Andy_MKST -> PBEM V1.0, Andy_MKST v's Kalle (8/19/2007 10:38:58 PM)
Hi guys, First off, Kalle stay out! :) This is an allied AAR for my first PBEM. Scenario 42. NikMod 9.2b for the stock map. Both Sub Doctrines, Off. Fog of War, On. Advanced Weather, Off. Allied Damage Control, On. Historical First Turn, Off. PDU, On. Vary Setup, Off. December 7'th Surprise, Off. Both Reinforcement's, Fixed. 1 Day Turns. The the house rules for the first turn, KB Can attack anywhere, but is to return to the home islands after the attack. Allies can issue orders to LCU's and task forces, but cannot form new task forces. And for the rest of the game, ASW TF's limited to 8 ships. No PT boats in TF's with other ships types unless transfering to new bases. No 4E bombers under 6K, no B29's under 15K. No F4U's on US CV's until 1/44 Airfield stacking limited to 50 X airfield size. Transfering aricraft must be stood down. Limit does not apply to size 9-10 airfields. No use of undefended enemy bases for pilot training. No using LCU fragments to block retreat paths. No invasions of non-base hexes. No submarine invasions. Kwantung Command and China Expeditionary forces to stay in Manchuria/China, unless PP's spent to change command. China Command forces stay in China, unless PP's spent to change command. With A free port attack from the KB, I expect Manila to be hit. We have layed out some ground rules for invasions of India, and Oz/NZ, so I expect Japans plan to be to knock the UK out of the war early. Byond getting into '44 I've not got too much of a plan yet. In my games against the AI, I usualy fight it out in the DEI and Philippines and try and evac Malaya. I'm aiming to do the same here, but it all depends on where he lands in the first month I guess. The first turn has just landed in my inbox, so lets see what we see... Andy.