Screen Resolution Poll (Full Version)

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StormcloudCreations -> Screen Resolution Poll (8/20/2007 11:37:26 PM)

Hey all...the upcoming Hornet Leader PC requires 1280x1024 screen res support, and we would like everyone to vote in our poll to see if most or all of your PC's can support it or if its a problem. I assume for most here it isn't, from what i've read. :)

The poll is at the top of the HL PC forum.


Kuokkanen -> RE: Screen Resolution Poll (8/23/2007 6:28:37 PM)

Heh, I use 1600x1200 myself and I'm tempted to buy WinSPMBT just to use it (free version is limited to 800x600)

JAMiAM -> RE: Screen Resolution Poll (8/23/2007 7:48:23 PM)

1680x1050, for both laptop and desktop.

Zakhal -> RE: Screen Resolution Poll (8/23/2007 10:07:44 PM)

1360x768 is max.

Goblin -> RE: Screen Resolution Poll (8/24/2007 2:18:32 AM)

1280x1024 for most apps, but I find some games to be slow/choppy at that resolution, and back off using the in-game settings, usually to 1024x768

StormcloudCreations -> RE: Screen Resolution Poll (8/24/2007 2:51:02 AM)

Goblin: This game doesn't use heavy duty 3D or anything, and so should be playable on nearly any system from the last 5 years or so
just fine.

KG Erwin -> RE: Screen Resolution Poll (8/24/2007 4:32:04 AM)

1024*768 is fine for the apps that I use.

ravinhood -> RE: Screen Resolution Poll (8/24/2007 11:41:02 AM)

1024*768 is the max I will use and that's sometimes still too SMALL in the text department. I can't read the font of the text on these high resolution monitors. I find myself going back to 800x600 or 600x400 just to read the text in games like Guild Wars. Games of higher resoultion also need a font sizer for those of us with less than perfect vision. I like a really  LARGE FONT when I'm playing games. ;)

jvgfanatic -> RE: Screen Resolution Poll (8/24/2007 11:45:43 AM)


ORIGINAL: ravinhood

1024*768 is the max I will use and that's sometimes still too SMALL in the text department. I can't read the font of the text on these high resolution monitors. I find myself going back to 800x600 or 600x400 just to read the text in games like Guild Wars. Games of higher resoultion also need a font sizer for those of us with less than perfect vision. I like a really  LARGE FONT when I'm playing games. ;)

I don't know if there's such a feature under vista or xp but on the Mac if you press the control key and roll the mouse wheel the whole screen zooms into your cursor. It can stick to until you roll back (no need to hold the control key). It's different than the font size increase in a browser window that is accomplished by rolling the wheel in XP, it zooms the whole screen and makes reading tiny fonts a breeze. Happens instantly so no mucking about with screen resolutions. I'm running Windows applications in Parallels and it works seamlessly with Windows apps running in a Mac environ. As Parallels (or VMWare Fusion, or whatever virtual machine) functionality improves more and more games will run under them.

ravinhood -> RE: Screen Resolution Poll (8/26/2007 3:40:42 AM)

Lol I wouldn't start using a Mac if someone gave me one. I have enough trouble using a PC. lol Developers can just develop themselves out of business I guess thinking all their customers can read microscopic font and everyone has 20/20 vision. lol

Goblin -> RE: Screen Resolution Poll (8/26/2007 4:43:58 AM)


ORIGINAL: StormcloudCreations

Goblin: This game doesn't use heavy duty 3D or anything, and so should be playable on nearly any system from the last 5 years or so
just fine.

You are most likely correct. I can/do run most games at 1280x1024; only the odd few get backed down.

I do agree with ravinhood about making font sizes adjustable in game. I have no trouble reading them, but can see where it would be difficult for some. My mother often comes to see something I have found on the computer, and cannot read the screen.


jvgfanatic -> RE: Screen Resolution Poll (8/26/2007 9:09:24 AM)


ORIGINAL: ravinhood

Lol I wouldn't start using a Mac if someone gave me one. I have enough trouble using a PC. lol Developers can just develop themselves out of business I guess thinking all their customers can read microscopic font and everyone has 20/20 vision. lol

I'm sure that will happen :)

Zap -> RE: Screen Resolution Poll (8/26/2007 9:39:36 AM)


forget it.

jvgfanatic -> RE: Screen Resolution Poll (8/26/2007 11:42:39 AM)




forget it.

:D indeed

ravinhood -> RE: Screen Resolution Poll (8/26/2007 12:47:22 PM)

Well let's just say this WON'T be a game I will be buying or promoting to others. ;) so forget it an indeed that in your pipe and smoke it. ;)

ilovestrategy -> RE: Screen Resolution Poll (8/27/2007 7:14:49 AM)

I like 1280 768. I'm 40 now and man, I'm starting to like larger fonts [:D]

StormcloudCreations -> RE: Screen Resolution Poll (8/27/2007 8:57:41 AM)

Goblin: The fonts aren't made tiny, very much on purpose. Not being a total youngster myself (is 36 old?), tiny little fonts are getting a little harder for me to see too. It's not an "eye-straining text" resolution, it's "there's too much data on some of the screens for 1024x768" resolution. [:)]

themattcurtis -> RE: Screen Resolution Poll (8/27/2007 7:57:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: StormcloudCreations

Goblin: The fonts aren't made tiny, very much on purpose. Not being a total youngster myself (is 36 old?), tiny little fonts are getting a little harder for me to see too. It's not an "eye-straining text" resolution, it's "there's too much data on some of the screens for 1024x768" resolution. [:)]

36 better not be old.

I turn 35 on Sept. 24 [:@]

30 didn't bug me. Hoping 35 won't, either. But the clock tickin is one more reason the woman is pushing for me to go under the knife. Three kids is enough for us. That potty training stuff was for the ffing birds.

IronManBeta -> RE: Screen Resolution Poll (9/8/2007 11:31:15 PM)

I use dual 1280 x 1024 at work and at home and love it.  My laptop is 1600 x 1200 but that can get a little hard on my eyes (51 years young) at times.

jchastain -> RE: Screen Resolution Poll (9/8/2007 11:36:16 PM)

My 41 year old eyes love my 30" monitor.  I run it at 2560x1600.  Though I didn't really think about it much in advance, I find that 1024x768 just doesn't look very good on such a big monitor and I find many games that rely on that resolution unplayable.  So, I now find myself actively looking at the resolution for new games and shying away from games that do not scale to higher res. 

ravinhood -> RE: Screen Resolution Poll (9/9/2007 1:04:21 AM)

The best thing is to have game support ALL resolutions and let the gamer/player decide which is the best for them to use and play with. 1024x at least as a minimum.

JudgeDredd -> RE: Screen Resolution Poll (9/9/2007 4:45:59 AM)


ORIGINAL: ravinhood

The best thing is to have game support ALL resolutions and let the gamer/player decide which is the best for them to use and play with. 1024x at least as a minimum.

Of course, you, as a developer, can say how easy that is, right?

It is the best thing, but it's not always possible, depending on the language used and the interface mechanics.

mack2 -> RE: Screen Resolution Poll (9/9/2007 7:12:20 AM)


Obviously would play a game meant for 1280x1024 in a window, I already play Football Manager 2007 in a window, and WINSPMBT, and techncially Harpoon 97 is windowed mode (it's not full screen).

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