ColinWright -> RE: Defending a river line (10/17/2007 7:20:22 PM)
ORIGINAL: Curtis Lemay quote:
ORIGINAL: JAMiAM Rivers along hexsides allow units to assume two basic states. The first is that of a solid, and coherent defense, which is always in effect, when neither force is actively attacking across the river. The second is that of an attacking force, which is only in effect for a very brief, and discrete amount of time. This is the point in time when a game will usually penalize the actively attacking force. The reason that TOAW will continue to model rivers in hexes, instead of as hexsides, is that this allows an additional state, or operational condition, that units may assume beyond that of what is allowed by hexside rivers. That of a shallow bridgehead. The cost, or trade-off, here is a simple spatial distortion that, absent battle, is no better or worse than that caused by forcing rivers to run along hexsides. A shallow bridgehead does not allow for units to maneuver well and, given the general nature of river valleys, will also represent, due to elevation, a tactical advantage to those opposing forces not on a river hex. Thus the 70% reduction in firepower that affects the attacking units. Now, to be consistent, I believe that this penalty should apply to all forces on river hexes, regardless of whether they are attacking, or defending. I will try to get Ralph to code that effect for the next patch. This will also clear up inconsistencies when attacking and defending units are both on river hexes. Both sides will be equally constrained and affected. Why does such an additional state need to be present in TOAW? This is because attackers crossing a river, attacking from a river, defending a narrow bridgehead, should be in a more vulnerable state (at least potentially) at some point in time during the turn. If the "turn" ends, (local/global initiative shifts) before a bridgehead is established deeply enough to be safe from local counterattacks, then the game needs to have the forces that are, in essence, straddling the river, or packed into a confined area, be vulnerable to enemy action - while it is still in this disorganized or operationally weakened state. Thus, if a player can replicate a quick, decisive and effective breakthrough at the point of crossing, a la Sedan, then by the time the enemy can react, the bridgehead is already established some non-zero number of hexes deep, and away from the river. The bridgehead has been successfully forced, and is more relatively safe from any counterattacks that might follow. If the player fumbles, bumbles and stumbles in the face of the enemy resistance, a la Fredricksburg, then the bridgehead is too narrow for the forces across to take advantage of maneuver, they are working up river banks, the bridging or ferry assets are under fire, and the units are in a vulnerable state, such that continued actions against it and the forces within it have a relative advantage. Now that we seem to have averted what would undoubtedly have been the “Great Hexside River Fiasco of 2007” we can now turn our attention to the far more sensible task of improving river hexes. I think James is on to some part of the issue above, but it’s more complicated than that. Yes, an initial bridgehead over a river can be a vulnerable target, deserving of a defensive penalty. But, as I’ve pointed out elsewhere, inside the river hex the river snakes around, and where the units in that hex are deployed relative to that river is unknown. They may be mostly across the river, as above, in which case they’re vulnerable and deserve a defensive penalty. They may be partly across and partly behind, in which case the benefits and penalties more or less cancel, resulting in a wash (that’s how it works now). Or they may be mostly or entirely behind the river, in which case they should be getting a defensive benefit. But how can we tell? I now think it’s possible to do so, via the context of how the hex was captured: Case 1: The river hex began the last friendly player turn friendly controlled. This is the pure defensive context. The units should be assumed to be employing as much defensive use of the river as possible. As such, any friendly units in the hex will enjoy the defensive river benefit (if attacked, those attackers suffer the 0.7 modifier). If the units attack out of the hex, they also suffer the 0.7 attack modifier (this case is like what I suggested much further back). Case 2: The river hex began the last friendly player turn enemy controlled, and was captured by any of the following: 1. Movement. 2. Overrun. 3. An assault against enemy units in the river hex NOT enjoying the defensive river benefit (in other words, a counterattack against enemy units that captured the hex in the last enemy player turn.) This is the mixed context. The units in the hex should be assumed to be partly exposed and partly protected. There is no defensive penalty or benefit. If the units attack out of the hex, they suffer the 0.7 attack modifier (this case is like the way it works now). Case 3: The river hex began the last friendly player turn enemy controlled, and was captured by an assault against enemy units in the river hex that WERE enjoying the defensive river benefit (as in case 1 above). This is the major assault context. The units in the hex should be assumed to be fully exposed. They suffer the defensive penalty if attacked in the next enemy player turn (this case is like in James’ post above). BUT, if the units continue their attack out of the hex that same player-turn against any hex that doesn't qualify for Case 1, they do NOT suffer the 0.7 attack modifier (they’re already across – we don’t want the penalty to be paid twice). It’s complicated, but it’s code only – no graphics – and it will affect all existing scenarios. Note that Case 1 simplifies defensive tactics and allows bridges to be defended – just deploy on the river hex. ...sounds unnecessarily obscure. Really, we could find similar problems with all kinds of terrain. Take hills overlooked by mountains -- the defender gains an advantage by being in that position? I could go on, too. As of now, I know how a river hex works -- and I don't have any major issues with how it works. I don't particularly want to have to be trying to work out just who gained control of it how and calculating what that means the implications are for my attack. I want to see a river hex and know enough just by that. As for the disadvantages of holding a bridge -- well, keeping a bridgehead open is hard. You want the defensive benefits of the river, you lose the offensive potential a bridgehead offers.