Negative NW when Union to Lynchburg (Full Version)

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S_Garland_Jr -> Negative NW when Union to Lynchburg (9/10/2007 2:26:48 AM)

Human – Confederate AI – Union
Version 1.10.5 (Beta)
2nd Lt Advanced More Generals Richer Economy Human Power +1
The Coming Fury (July 1861)

Saved turn after orders
Clicked end turn
Fought a couple of instant battles
Union (AI) took Lynchburg and got -2 National Will for it's trouble

If you need the next save, let me know

Joram -> RE: Negative NW when Union to Lynchburg (9/10/2007 3:07:44 AM)

Yeah, we've been talking about that here.

Sometimes it works, sometimes it does the opposite of what you expect.

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