List of After Action Reports (Full Version)

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VSWG -> List of After Action Reports (9/9/2007 1:19:35 AM)

Too many good AARs are buried in this forum - lets collect their links here! It would be great if someone (maybe the AAR writer's themselves, if they are still around) could also add some info about those games - see below. Additionaly, I suggest that all AAR writers add their threads to the 'Ongoing AARs' section. This would allow readers to easily find AARs that are similar to their own games, and browse them for advice. Write an interesting summary, and you might gain more readers, too! [:)] I also plan to add a third chapter about AAR writing, with useful links and tips. Right now it's just a draft, everyone is welcome to contribute here, too.

If possible, I'd like to use the following template for adding an AAR:

AAR Title
Players: Player 1 [Jap.] vs. Player 2 [Allies]/ Team Game / Player 1 vs. Jap. AI / ...
Perspective: Allied / Japanese / Combined AAR, open/closed AAR
Map, Mod, Scen: Stock Map, Scen 15/ CHS 2.08 Scen 157/ RHSCVO 7.76 /...
Settings: PDU on/off, 1/2/3 day turns, historical start, ... Just the most important settings.
House Rules: Optional. Important/unusual house rules.
Current game date: I'll try to update this every now and then.
Comments: Some major events in note form, or a short/long summary of the war, what is happening right now, list of major ship losses, etc. Whatever you want to say about this AAR - as long or as short as you want.
Allied/Jap. AAR: Link
Allied/Jap. AAR: Link to your opponent's AAR, if applicable.

1. Hall of Fame

In my opinion all AARs that make it into 1945 should be added by default. Additionally, all AARs that were especially well written, or that were full of great advice, or that were for any other reason memorable go in here. You name the AAR, I'll post it here.

I'll probably add some AARs myself during the next days, but I'm not going to to this alone - others have to contribute, too.

Iron Storm (Scenario 50) Playtest
Players: Alikchi [Jap.] vs. Captain Cruft [Allies]
Perspective: Combined AAR
Map, Mod, Scen: Iron Storm (CHS mod), Scen 50
Settings: 12/7 surprise, historical first turn, sub doctrine off
House Rules: Various
Ended: February 1942, playtesting finished
Comment by Terminus: "A very cool, extremely well-written play-test AAR for Alikchi's Iron Storm I scenario. Alikchi was a very sympathetic and creative young forum member (I say "was" because he's vanished from the forum). He and Tankerace are the two forumites responsible for getting me into modding."

Fear and Loathing in the Pacific / Fear and loathing - Japanese style
Players: Adm Nelson, fabertong and Scott1964 (Jap.] vs. Tom Hunter, Mike Charley and Cap Mandrake [Allies]
Perspective: 2 closed AARs
Map, Mod, Scen: Stock Scen 15
Settings: 12/7 surprise, non-historical first turn, sub doctrine off
House Rules: Various
Ended: August 1942, Allied victory
Comment by Terminus: The first of Captain Mandrake's epic role-play format AAR's. If you haven't read it, you owe yourself the pleasure.
Allied AAR:
Jap. AAR:

Shame and Execration!
Players: kaleun [Allies] vs. Warspite [Jap.]
Perspective: closed Allied AAR
Map, Mod, Scen: Stock Scen 15
House Rules:
Comment by VSWG: Decisive Japanese victory 1/1/1945
Ended: January 1945, Japanese auto-victory
Allied AAR:

Lunacy In The Pacific
Players: Mogami [Jap.] vs. Tom Hunter [Allies]
Perspective: closed Allied AAR
Stock/Mod: Stock Scen 15
House Rules:
Ended: January 1943, Allied player resigns
Comment by ctangus: Lots of good strategic thought for allied players.
Allied AAR:

Sneer vs Raver , Banzaiiii!!!!
Players: Sneer [Jap.] vs. Raverdave [Allies]
Perspective: Combined AAR
Map, Mod, Scen: Stock Scen 15
Settings: 1 day turns
House Rules:
Ended: December 1944, Japanese player quits
Comment by VSWG: KB strikes Manila and Singapore on Dec. 7th; Sneer's blitz takes Singapore on Dec. 26th and Manila on Jan. 15th! Invasion of eastern India in Feb. '42, followed by several CV vs. CV battles... What happened next? Read for yourself... (Summary on p. 46, post# 1373)

Dude vs Zeta - Hirohito Style
Players: WiTP_Dude [Jap.] vs. zeta16 [Allies]
Perspective: Combined AAR
Map, Mod, Scen: Stock Scen 15
Settings: 2 day turns
House Rules:
Ended: October 1945, game stopped
Comment by VSWG: One of the few documented PBEMs that made it into late 1945.

Aussie Affair, Beta's Twilight
Players: Luskan [Jap.] vs. Raverdave [Allies]
Perspective: Combined AAR
Map, Mod, Scen: Stock Map, Scen 15
Settings: PDU off, 1 day turns, historical start
House Rules: Started before the concept of House rules
Ended: 3/43
Comment by TheElf: Started during WitP Beta. The FIRST AAR, by two of our plank owners. Fantastic humor and insight into how to play this game. Living WitP history. 42 pages, ended due to a long hiatus followed by a PC crash...Sequel is Aussie Affair III

PBEM Aztez (A) vs FDRLincoln(J) (Vorsteher and Hawker replaced)
Players: FDRLincoln [Jap.] vs. Aztez [Allies]
Perspective: closed Allied AAR
Map, Mod, Scen: Stock Map, Scen 15
Settings: PDU off, 2 day turns
Ended: Summer 1945, Japanese surrender
Comment by aztez: The first ever PBEM I have started. Very bloody game with Japanese currently on defensive positions. Currently on hold due to time restrictions by FDR.
Allied AAR:

Aztez (Allies) vs Erstad (Japan)
Players: Erstad [Jap.] vs. Aztez [Allies]
Perspective: closed Allied AAR
Map, Mod, Scen: Stock Mapm Scen 16
Settings: PDU off, 3 day turns
Ended: auto-end in 1946
Comment by aztez: Currently the invasion of Japan is ongoing. It has been downhill till 1944 but things have now changed.
Allied AAR:

Speedy vs Fabertong: Death to the Penguin! / Fabertong vs Speedy: The view from the Pole
Players: fabertong [Jap.] vs. Speedy [Allies]
Perspective: 2 closed AARs
Map, Mod, Scen: Stock Map, Scen 15
Settings: PDU on, 1 day turns
House Rules: No night bombing. Only 5 ships per ASW TF.
Ended: March 1945, Allied auto victory
Comment by Speedy:

  • 2H 1942: Japanese advance in force towards Central China. As such UK/CW forces have no choice but to advance en masse towards Myitkyina to try to relieve the pressure. A prolonged battle here that rages through 1942.
  • Aleutians battle where US CV's sink Junyo + 2 CVL's (Faber you may have to remind me on this). In return CV Yorktown heavily damaged and sunk by IJN SS.
  • PM is taken uncontested by the Japanese.
  • 1H 1943: Allied LBA and attrition force the Japanese to retreat in Burma to Mandalay.
  • Allies first unsuccessful attempt to recapture Wake Island. On the sea is an Allied victory with CV Soryu and Hiryu sunk + massive surface combats whichlead in 3 x Allied BB sunk + c.120 other ships (including invasion ships) to BB Musashi/Nagato + 20 other Japanese ships. On land the attempt is unsuccesful with Allied LCU's being wrecked by CD fire/minefields. Evacuation occurs successfully.
  • Allied SS campaign begins in earnest in SRA regions with several AK/TK vessels being sunk.
  • 2H 1943: Invasion of Marshall Islands begins with no contest from IJN. Relatively peaceful as garrisoned islands are bypassed. CVL Independence sunk by IJN SS.
  • Marshalls suppressed/captured by Allies by October 1943.
  • Allied SS still continue to wreak even more havoc.
  • 1H 1944: Southern SRA invasions begun in earnest on Timor. Rapid island hopping campaign initiated under cover of Allied LBA and RN ships. Surface battles lead to heavy damage to a number of RN Capitol and IJN ships but no major sinkings IIRC.
  • Timor/Bulla/Babo/Maumere/Banjarmasin captured.
  • Moulmein, Burma, invaded which brings the beginning of the end to the Burma campaign. Japanese pushed back towards Raheang.
  • Wake Island re-invaded after 2 months solid bombing. Taken comfortablly with no IJN intervention.
  • 2H 1944: Allies begin to sweep into Siam and have takne all of Malaya exceot Singapore. IndoChina being overrun.
  • Mariana's invaded at Saipan by massive allied force. 80ish ships lost to CD/mines but no IJN intervention and little IJAF interdiction.
  • B29's begin to dominate the area and smack Iwo Jima.
  • Iwo Jima invaded October 1944. P51D's now operate to gain air superiority over Japan.
  • Borneo is taken in SRA by Allies forces isolating Sumatra and Java. Further heavy sea battle around Pontianak and Singkawang leads to heavy damage on both RN and IJN Capitol Ships. BB Kirishima sunk.
  • CV Franklin sunk by Kamikaze's on CV raids towards Okinawa.
  • CV battle in South China Sea leads to CV Intrepid and Bennington being heavily damaged and Japanese CVL being sunk.
  • Allied SS continue to rampage and find few worthwhile targets nowadays.

Jap. AAR:
Allied AAR:

The Battle for New Jersey (like who would want to do that)
Players: RUPD3658 [Jap.] vs KDonovan [Allies]
Perspective: Joint AAR
Map, Mod, Scen: Stock Map, Scen 15, No mods
Settings: PDU on, 2 day turns, Sub Doctrine ON
House Rules: Turn 1: No landings at bases more than 15 hexes from a Japanese base; Only 1 port attack; No hunting Allied CVs; No Allied orders other than to AC TFs and Chineese units. India: After India was captured Japan returned Karchi to the Allies; Indian Ocean was a no fire zone for both sides; Allied units could not attack in India without first giving 30 days notice; Only 1 Indian unit could move from Karachi until a major city in India was recaptured; Respawned SEAC Chinese units must remain in Karachi. China: No units could enter or exit China without changing to the correct HQ (CEF for Japan and China command for Allies to enter, any HQ to exit); This no longer appllied after the fall of Chungking. Russia: Japan must give 30 days notice before invading and allow the Allies to reposition; No Japanese bombing of Russian industry; Non-Russian Allied LCUs and AC may not enter Russia except to liberate a captured base. Auto victory: Auto victory will not be in effect until 1-1-44; General: No Japanese surface TF could pass Singapore until it was captured by Japan; B-29s can only fly City and ground attack missions; Subs may not unload at enemy bases.
Non-Russian Allied LCUs and AC may not enter Russia except to liberate a captured base
Ended: November 1944, draw
AAR Style: a mix of combat reports (submitted by RUPD) and maps (submitted by Kdonovan) with some humor as well
Comment by KDonovan: In this game, RUPD3658 attempts to become the first player to capture India, China and USSR. The Rising Sun is already flying over India and China, while the Red Army is under siege at Iman, facing imminent destruction. Meanwhile the USN has been racing through the Pacific like Governor Corzine on the Turnpike. The Japanese Home Island of Shikoku has just been invaded, while B29's rain death and destruction down on the Japanese Industry. Other current game notes include, the Allies attempt to recapture India, and the escape of the largely intact KB from the Home Islands, with the USN giving chase (somewhere behind allied lines). The game has seen CV battles, daring raids, and sweeping land campaigns. It is a good primer for new Allied and Japanese players alike.

THEY WERE EXPENDABLE: Nagumo vs Spruance
Players: AdmSpruance [Allies] vs. Nagumo [Jap.] (Bison Frontier)/Freeboy/Belphegor
Perspective: Combined AAR
Map, Mod, Scen: Stock Scen 15
Settings: 1 Day Turns, no PDU's
Comment by AdmSpruance: After overunning the SRA in 4/42, Japan builds up in the Marshalls for an assault on the Gilberts. Meanwhile, the Allies build up in the Gilberts for an assault on the Marshalls. Major meeting engagement between virtually the entire IJN and USN in the Gilberts in 7/42. Massive "Meeting Engagement" attritional battle fought from 7/1/42-9/1/42. Japan made a huge "Death Star" with 8 CVs and 3 CVLs. Over 600 Allied naval bombers were destroyed in 3 major carrier engagements with no CVs lost on either side. Massive BB, CA, CL and DD losses on both sides. Eerie stalemate between opposing airforces and fleets from Sept. 1942 to Feb. 1943. After massing 300 plus P-38s, the Allies launch "Operation Rolling Thunder" on 2/1/43 and destroy over 1000 Japanese AC in one week. After that, the back of Japanese land based air is broken and the Allies advance through the Marshalls/Marianas/New Guinea/Palaus/Iwo/PI/Okinawa to achieve a 2:1 VICTORY on 1/1/45.
Game started in v1.3 and ended in v1.8. It's very interesting to see the air war change as new WitP versions are released.
Allied AAR:

Bloody Pacific
Players: Admiral Laurent [Jap.] vs. Pomphat [Allies]
Perspective: closed Japanese AAR
Map, Mod, Scen: Stock Scen 15
Settings: PDU off, 1 day turn
House Rules:
Current game date: October 1943, ended?
Comment by ctangus: No disrespect intended to PzB-sama or pauk-sama, but not only did the Admiral take Hawaii but he's fighting a devastatingly good defense into late '43. To me he's the scariest Japanese opponent I've seen in the AARs.
Comment by VSWG: One of the most successful Japanese campaigns: Admiral Laurent conquered Pearl Harbor and all Pacific Islands! Right now a bloody battle rages on Paramushiro Jima and the surrounding islands. Other front lines are New Guinea, Timor and Burma. A very detailed AAR!

Pauk's corner: sake break for Japanese fanboys / Revenge of the Allies
Players: pauk [Jap.] vs. Andy Mac [Allies]
Perspective: 2 closed AARs
Map, Mod, Scen: Stock Scen 15
Settings: PDU on, 1 day turns
House Rules:
Current game date: June 1944, ended?
Comment by VSWG: Both players give detailed accounts of their campaigns. Pauk conquered northern Australia, now Andy Mac counter-attacks in Malaya and Burma.
Jap. AAR:
Allied AAR:

Small Ship, Big War - The Voyages of the Hibiki
Players: Cuttlefish [Jap.] vs. wolffpack [Allies]
Perspective: open Japanese AAR
Map, Mod, Scen: Stock Scen 42 (NikMod 8.0b)
Settings: 1 day turns
House Rules:
Current game date: April 1944
Comment by Cuttlefish: This AAR will focus solely on the fate and fortunes of one Japanese destroyer, the Hibiki. There will be glimpses into what is happening in the wider war, but since everything will be seen from the perspective of this one ship these glimpses may be fragmented or even inaccurate.
Comment by Feinder: Certainly one of (if not) the best "story" type AARs going.

Dark side of the Moon
Players: Honda [Jap.] vs. Raverdave [Allies]
Perspective: Combined AAR
Map, Mod, Scen: Stock map, Scen 15, Honda "mini-mod" (Oscar III, increased Oscar II maneuverability)
Settings: PDU off, 1 day turns
Ended: June 1944, Japanese victory
Comment by pauk: Hey, this guy is not kidding, you may check it why... The first player who conquered all Australia. But, will that be enough? Old smartass Raverdave prepares for devastating counter strike. Don't miss that stuff[;)]

2. Ongoing AARs

Post in this thread or PM me to add your AAR here.

Clash of Steel / The Allies Fight Back
Players: PzB [Jap.] vs. Andy Mac [Allies]
Perspective: 2 closed AARs
Map, Mod, Scen: Stock Scen 15
Settings: PDU off, 1 day turns
House Rules:
Current game date: January 1946
Comment by VSWG: The most successful AAR of this forum... Famous for PzB's conquest of India, and many other epic battles. Right now battles for India and Luzon are raging, and the Allied strategic bombing campaign is in full swing.
Jap. AAR:
4th and current Allied AAR by Andy Mac:
3rd Allied AAR by Nomad, until July 1943:
2nd Allied AAR by ADavidB, until January 1943:
1st Allied AAR by Wobbly, until July 1942:

From Here To... Well, It Seems Like An Eternity / Imperial Japan's Thoughts
Players: Moses and John 3rd [Jap.] vs. tabpub and Cap Mandrake [Allies]
Perspective: 2 closed AARs
Map, Mod, Scen: Stock Scen 15
Settings: 12/7 surprise, non-historical first turn, sub doctrine off
House Rules: Various
Current game date: January 1943
Comment by Terminus: Once you've laughed yourself silly in Fear and Loathing, go here. Mandrake is still going strong.
Comment by Cap Mandrake: Comments begin now..well..on the next line..well two lines because the next is just filler

Have you ever wondered how Gen. MacArthur can be in the Philippines and Australia at the same time?
..Or how exactly DID they get those PT Boats to forward bases?
..Or why we fought WWII?
..Or what are the economic consequences of wartime shortages?
..Or what role did the legal profession play in WWII?
..Or where did they get all those Dutch replacement pilots when the East Indies and the Netherlands were under Axis control?
..Or how about Truman? Was he well liked?
..Or who invented the Margarita? The Darwin Antipersonel Bomb? The Ponzi scheme? Was it really Ponzi?
..And what about Eleanore? Was know..?

Hey..don't look at me. I thought you might know.
Allied AAR:
Jap. AAR: [until Feb. 1943. For the subsequent AAR see below]

Eternity is really long, especially near the end
Players: Feurer Krieg & Cuttlefish [Japan] vs. Cap Mandrake and tabpub [Allies]
Perspective: 2 closed AARs
Map, Mod, Scen: Stock 15
Settings: PDU on, 1 day turns
House Rules: AF max 50x
Current game date: February 1943
Comment by Feurer Krieg: Written in Mandrakian fashion. A new team takes over Japan and the empire is in dire straits! Can FK & Cuttlefish pull off a miracle? Will the Allies be in Tokyo by Christmas '43? Can a narcoleptic transport pilot save the day? Find out all this and more....
Allied AAR:
Jap. AAR:

Fire Across the Pacific / Nanshin! or the ramblings of Local Yokel
Players: Cantona2 [Allies] vs. Local Yokel [Jap.]
Perspective: 2 closed AARs
Map, Mod, Scen: CHS 2.08 Scen 157 (NikMod)
Settings: PDU off, 1 day turns, semi-historical start, 15 day variable reinforcements
House Rules: Max 6 ship ASW TF.
Current game date: October 1942
Comment: Local has invaded Northern Oz and has just launched a massive offensive to take whats left of the Solomons
Allied AAR:
Jap. AAR:

Stopping an Invidious Empire
Players: Jagdfluger [Jap.] vs. Nemo121 [Allies]
Perspective: closed Allied AAR
Map, Mod, Scen: Empires Ablaze
Settings: 1 day turns
House Rules: No exploitation of bugs.
Current game date: July 1942
Comment by Nemo121: Over 1,000 ships and 14,000 planes have been destroyed in the first six months of fighting. The Allies still hold Manila, Singapore, all of Burma and India but the Pacific is a Japanese lake and the Continental United States and Australia have been invaded. In return the Allies launched a 500 ship counter-invasion of Java with massive aerial battles raging over the DEI and Burma while massive armies ( 4,000+ AV each ) face each other in China and the Soviet Union. The race is on to see which side will run out of materiel and willpower first.
Allied AAR:

Fighting the Italian Samurai / ITALIAN SAMURAI
Players: Cantona2 [Allies.] vs. Gen.Hoepner [Japan]
Perspective: 2 closed AARs
Map, Mod, Scen: CHS 2.08 Scen 160
Settings: 1/day turns, unhistorical start, variable reinforcement
House Rules: No 4Es below 15,000 ft but allowed over 30,000ft
Current game date: June 1942
Comment by cantona2: Japan has gone for a Central Pacific Strategy, Johnston Island fell turn 1 and Manila port hit.
Allied AAR:
Jap. AAR:

Speed and Fury
Players: 9527 [Jap.] vs. Tomik [Allies]
Perspective: Japanese AAR
Map, Mod, Scen: CHS Scenario 155
Settings: PDU on, 1 day turns
House Rules: See the thread for details plz
Current game date: May 1942
Jap. AAR:

Who's afraid of the BigBadWolf? / Bearding the Wolf
Players: BigBadWolf [Jap.] vs. Carny [Allies]
Perspective: 2 closed AARs
Map, Mod, Scen: AB extended map, BigB 1,4
Settings: PDU on, 1 day turns, historical start
Current game date: February 1942
Comment by BigBadWolf: Lexington sunk. Carrier battle near Samoa Islands, Yorktown and Saratoga ran into KB and sunk, with minimal damage to the Japanese.
Jap. AAR:
Allied AAR:

Rising Sun Over the Rockies
Players: Feurer Krieg [Jap.] vs. OSO [Allies]
Perspective: Japanese closed AAR
Map, Mod, Scen: AB Extended, Scen 160 CHS 2.08
Settings: PDU on, 1 day turns
House Rules: EXTENSIVE HRs to try and address some game engine issues. Most significant: ATOLL STACKING RULES
Current game date: May 1942
Comments: Japan captures all island of the Pacific, from Adak to the Society Islands to New Zealand. Only Pearl Harbor remains Allied in the Pacific. DEI and Burma captured as well. AAR Style is no report pasting, lots of pictures and general descriptions of main events. An easy read I think.
Link 1:
Link 2: None started yet. Maybe if you flood OSO's mailbox...

Second Round
Players: herwin [Jap.] vs. blitzk [Allies]
Perspective: Combined AAR, open
Map, Mod, Scen: Stock Map, RHSRAO, 7792
Settings: PDU on, 1 day turns, unhistorical start, repeat of War Plan Orange (blitzk victory)
House Rules: The war ends two years early if Japan tells Yamamoto to suck eggs with his Pearl Harbor attack idea.
Current game date: July 1942
Comments: Experimenting with the use of "smothering" operations to prevent the Allies from interfering.
Allied/Jap. AAR:

Herbiesan vs Cantona/Shattering the Sword
Players: 1275psi [Jap.] vs. Cantona2 [Allies}
Perspective: Allied /closed AAR
Map, Mod, Scen: CHS 2.08c +NikMod Scen 157
Settings: PDU on, 1 day turns, historical start.
House Rules: AF stacking rules. Airfield size denotes number of squadrons based there, float planes excluded.
Current game date: 17.1.1942
Comments: China is fluid. Paras captured Lashio. First turn KB strike on Singapore instead of PH.
Allied AAR:

Feinder(A) v Bilbow(J) CHS - The winds of war are constantly changing
Players: Bilbow [Jap.] vs. Feinder [Allies]
Perspective: (Mostly) Allied (AAR is by Feinder), but AAR is open to both players.
Map Scen: CHS Scen 156 (no mods for flak or CAP), but includes Soviet Fleet.
Settings: PDU on, 2 day turns, 1st turn surprise, 1 port strike anywhere (Manila chosen)
House Rules: See thread, most crucial are no more than 50x AFsize AC, and addl stacking limits on 4e bombers (these are working very well).
Current game date: Mid to Late June 43.
Comments: IMO, Bilbow and I are extremely well matched (hence the title). A successful early Allied ambush of Japanese CVs (in about 04-42), was reversed by an even greater IJN CV victory in 09-42. Also, the Japanese have secured Northern Australia as far south as Daly Waters. Beginning Spring 43 however, the Allies have begun to press Japan on all fronts, initiating a war of attrition. Allied offensives grind forward in Burma, New Guinea, and the Gilberts, and are met by stiff resistance. The war has been a constant seqence of lunge-parry-reposte. My own predilection for maps is quite evident, as each post is a map of the action, and does not actually contain combat.txt reports. At this point, I try to do monthly updates in each theater (China, Burma, Oz, SWPac, SoPac, NoPac).
AAR: The winds of war are constantly changing

3. Discontinued AARs

Red Storm rising. Aztez (J) vs Ctangus (A) CHS 155
Players: Aztez [Jap.] vs. Ctangus [Allies]
Perspective: closed Japanese AAR
Map, Mod, Scen: AB Map, CHS Scen 155
Settings: PDU off, 2 day turns
Ended: June 1943, draw
Comment by aztez: The first Japanese game for me. I will try and keep things interesting.

Moses(AL)Jwilkerson(IJ) / jwilkerson(Jpn) Moses (Allies)
Players: Moses [Allied] vs. Jwilkerson [Jap.]
Perspective: 2 closed AARs
Map, Mod, Scen: Stock Map, Scen 15
Settings: Historical first turn, PDU on
House Rules:
Ended: June 1943, discontinued for personal reasons
Allied AAR:
Jap. AAR:

The Emperor's Champions - 3x3 AAR
Players: Currently (it changes over time) - AlexCobra, Stephen Bruno, Feurer Krieg [Jap.] vs. Not sure of forum names [Allies]
Perspective: closed Japanese AAR
Map, Mod, Scen: Stock Map, Scen 15
Settings: PDU on, 1 day turns, historical start
Ended: Mai 1942, no more updates
Comment by Feurer Krieg: Slow paced, but it is still alive. Lots of pictures, more of a focus on FK's area which is the Pacific, since he does most of the writing. Endorsed by Feinder, Terminus, and others!
Jap. AAR:
Allied AAR:

War Plan Orange
Players: herwin [Jap.] vs. Blitzk [Allies]
Perspective: Combined AAR
Map, Mod, Scen: RHS Level 7, RHS Combo-Mod
Settings: PDU on, 1 day turns, non-historical start
House Rules: See here:
Ended: March 1942, Japanese defeat
Comment by Blitzk: Played with a RHS RAO Level7 modified with an all map reduction of base and SPS levels, and a more kind air replacement model. Japanese elected to not attack PH.

Players: Gen.Hoepner [Allies] vs. trollelite [Jap]
Perspective: 2 closed AARs
Map, Mod, Scen: CHS 2.08 Scen 160
Settings: PDU on, 1/day turns, unhistorical start, free hands to Japan on turn 1
House Rules: No 4Es below 15,000 ft and above 30000
Ended: June 1942, game continues, AAR closed
Comment by Gen.Hoepner: JAPAN INVADES INDIA IN EARLY JAN 42.
Allied AAR:
Jap. AAR:

4. General Tips for writing an AAR

1. How to add images to an AAR:

a) How to capture a screenshot
Hit 'Print Screen' on your keyboard (top right) when on the screen you want to post. This will create an image in the clipboard buffer. From there, you need to paste it into some form of art program - 'Paint', for instance (comes with all MS Windows): Open 'Paint', click on 'Edit' at the top, then 'Paste'. Save the image as jpg. Done!

Keep in mind that the clipboard can only hold one file at a time. You have to alt-tab out of the game and into 'Paint' to paste the clipboard each time after you have hit 'Print Screen', or the second screenshot will overwrite the first. So instead of the Windows clipboard and 'Paint', you might want to use the following program:


It's free, small and easy to use. Start the program, go to 'Options', then 'Capture/Screenshot'. Here you can define the hot key which IrfanView will use to capture a screenshot. At the bottom select 'Save captured image as file' and point the 'Destination directory' to a convenient folder. Select JPG as file format in 'Save As', then hit 'Options' and be sure that the slider is at '100 % Quality' (more on this later). That's it! Hit 'Start' (you will have to do this every time before you want to take a screenshot) and keep IrfanView open in the background. Now you can start WitP and hit the hot key as often as you want, and all screenshots will appear in the folder you selected.

b) How to upload a screenshot.
You can use the Matrix server if you want to upload just one small image per post : Hit the yellow 'Post Reply' button. Directly below the text box, check the 'Embed picture in post', and click on 'Click here to upload'. In the pop-up, browse to the folder with your screenshot and upload the file. As you can see, it has to be a JPG smaller than 200 KB. If your file is larger than that you might want to crop/resize it - see below. Alternatively, you can upload your file to an image host. If you want to upload more than one image per post, you HAVE to use an imagehost. I recommend

It's free and simple. Go there, browse for your file and hit 'host it!'. When the file has been uploaded, Imageshack offers you a variety of links. Select the last one, 'Direct link to image', and paste it into the text box on the Matrix forum between image-tags (hit 'Image' above the text box). It has to look like this, just with square brackets instead of round brackets:


Do this with every image you want to upload, and add your text.

2. How to create nifty images for your AAR:

a) cropping/resizing
b) arrows'n stuff
c) text, text boxes

So if you want to add your AAR to 'Ongoing AARs', or want a memorable AAR added to the 'Hall of Fame', just quote the next post (or send me a PM) and add as much information as you can, and I'll update this list. [:)]

VSWG -> Revised Template (9/9/2007 1:19:55 AM)

Title: AAR Title
Players: Player 1 [Jap.] vs. Player 2 [Allies] / Team Game / Player 1 vs. Jap. AI / ...
Perspective: Allied / Japanese / Combined AAR, open/closed AAR
Map, Mod, Scen: Stock Map, Scen 15/ CHS 2.08 Scen 157/ RHSCVO 7.76 /...
Settings: PDU on/off, 1/2/3 day turns, historical start, ... Just the most important settings.
House Rules: Optional. Important/unusual house rules.
Current game date: I'll try to update this every now and then.
Comments: Some major events in note form, or a short/long summary of the war, what is happening right now, list of major ship losses, etc. Whatever you want to say about this AAR - as long or as short as you want.
Link 1: Duh.
Link 2: Link to your opponent's AAR, if applicable.

Terminus -> Hall of fame AAR's (9/9/2007 1:36:23 AM)

Title: Iron Storm (Scenario 50) Playtest
Perspective: Combined AAR
Players: Alikchi vs. Captain Cruft
Stock/Mod: Iron Storm (CHS mod)
Scen: Scen 50
Settings: 12/7 surprise, historical first turn, sub doctrine off
House Rules: Various
Current game date: Ended

Comments: A very cool, extremely well-written play-test AAR for Alikchi's Iron Storm I scenario. Alikchi was a very sympathetic and creative young forum member (I say "was" because he's vanished from the forum). He and Tankerace are the two forumites responsible for getting me into modding.


Terminus -> RE: Hall of fame AAR's (9/9/2007 1:43:58 AM)

Title: Fear and Loathing in the Pacific
Perspective: Allied
Players: 3 vs 3
Stock/Mod: Stock
Scen: Scen 15
Settings: 12/7 surprise, non-historical first turn, sub doctrine off
House Rules: Various
Current game date: Ended

Comments: The first of Captain Mandrake's epic role-play format AAR's. If you haven't read it, you owe yourself the pleasure.


VSWG -> RE: Hall of fame AAR's (9/9/2007 1:54:29 AM)

Thanks for getting the ball rolling, Terminus. [sm=00000436.gif] Those are indeed 2 great AARs...

kaleun -> RE: Hall of fame AAR's (9/9/2007 2:20:11 AM)

If making it into 1945 makes the grade, "Shame and Execration" may be of interest.

Stock. Warspite plays Japan and moi plays (poorly) the allies. The AAR starts in 1942 after the allies manage to lose ALL their US carriers. Game auto ends on Jan 1945.

How not to play the allies[8|]

Terminus -> RE: Hall of fame AAR's (9/9/2007 2:22:37 AM)

Title: From Here To... Well, It Seems Like An Eternitiy
Perspective: Allied
Players: 2 vs 2
Stock/Mod: Stock
Scen: Scen 15
Settings: 12/7 surprise, non-historical first turn, sub doctrine off
House Rules: Various
Current game date: Sometime in 9/42

Comments: Once you've laughed yourself silly in Fear and Loathing, go here. Mandrake is still going strong.


ctangus -> RE: Hall of fame AAR's (9/9/2007 3:01:21 AM)

Great idea!

I've got a turn in the inbox, so won't put all the details together right now, but there's some notable omissions off the top of my head:

1. PzB vs. Wobbly. (And his opponents' threads). Need I say more?
2. Pauk's sake break. And Andy Mac's corresponding AAR.
3. AmiralLaurent's Bloody Pacific. No disrespect intended to PzB-sama or pauk-sama, but not only did the Admiral take Hawaii but he's fighting a devastatingly good defense into late '43. To me he's the scariest Japanese opponent I've seen in the AARs.
4. Tom Hunter vs Mogami - Lunacy in the Pacific. Lots of good strategic thought for allied players.

I'm sure I'm forgetting several that deserve to be noted.

Feinder -> RE: List of After Action Reports (9/9/2007 6:32:57 AM)

Cuttlefish's Hibiki AAR is certainly one of (if not) the best "story" type AARs going:
Voyages of the Hibiki

And then Aztez vs. Erstad is good esp for it's longevity. Aztez (allies) took some hits in 42/43, but has stuck with the game, and apty demonstrates how strongly the Allies can come back in 1945, even after a sound throttling in the early game. It's also 3-day turns, which some folks would find interesting.
Aztez vs. Erstad

VSWG -> RE: List of After Action Reports (9/9/2007 5:15:04 PM)

Okay, I've added all AARs mentioned so far. I suggest that all AAR writers check what I've written, and contact me if they want to add (or alter) something. I encourage everyone to write a small summary of their wars in the comments section.

Again, everyone can add HIS OWN AAR to the 'Ongoing AAR' section - you don't have to wait until someone else suggests your AAR. [:)]

EDIT: Below a revised template. Using this makes my job a lot easier...[;)]

VSWG -> Template (9/9/2007 5:23:07 PM)

AAR Title
Players: Player 1 [Jap.] vs. Player 2 [Allies] / Team Game / Player 1 vs. Jap. AI / ...
Perspective: Allied / Japanese / Combined AAR, open/closed AAR
Map, Mod, Scen: Stock Map, Scen 15/ CHS 2.08 Scen 157/ RHSCVO 7.76 /...
Settings: PDU on/off, 1/2/3 day turns, historical start, ... Just the most important settings.
House Rules: Optional. Important/unusual house rules.
Current game date: I'll try to update this every now and then.
Comments: Some major events in note form, or a short/long summary of the war, what is happening right now, list of major ship losses, etc. Whatever you want to say about this AAR - as long or as short as you want.
Link 1: Duh.
Link 2: Link to your opponent's AAR, if applicable.

cantona2 -> RE: Template (9/9/2007 6:10:20 PM)

Title: Fire Across the Pacific / Nanshin! or the ramblings of Local Yokel
Players: Cantona2 [Allies] vs. Local Yokel [Jap.]
Perspective: 2 closed AARs
Map, Mod, Scen: CHS 2.08 Scen 157 (NikMod)
Settings: PDU off, 1 day turns, semi-historical start, 15 day variable reinforcements
House Rules: Max 6 ship ASW TF.
Current game date: 27/2/1942.
Comment: Local has invaded Northern Oz and has just launched a massive offensive to take whats left of the Solomons
Link 1: [Allied AAR]
Link 2: [Japanese AAR]

aztez -> RE: Template (9/9/2007 6:15:59 PM)

Title: Aztez (Allies) vs Erstad (Japan)
Players: Erstad [Jap.] vs. Aztez [Allies] /
Perspective: Allied , closed AAR
Map, Mod, Scen: Stock Map, Scen 16
Settings: PDU off, 3 day turns
Current game date: 21/6/1945
Comments: Currently the invasion of Japan is ongoing. It has been downhill till 1944 but things have now changed.
Link 1:

aztez -> RE: Template (9/9/2007 6:19:15 PM)

Title: PBEM Aztez (A) vs FDRLincoln(J) (Vorsteher and Hawker replaced)
Players: FDRLincoln [Jap.] vs. Aztez [Allies]
Perspective: Allied , closed AAR
Map, Mod, Scen: Stock Map, Scen 15
Settings: PDU off, 2 day turns
Current game date: 15/2/1945
Comments: The first ever PBEM I have started. Very bloody game with Japanese currently on defensive positions. Currently on hold due to time restrictions by FDR.
Link 1:

aztez -> RE: Template (9/9/2007 6:26:24 PM)

Title: Red Storm rising.. Aztez (J) vs Ctangus (A) CHS 155
Players: Aztez [Jap.] vs. Ctangus [Allies]
Perspective: Japanese , closed AAR
Map, Mod, Scen: AB Map, CHS155
Settings: PDU off, 2 day turns
Current game date: 25/6/1942
Comments: The first Japanese game for me. I will try and keep things intresting.
Link 1:

pauk -> RE: Template (9/9/2007 6:57:15 PM)

Title: Dark side of the Moon
Players: Honda [Jap.] vs. Raverdave [Allies]
Perspective: both sides, open
Map, Mod, Scen: scen 15, Honda "mini-mod" (Oscar III, increased Oscar II manevourability)
Settings: PDU off, 1 day turns
Current game date: middle 43
Comments: Hey, this guy is not kidding, you may check it why... The first player who conquered all Australia. But, will that be enough? Old smartass Raverdave prepares for devastating counter strike. Don't miss that stuff[;)]
Link 1:

also i would like to see Joe and Moses AARs on the list. I've always read only one side and can comment Joe's AAR: outstandingly well written AAR - you may found there good analysis and detailed plans for upcoming campaigns... Joe is one of best planners i've ever seen...

VSWG -> RE: Template (9/9/2007 11:14:12 PM)

All AARs mentioned above have been added. [:)] Keep'em coming....

Also, I've written a small tutorial on capturing and uploading screenshots for section 3. I'll write a short guide on cropping, resizing and refining screenshots, too - probably using I can add links to other screenshot utilities and image software, if people post them here (preferably with a short description). More imagehosts can be added as well.

FeurerKrieg -> RE: Template (9/10/2007 10:56:53 AM)

Cool, a chance to plug my AAR!

The Emperor's Champions - 3x3 AAR
Players: Currently (it changes over time) - AlexCobra, Stephen Bruno, Feurer Krieg [Jap.] vs. Not sure of forum names [Allies]
Perspective: Japanese / closed AAR
Map, Mod, Scen: Stock Map, Scen 15
Settings: PDU on, 1 day turns, historical start
Current game date: 5/7/42
Comments: Slow paced, but it is still alive. Lots of pictures, more of a focus on FK's area which is the Pacific, since he does most of the writing. Endorsed by Feinder, Terminus, and others!
Link 1:
Link 2:

VSWG -> RE: Template (9/10/2007 10:43:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: Feurer Krieg

Cool, a chance to plug my AAR!

Exactly! [8D]

I've also added "Dude vs Zeta - Hirohito Style" and "Sneer vs Raver , Banzaiiii!!!!" to the Hall of Fame. The latter made it into 1945, and the first is packed with innovative strategies - a 'Must Read' IMO... Too bad it ended early. [:(]

KDonovan -> RE: Template (9/11/2007 12:53:33 AM)

The Battle for New Jersey (like who would want to do that)
Players: RUPD3658 (Japs) vs KDonovan (Allies)
Perspective: Joint AAR
Map, Mod, Scen: Stock Map, Scen 15, No mods
Settings: PDU on, 2 day turns, Sub Doctrine ON
House Rules: can't remember them all , but basically we try to keep a fun game
Current game date: October 29th, 1944
AAR Style: a mix of combat reports (submitted by RUPD) and maps (submitted by Kdonovan) with some humor as well
Comments: In this game, RUPD3658 attempts to become the first player to capture India, China and USSR. The Rising Sun is already flying over India and China, while the Red Army is undersiege at Iman, facing imminent destruction. Meanwhile the USN has been racing through the Pacific like Governor Corzine on the Turnpike. The Japanese Home Island of Shikoku has just been invaded, while B29's rain death and destruction down on the Japanese Industry. Other current game notes include, the Allies attempt to recapture India, and the escape of the largely intact KB from the Home Islands, with the USN giving chase (somewhere behind allied lines). The game has seen CV battles, daring raids, and sweeping land campaigns. It is a good primer for new Allied and Japanese players alike.


VSWG -> RE: Template (9/11/2007 1:17:16 AM)

Great summary, Kenny. [8D]

RUPD3658 -> RE: Template (9/11/2007 6:28:38 AM)



Meanwhile the USN has been racing through the Pacific like Governor Corzine on the Turnpike.

Hopefully their race will end up like the governer's[;)]

Our house rules are/were:

Turn 1:

No landings at bases more than 15 hexes from a Japanese base
Only 1 port attack
No hunting Allied Cvs
No Allied orders other than to AC TFs and Chineese units


After India was captured Japan returned Karchi to the Allies.
Indian Ocean was a no fire zone for both sides
Allied units could not attack in India without first giving 30 days notice
Only 1 Indian unit could move from Karachi until a major city in India was recaptured
Respawned SEAC Chinese units must remain in Karachi


No units could enter or exit China without changing to the correct HQ (CEF for Japan and China command for Allies to enter, any HQ to exit)
This no longer appllied after the fall of Chungking


Japan must give 30 days notice before invading and allow the Allies to reposition
No Japanese bombing of Russian industry
Non-Russian Allied LCUs and AC may not enter Russia except to liberate a captured base

Auto victory:

Auto victory will not be in effect until 1-1-44

No Japanese surface TF could pass Singapore until it was captured by Japan
B-29s can only fly City and ground attack missions
Subs may not unload at enemy bases

Other minor agreements were made during the game to keep it fun for both sides.

2 more months until we enter 1945 and the Hall of Fame[8D]

VSWG -> RE: Template (9/18/2007 10:17:20 PM)

RUPD, I've added your house rules.

Another entry to ongoing AARs: Nemo vs. Jagdfluger.

cantona2 -> RE: Template (9/21/2007 2:07:25 PM)

Two requests.

First, make this post a sticky

Second, any RHS AAR's out there?


VSWG -> RE: Template (9/21/2007 4:47:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: cantona2

Two requests.

First, make this post a sticky

I wish...


Second, any RHS AAR's out there?


Nemo and Jagdfluger are playing a RHS-based mod, and so do Blitzk and herwin:

I'll add it later today.

TheElf -> RE: Revised Template (9/23/2007 1:12:59 AM)

Title: Aussie Affair, Beta's Twilight
Players: Luskan [Jap.] vs. Raverdave[Allies]
Perspective: Combined AAR
Map, Mod, Scen: Stock Map, Scen 15
Settings: PDU off, 1 day turns, historical start.
House Rules: Started before the concept of House rules
Current game date: Ended 3/43
Comments: Started during WitP Beta. The FIRST AAR, by two of our plank owners. Fantastic humor and insight into how to play this game. Living WitP history. 42 pages, ended due to a long hiatus followed by a PC crash...Sequel is Aussie Affair III
Link 1:
Link 2: Link to your opponent's AAR, if applicable.

Cap Mandrake -> RE: List of After Action Reports (9/23/2007 1:52:33 AM)

Comments for "From here SEEMS like an eternity":

Comments begin now..well..on the next line..well two lines because the next is just filler

Have you ever wondered how Gen. MacArthur can be in the Philippines and Australia at the same time?
..Or how exactly DID they get those PT Boats to forward bases?
..Or why we fought WWII?
..Or what are the economic consequences of wartime shortages?
..Or what role did the legal profession play in WWII?
..Or where did they get all those Dutch replacement pilots when the East Indies and the Netherlands were under Axis control?
..Or how about Truman? Was he well liked?
..Or who invented the Margarita? The Darwin Antipersonel Bomb? The Ponzi scheme? Was it really Ponzi?
..And what about Eleanore? Was know..?

Hey..don't look at me. I thought you might know.

VSWG -> RE: List of After Action Reports (9/23/2007 7:46:47 PM)

Good one, TheElf! [:)]

Cap Mandrake,


I've also added a link to your opponents AAR.

Bliztk -> RE: List of After Action Reports (9/23/2007 8:16:51 PM)

War plan Orange is being played between Herwin and me, and is based on a RHS RAO modified scenario

War Plan Orange
Players: Herwin [Jap.] vs. Bliztk [Allies]
Perspective: Combined AAR
Map, Mod, Scen: RHS Level 7, RHS Combo-Mod
Settings: PDU on, 1 day turns, non-historical start.
Current game date: End of Jan 42
Comments: Played with a RHS RAO Level7 modified with an all map reduction of base and SPS levels, and a more kind air replacement model. Japanese elected to not attack PH.

Terminus -> RE: List of After Action Reports (9/25/2007 2:06:29 PM)


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