Scenario List (Full Version)

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vadersson -> Scenario List (9/12/2007 8:10:02 PM)

Hey gang,

I have finished a large update to the master scenario list that I have compiled from Craig Fosters original scenario lists. I have included all the new scenarios of the Matrix edition and have all the turns, complexities, descriptions, and dates finished. Where possible I have tried to report the same data that Craig had, but I have not found an easy way to access the information.

I don't have a good site to host the list, so if you want it please PM me. The list is a great way to look over all the scenarios from all three of the sub-games.


Arkady -> RE: Scenario List (9/12/2007 10:14:56 PM)

what's type of document is it ? excel sheet ?

vadersson -> RE: Scenario List (9/12/2007 10:24:23 PM)

Oh, sorry, yes it is an excel spreadsheet. It started as a combination of all three of the scenario spreadsheets that Craig Foster did. Now it has been updated for the Matrix edition.


Arkady -> RE: Scenario List (9/12/2007 10:29:40 PM)

Do you have Google/Gmail account?
If yes you can upload it to Google Docs & Spreadsheets and Publish it.
If you do not have it, send it to me ( and I'll post it for you

vadersson -> RE: Scenario List (9/13/2007 2:17:16 PM)

Thanks Arkady, I will send you the sheet and then you can publish it for me. Eventually I will try and get my family website to host it, but for now this should be easier.


vadersson -> RE: Scenario List (9/13/2007 6:53:08 PM)

Ok, with great thanks to Arkady, Here are links to the spreadsheet.

for web view -
(only first row of sccenario description is visible - although entire description is in source file)

and here is original xls file (zipped) for download

Feel free to send me any comments. (or corrections)


Jason Petho -> RE: Scenario List (9/13/2007 7:09:38 PM)

Excellent effort, Duncan!

Thank you!
Jason Petho

Frido1207 -> RE: Scenario List (9/13/2007 8:12:33 PM)

Great work. Very helpful. Thx alot. [:)]

vadersson -> RE: Scenario List (11/5/2007 10:52:24 PM)

Hey Gang,

I have finished a major upgrade to the master scenario list. This brings it more in line with Craig Foster's original work. It should be useful for people to find a scenario to play.

I would be willing to include fan made scenarios too. The designer can send me their scenario's information and I will create a separate sheet to track it all.

Note I have also added a sheet for hot keys and another sheet that lists all the countries for each game.

Please send me any corrections, especially if you are an author and can fill in the play as field. (A pet peeve of mine.)

I will posts links to the sheet assuming Arkady can host it again.


Arkady -> RE: Scenario List (11/6/2007 1:57:40 PM)

It  is hosted again, paths was not is nice list and helpfull

andym -> RE: Scenario List (11/6/2007 7:40:03 PM)

sorry if i am being thick,but are these on the Matrix Version or do they need to be downloaded from elsewhere?

vadersson -> RE: Scenario List (11/6/2007 9:15:59 PM)

All of the scenarios listed in the spreadsheet are from the current (patched) version of the Matrix Edition.

I would be willing to add a fan created scenario page to the sheet if scenario authors will send me the apropreate data.  (And note that I would really appreacaite if all feilds could be filled out.)


andym -> RE: Scenario List (11/9/2007 1:20:30 AM)

Cheers vader!

vadersson -> RE: Scenario List (2/12/2008 2:39:25 PM)


Any chance of sticky-ing this thread so as people can find it easier?  I noticed some new players and (not to toot my own horn) this seems to be a good resource.

Also, do you have data for what new scenarios are coming in Patch 1.03?

For the general public,
I am willing to add fan made (i.e. anything not yet included with the patch) scenarios into the sheet on the fan tab.


R.E.LEE -> RE: Scenario List (5/30/2008 9:20:54 AM)

Wow that was alot of work,and gives me something to look through while i wait for my game to get here,thanks so much for doing that list,you are a true friend of wargamers.

Fierce -> RE: Scenario List (5/31/2008 5:47:58 AM)

I didn't see the hypothetical scenario(s) Operation Sealion. The series was a hypothetical German invasion of England.


Jason Petho -> RE: Scenario List (5/31/2008 6:06:49 AM)

You can find the Operation Sealion scenarios that came with the WF Sealion disc in the game, including the large Operation Sealion Campaign.

There are some stand alone scenarios that deal with the hypothetical battles, Operation Sealion, Rommel in England, etc that I had created some time ago, but they are not included with the Matrix Edition. I intend on updating them to the 1.03 UPDATE standards and probably releasing new versions of them with the eventual 1.04 UPDATE.

Also my large Operazione C3 (Invasion of Malta) scenario is being updated.

Jason Petho

Fierce -> RE: Scenario List (5/31/2008 4:52:05 PM)

Thanks Jason, your work is really appreciated. I'm looking forward to replaying those scenarios!
Can I get you a case of beer, a lounge chair, caffeine? Anything to help with the patch release?


vadersson -> RE: Scenario List (6/19/2008 8:23:15 PM)

Hey gang,

Just a quick update. I will try to get the scenario spreadsheet updated within a week of the patch being released. However, work found my copy of Campaign Series on my computer, so I can only do updates at home. ;) That may make it take a bit longer.


sfinlay -> RE: Scenario List (6/20/2008 12:18:11 AM)

Hi Vaderson. I remember my boss caught me playing the original Talonsoft West Front on my works PC years ago. Ended up playing against him for years. I guess you've been unlucky !!
Look forward to your update.

scottintacoma -> RE: Scenario List (6/20/2008 4:52:35 AM)


You are lucky. I would lose my job if they found a game on my work computer.

R.E.LEE -> RE: Scenario List (6/21/2008 3:57:53 AM)

Hi guys what am i doing wrong ive been through west and east front senerios that came with my game the highest turn game i can find is 60 turns?where are all the 3-4-5 hundred turn games?

junk2drive -> RE: Scenario List (6/21/2008 4:09:09 AM)

They are being playtested. Should only be a year or two...

R.E.LEE -> RE: Scenario List (6/21/2008 4:50:09 AM)

R U FOR REALyou mean nothing longer than 60 turns comes with this game,I thought i just wasnt lookig in the rite place.Jason plz respond about where all the longer than 60 turn games are,or tell me where to find them in da game.

ORIGINAL: junk2drive

They are being playtested. Should only be a year or two...

Jason Petho -> RE: Scenario List (6/21/2008 5:39:55 AM)

There are many 60+ turn games, and you can find them on the Blitzkrieg Wargame Club website.

They are very time consuming to test properly, so will not be included in the 1.03 UPDATE.

In due time, massive scenarios will be included, but one must understand what is involved in testing.

Jason Petho

R.E.LEE -> RE: Scenario List (6/21/2008 6:33:42 AM)

Jason i thought the senerio list at the top of this page was in the game matrix sold?

ORIGINAL: Jason Petho

There are many 60+ turn games, and you can find them on the Blitzkrieg Wargame Club website.

They are very time consuming to test properly, so will not be included in the 1.03 UPDATE.

In due time, massive scenarios will be included, but one must understand what is involved in testing.

Jason Petho

Jason Petho -> RE: Scenario List (6/21/2008 7:48:54 AM)

Yes, it is.

The scenarios I mentioned at the Blitz are user created scenarios.

Jason Petho

R.E.LEE -> RE: Scenario List (6/21/2008 8:58:29 AM)


ORIGINAL: Jason Petho

Yes, it is.

The scenarios I mentioned at the Blitz are user created scenarios.

Jason Petho

well if that list came with the game as you say why can i find no senerio longer than 60 turns,ive checked every senerio for east and west front when i start up the game and scroll through all scenerios,not one is over 60 turns?Yet in the list at the top of this page there are dozens and dozens of senerios with over 200 turns?my ? is how do i find them in the game i bought from matrix?

big dawg -> RE: Scenario List (6/21/2008 6:26:28 PM)


Go to Blitz Wargaming Club.

In the right corner look for G4 Supply/Scenario data base

Scroll down & look for CS Matrix Version of West Front or East Front Rising Sun etc.....

You can search for large scenarios and download for free the ones you like.  I hope this helps. 

Jason Petho -> RE: Scenario List (6/21/2008 8:14:02 PM)



how do i find them in the game i bought from matrix?

Keep in mind that vadersson's list has information for all known Campaign Series scenarios, not just the ones included in the boxed version.

Jason Petho

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