TOAW III Loading (Full Version)

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WARHOG -> TOAW III Loading (9/10/2007 11:32:40 AM)

Iam cosidering purchasing TOAW III and currently have TOAW I,II but when I try to load them both it says ""Program not supported by Windows NT". I do not have NT, I have XP! I dont want to go and purchase TOAW III if I cannot load it, any suggestions?

sterckxe -> RE: TOAW III Loading (9/10/2007 11:41:05 AM)


Iam cosidering purchasing TOAW III and currently have TOAW I,II but when I try to load them both it says ""Program not supported by Windows NT". I do not have NT, I have XP! I dont want to go and purchase TOAW III if I cannot load it, any suggestions?

TOAW III runs perfectly in XP - as it says on the game specification page at


Eddy Sterckx

hadberz -> RE: TOAW III Loading (9/10/2007 12:35:05 PM)

TOAW III runs fine on Vista too.

Hertston -> RE: TOAW III Loading (9/12/2007 2:35:42 AM)



I am cosidering purchasing TOAW III and currently have TOAW I,II but when I try to load them both it says ""Program not supported by Windows NT". I do not have NT, I have XP! I dont want to go and purchase TOAW III if I cannot load it, any suggestions?

Haven't seen that one in a while. You used to see it a fair bit trying to run Windows 95 stuff under XP... I'm no techie but I think that the installers just assumed anything not '95 or '98 must have been NT, there being no alternative at the time.

Which, of course, is why you won't have a problem. TOAW1 and 2 are pre XP games, TOAW 3 is not.

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