them on my own...especially The Hunt for Red do you manage to hide the location of the Red October when you are playing on your own!!

Wow, I still have every one of those games, as well. Red Storm and Hunt made for a fun combined game. I've still got a couple buddies that I can drag those out of the closet to play against on occasion. the best part of A Line in the Sand's been awhile, I don't remember what exactly it was called...but when you got to posture to try and pull things more to your favor. We got right in to it, and started shouting out these epithet-laced speeches. Made for a fun time. [:)]

TheHellPatrol -> RE: Memoir 44 fans (8/19/2007 3:20:03 AM)


ORIGINAL: ravinhood

Actually as I look through all the Warhammer series games there was one I did like. "Dark Omen". Had a fantasy setting to it.

[X(]Well ravinhood, you have excellent taste. I loved Dark Omen, only good one, the Warlords series until 4...yuck! (#3 Darklords Rising ruled) and Tropico +expansion was my biggest time killer until Witp. I also believe some of the older Slitherine games to be the best...scary, isn't it?[:'(]

105mm Howitzer -> RE: Memoir 44 fans (8/19/2007 8:31:22 AM)

According to the Memoir 44 forum, there DOW apparently is working on the PC version.There certainly seems to be vast support for that. On the other hand, players are clamoring for other expansion packs, carrying cases, diverse card decks, etc..So as to what will be coming out next, it's anyone's guess.[>:][>:]

cdbeck -> RE: Memoir 44 fans (2/2/2008 6:54:08 AM)

I am reviving this old thread to save space and ask a question.

Recently, I have gotten my previously gaming phobic wife into boardgames. It all started with a Eurogame gem called Puerto Rico, an econ sim that is brilliant and full of great strategy. From there we moved on to a cardgame called Race for the Galaxy and the cardgame version of Puerto Rico, called San Juan.

But Son of Montfort thirsts for blood. All of these Eurogames, made by Germans trying to put WWII behind them, all forget that war is the best game subject. So I am looking for a simple game that can get my now wife with an early gaming addiction into the genre. It is mostly the two of us, and from the reviews I am reading, it seems Memoir 44 might fit the bill - fast paced, simple mechanics (she gets a bit bogged down by rules), unpredictable dice rolls, and moves that are not overwhelming (you only move a few forces per turn, right). Am I crazy, or will this work out? Now she already said she would try the game, and I think she will like it (once her tanks blow up my Germans, she will squeal with glee).

While I am ording though, I thought I might piggy back this in with getting one of the expansions. I read that the new Air expansion is good, but acts really to tie all the other expansions together under some more complicated expanded rules. The Pacific theater looks good too, but all signs point to the Eastern Front as the highlight expansion, if you can only get one. What say you fine people on this board?

So is this a good plan? I KNOW I will like Memoir 44, and I hope the wife can pick it up quickly. The other games of the same system look neat, BattleLore and the ancient game... forgot the name, but I think the wife will like the WWII stuff best (despite the fact that I am a medievalist and BattleLore is probably the most familiar to me). What do you all think?


leastonh1 -> RE: Memoir 44 fans (2/3/2008 6:18:11 PM)

My wife, who's NOT a wargame fan at all, loved Memoir '44. It took us around 30 minutes to learn the very simple, but elegant, rules and the game itself is an absolute blast. We both love it.

Battlelore is on my wishlist at BoardGameGeek, as is Commands and Colors: Ancients. This is the ruleset that Memoir is based on and has proved to be a hit with most people who buy it. I'm a certified fanboi hehe!

If you buy Memoir '44 and my advice is no good, I'll buy it off you and cover postage to send it over to me in the UK. [:D]

ravinhood -> RE: Memoir 44 fans (2/3/2008 7:50:27 PM)



My wife, who's NOT a wargame fan at all, loved Memoir '44. It took us around 30 minutes to learn the very simple, but elegant, rules and the game itself is an absolute blast. We both love it.

Battlelore is on my wishlist at BoardGameGeek, as is Commands and Colors: Ancients. This is the ruleset that Memoir is based on and has proved to be a hit with most people who buy it. I'm a certified fanboi hehe!

If you buy Memoir '44 and my advice is no good, I'll buy it off you and cover postage to send it over to me in the UK. [:D]

I don't even own it Jim, but, I know already it's a great beginner wargame. If I had someone here to play it with I might buy it. Is it vassalized by chance? I've never really played a vassal game, never could get the darn thing to work for me. I'd want to go into a room and watch/observe and nothing ever happened except the JAVA bs made my computer run like molassas. Plus I rather like my computer games to do ALL the processing and maintaining the rules. If it ever comes to PC though I'll be one of the first inline because to me it's NEW and INNOVATIVE and quite different from the monster headache too much detail wargames that have been being put out over the years. I really enjoy 2-4hour wargames that can be played online tcp/ip in that time period. Too bad most turn based wargames aren't able to oblidge me. ;) Good ole Combat Mission can with the right quick battle setups. ;) I'd recommend Memoir 44 to just about anyone entering the board wargame playing field. Games like Memoir 44 remind me of the minature wargames that were simple an easy to play in my youth like "Broadsides", "Battle Cry" and "Dog Fight" the American Heritage games by Milton Bradly. There was another one I think 'Hit the Beach" that I never got. Fun 2-4hour board wargames ahhhhh those were the days. ;)

cdbeck -> RE: Memoir 44 fans (2/3/2008 7:54:56 PM)

Ha! Thanks Jim! I did get it, and I got the Eastern theater expansion so we could have the Ruskie's too. It should come in the mail next week, and I am pretty excited.

My theory about wives and gaming is this - you go to get them hooked with Eurogames that anyone can play, like Carcassonne, Puerto Rico, San Juan and the like. Eventually, after they take enough of these "gateway drugs" you lead them to the "coke" of fast hex based wargames like Memoir 44. Give me a year and I'll have to pause our War of the Ring "heroin" so that she can send of her WitP PBEM turn. [;)]

Thanks for the offer to buy too. I'm pretty confident we will like it, but I'll keep it in mind.

Anyone play Memoir solo at all? I was thinking about trying my hand at that when the wife is busy or away. I know it is hard to not learn toward one side or the other, but are there any tips for solo play?


ravinhood -> RE: Memoir 44 fans (2/3/2008 8:08:19 PM)

I just cannot play a solo wargame. I just can't stand to defeat myself. ;)

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