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Schlonz -> Black Arrows & Red Guards LCG (9/16/2007 5:31:07 PM)

Hi fellow wargamers!

Before I started the campaign, I’ve reworked the OOB of the (fictitious) 8. SS-Panzer-Division, using the German designations of the units. If there had been an 8. SS-PD with the strength of the OOB, it would have been the best equipped Panzerdivision in the whole German army.



Schlonz -> First Scenario (9/16/2007 5:33:51 PM)

First Scenario: “Panzers on the Pcic”, 24. June 1944
24 Turns, Weather: overcast, Ground: soft, Visibility: 18

Mission: Elimination of a Soviet bridgehead in and around the town of Darahanava; north bank of the shallow River Pcic

Initial Plan:
Left: From Krnyka, SS-Pz.Aufkl.Kp 68 (from SS-Pz.Jg.Abt. 8) is moving East along the northern riverbank to provide flank protection for the main force. The left flank of the Company itself is protected by a large swamp area.
Center: KG’s Seydlitz-Kurzbach and Krause are moving East via Hill 253.3 and along the railway line to attack Darahanava from the South; hopefully the least expected direction.
Right: KG Oriola is securing Buda, advances to Hill 421.2 and turns NE to capture Hill 324, blocking the route for Soviet supplies and reinforcements. If necessary, the powerful Panthers of the KG will support the attack on Darahanava.


Schlonz -> Turn 1 (9/16/2007 5:35:42 PM)

Turn 1:
No contact on the left and in the center. The leading recon platoon (Aufkl. 38t) of KG Oriola was ambushed by two Russian ATR platoons hidden in the woods W of Buda, but didn’t take any damage. Some well aimed burst of the 2cm guns forced one of the ATR’s to retreat. The Panthers prepare to break through next turn.

Schlonz -> Turn 2 (9/16/2007 5:36:46 PM)

Turn 2:
All quiet in the central sector. On the left flank, the recon coy made contact with Russian infantry along the Asipovicy – Star Darohi road. The platoons are moving in to use their superior firepower next turn.
In the South, the now leading Panther pltn stirred up a hornet’s nest. The forest W of Buda is packed with Partisans, NKVD, ATR’s and an AT platoon. A rain of small arms and AT fire came down on the tanks, but the pltn crossed an unknown minefield in front of the bridge and broke through to Buda – occupied only from a Mortar squad and a HQ – without any losses. The engineers are dismounting, a PzGren coy and two pltns of Flammpanzer III are coming up the road. Last but not least my SP Arty has arrived on the scene and will receive fire orders soon.
Don’t know if I should attack Buda from the rear as well. This would prevent the Partisans from escaping and harrasing the area later, but would delay my attack on the bridgehead.


Schlonz -> Turn 3 (9/16/2007 5:37:43 PM)

Turn 3:
First blood. Two recon pltns of SS-Pz.Aufkl.Kp 68 lost 2 Sd.Kfz. 250/9 each due Soviet infantry, that retreated towards the river, but still cotrols the Asipovicy – Star Darohi road.
In the Buda sector, the Partisans suffered casualties from continuing 7,5cm and 2cm fire. Under cover of the Panthers, 1./SS-PGR 10 has dismounted and is ready to engage. Meanwhile, 3. Kompanie of the same Regiment is advancing towards Buda from the North. Soon the Partisans will find themselves between a hammer and an anvil.
Still no enemy activity in the center and no signs of red armor so far.

Schlonz -> Turn 4 (9/16/2007 5:39:34 PM)

Turn 4:
Russian arty made a frightful appearance this turn. A long barrage took out seven vehicles of the SS-Pz.Aufkl.Kp 68, and after loosing three more vehicles on the road through the woods, I’ve decided to pull them back. Continuing the advance without heavy armor or infantry support would lead to the total elimination of this unit. I’ll use the halftracks to secure some rear objectives.
In the center, a mounted cavalry pltn was spotted, but my PzIV’s failed to inflict more losses than 1 SP (probably due to the rough terrain they are in). Otherwise advance continues as planned.
The Partisans at Buda are dispersing in all directions and it would take to long to encircle them. 1./SS-PGR 10 has turned around, and the Grenadiere and Pioniere of KG Oriola will clear the road and the woods to the left and the right of it. This means that I’ll have to leave a garrison in Buda.

SS-Pz.Aufkl.Kp 68 took a beating


Polish Hussar -> RE: Turn 4 (9/17/2007 12:42:22 AM)

Good start, continue! That's some heavy pounding this Soviet artillery gave you.

Schlonz -> Scen 1 - Turn 5 (9/17/2007 6:58:20 PM)

Turn 5:
This time, Soviet arty didn’t score a single hit, since all the shells were raining down E of Buda.
The battered SS-Pz.Aufkl.Kp 68 managed to withdraw without further losses.
About 2km N of Hill 253.3, elements of KG Seydlitz-Kurzbach encountered Russian units moving from NE to SW. Tanks and Panzergrenadiere are deployed to intercept and destroy this threat.
Further in the East, the advancing troops found the railway blocked by an infantry platoon in an improved position. Shouldn’t take long to get them out of the way.
In the Buda woods, the attack is painfully slow, but the Partisans don’t have a chance to stop it.
Under cover of thick smoke, the Pionier-Zug entered the minefield at the bridge.
The Panther platoon that scouts far ahead of the KG has reached the plateau W of Hill 421.2 and found it occupied by Russian troops.
Listening posts have noticed the presence of Russian armor.

Schlonz -> Scen 1 - Turn 6 (9/17/2007 6:59:23 PM)

Turn 6:
Russian arty fire shifted to the area of Hill 253.3, but wasn’t effective.
Parts of the recon coy retreated to Krnyka, other parts are moving to different objectives.
Around Hill 253.3, my units successfully scattered the Russian advance, but lost 2 PzIV from point blank ATR fire. Along the railway line, resistance stiffenened. 3./SS-PGR 10 and 6./SS-PR 8 are closing in. Another PzIV got knocked out by an ATR pltn. Lucky Iwan.
On the right flank, the bulk of the Partisan force around Buda was captured or eliminated. Nevertheless I’ll have to leave back a garrison to prevent the marauding remnants of the Partisan battallion from retaking the important village. Those troops I’ll surely miss later on. The lack of infantry becomes evident.
According to the sound, the Russian bridgehead is receiving strong reinforcements.

Schlonz -> Scen 1 - Turn 7 (9/17/2007 7:02:28 PM)

Turn 7:
Suffered minor casualties from arty fire and an airstrike.
Various Russian infantry units everywhere on the battlefield. They are moving from NE to SW as if they are pulled by an invisible string. Although I can’t see any tactical sense in this movement, Iwan runs into my advancing columns, which causes confusion among my troops. The first T-34’s appeared on the Darahanava - Star Darohi road. Three of them were already knocked out by my PzIV’s.
Parts of my central KG’s are now in a defensive postion N of Hill 253.3 and I’ve redirected
3./SS-PR 8 (Panther) to reinforce the central sector.
The rest of KG Oriola continues to advance towards Hill 421.2. I’ve decided to defend Buda with armored Flak only, since I need my Panzergrenadiers to clear the plateau and the farm.


Schlonz -> Sccen 1 - Turn 8 (9/17/2007 7:05:26 PM)

Turn 8:
Russian arty was ineffective, except a few salvos everything came down on one (!) empty hex.
The situation in the central sector is weird. Russians to the left and right of Hill 253.3, my troops on top of it and also along the railroad track. All T-34’s on the road are destroyed now.
The spearhead on the railway (about 2.5km SW of Darahanava) ran into an ambush on the reverse slope, but reacted quickly and caused some losses on the Russian side, including 5 T-34’s. I’ve called for air support to weaken the remaining tanks platoons. Panzergrenadiers stormed an improved position.
West of Hill 421.2, the Panthers drove a wedge into the red infantry, a breakthrough is imminent.

The Wedge


Schlonz -> Sccen 1 - Turn 9 (9/17/2007 10:12:17 PM)

Turn 9:
Enemy arty concentrated on my leading elements on the railroad, but was poorly aimed and caused no casualties. Armored counterattacks in the area have been repulsed.
The Russian commander intensifies his efforts to capture Hill 253.3 from the North, but his Rifle pltns suffer heavy losses without getting very far. On the southern slope of the hill, a strong Russian force is about to be encircled and destroyed.
No breakthrough on the plateau yet, as always new rifle and ATR units appear on the scene. Arty fire is plotted to open a way through

Tightening the noose!


Schlonz -> Scen 1 - Turn 10 (9/17/2007 10:14:29 PM)

Turn 10:
Minor, but annoying losses from mostly blind arty fire.
The Russians S of Hill 253.3 are wiped out. Now the tank coys can draw their attention on some T-34’s coming down the Darahanava - Star Darohi road. The dismounted Panzergrenadiers of 2./SS-PGR 10 are heading towards the tanks as well. The Pioniere of 1./SS-Pi.Btl. 8 are about to mount their halftracks, bringing much needed support to the vanguard at the railway, which is under pressure from red armor. On the northern side of the central hill, Russian rifle, ATR, SMG and MG pltns are still trying to climb up the slope, shelled from arty and tank fire.
On the plateau, the Panthers broke through and are moving fast towards their next objective, Hill 324.
Panzergrenadiere of 1./SS-PGRgt.10 and SP Flak will take care of the still strong Russian infantry around the farm.

Schlonz -> Scen 1 - Turn 11 (9/17/2007 10:18:48 PM)

Turn 11:
Lost 3 SP of PzGren to arty fire at the railway track.
The two T-34 pltns that have been spotted last turn, attacked down the Darahanava - Star Darohi road and knocked out two Sd.Kfz.251/9, before my Panthers and PzIV shot them to pieces. Now that the area between Hill 253.3 and the railway line is cleared from any enemy units, my KG’s can continue their advance towards Dranahava. I’m expecting some nasty suprises in the forest.
The desperate infantry assault against the northeastern part of Hill 253.3 has turned into a massacre. Rocket fire from my Nebelwerfer and 7,5cm HE shells from the PzIV’s on the ridge caused serious losses among the attackers.
In the South, I’ve lost one of my fast moving Panthers by opp fire from two SU-76 pltns hidden in a grove. III.Zug of 1./SS-PR 8 knocked out all 6 SP guns shortly afterwards. Now the Panthers have reached the minor river between Hills 421.2 and 324, their next objective.
West of the farm, I’ve lost an 8-wheeler pltn, the countless ATR pltns are a real pain in the a..!
The PzGren coy in the area is far outnumbered, but with their superior firepower and the support of arty and SP Flak they should be able to deal with the situation.
Unfotunately, it’s still a major defeat, with 1644 points missing to achieve a major victory.


Schlonz -> Scen 1 - Turn 12 (9/17/2007 10:19:49 PM)

Turn 12:
Rather quiet turn this time, only light enemy activity. Don’t know if the Russians lost their energy or if they are just regrouping for a decisive punch.
My own troops are gathering in the forested area SW of Darahanava, preparing for the breakthrough.
I’m afraid of the Russian artillery strike, because nearly any hex in the area is a valuable target. With better observation, the mighty red arty alone could have stopped my advance.
I’m hesitating to press the “Next Turn” key, but there’s no other option.

Schlonz -> Scen 1 - Turn 13 (9/22/2007 3:02:52 PM)

Turn 13:
The dreaded arty only scored a single hit (SdKfz 6/2), and a fighter bomber took out a mortar halftrack.
I’ve gained ground along the forest road, chasing a SMG coy back to where it came from. As I’m getting closer to the main objectives, the number of 76mm ATG’s increases. Fortunately, they haven’t caused any losses yet, while my troops destroyed 5 of them.
The Panthers of KG Oriola are meeting only light resistance, the leading platoon is 1km W of the farm on Hill 324.

Schlonz -> Scen 1 - Turn 14 (9/22/2007 3:04:13 PM)

Turn 14:
I need to get my troops out of that damned forest. When it’s raining shells and Katyusha rockets, losses are inevitable.
Except an IP 500m from the bridge, the road is cleared, but the woods left of the road are crowded with Russians. The Nebelwerfer got their fire orders.
In the South, the farm on Hill 324 is in sight. On the plateau, resistance around the other farm is getting weaker and weaker each turn.

Schlonz -> Scen 1 - Turn 15 (9/22/2007 3:06:42 PM)

Turn 15:
A blind Katyusha salvo eliminates 3 SP of infantry and engineers. Painful.
My troops managed to open a narrow corridor to the road bridge, but it’s far from being secured. A platoon of Panthers made a daring dash into the town. The tanks met some resistance, and I withdrew them back to the railroad bridge to wait for reinforcements.
The farm W of Hill 421.2 is captured and the PzGren of 1./PGR 10 are about to mount their halftracks to join the two Panther coys far ahead of them at Hill 324. The engineer platoon and SP Flak will guard the farm.


Schlonz -> Scen 1 - Turn 16 (9/22/2007 3:08:03 PM)

Turn 16:
While my tank losses have been moderate so far ( 9 PzIV, 2 PzV), my infantry losses are worsening.
3./SS-PGR 10 is down on half strength…and the the first battle is not over yet.
I’ve captured the railroad bridge and expanded the corridor. Tanks are preparing to move into Darahanava.
In the South, 1./SS-PR 8 turned away from Hill 324, trying to sneak into town through the backdoor.
One platoon will scout the area for arty positions, I need to find and eliminate them. 1./SS-PGR 10 is mounted and will move East next turn.

Arctic Blast -> RE: Scen 1 - Turn 16 (9/23/2007 5:08:09 AM)

Sorry to butt in, Schlonz...really enjoying the AAR. It's an interesting period you've chosen to fight, things are pretty desperate for your guys.

Schlonz -> Scen 1 - Turn 17 (9/29/2007 4:19:52 PM)

@ Arctic Blast
I'm glad you're enjoying the AAR. Comments are always welcome.

Turn 17:
Spotted and destroyed a mixed arty detachment ( 4x 122mm, 8x 76mm) NE of Hill 324, a heavy mortar platoon was successfully assaulted as well. Now I’m hoping to find the Katyushas.
The tanks started some probing attacks against the town and met only light resistance. Unfortunately, my PzGrens are still crawling through the forest and can’t support the tanks.
All in all a satisfying turn, although I’m worried about the countless Russian foot units strolling around everywhere on the battlefield. Seems like the woods are spitting them out.

Schlonz -> RE: Scen 1 - Turn 18 (9/29/2007 4:21:17 PM)

Turn 18:
Two Panther platoons of 3./SS-PR 8 have stormed the main objective in Darahanava. Other tank pltns have moved in assault positions along the SW and SE edge of the town. The first PzGren and engineer units have left the woods and crossed river Pcic.
West of Hill 421.2, the PzGren have dismounted again. It would be to dangerous to move them East in halftracks through this ATR infested area. On foot, they wouldn’t reach their destination in time. They will be more useful in eliminating the last pockets of resistance around the farm.
2328 VP’s at present – a draw. Expecting a minor victory.

Schlonz -> Scen 1 - Turn 19 (9/29/2007 4:22:42 PM)

Turn 19:
No losses from indirect fire this time. Maybe the Russian artillery commander got nervous, now that some batteries aren’t answering his radio calls anymore.
The town is cleared hex by hex, the railway station was captured with the loss of on PzIV.
Iwan still occuopies Hill 324 and the farm, but is under constant arty fire. A supporting 37mm AA gun battery in the nearby woods was eliminated.
A surviving T-34 pltn was spotted in the forest just S of the railroad and two PzIV pltns of 5./SS-PR 8 have been deployed to deal with it.
2509 VP’s and counting…..a minor victory with 491 VP missing for a major.


Schlonz -> Scen 1 - Turn 20 (9/29/2007 4:23:49 PM)

Turn 20:
Surprisingly, arty fire shifted to Hill 412.2, caught my PzGren in the open, eliminated 2 SP of them and knocked out two Sd.Kfz. 250/9. On the other hand, two 132mm Katyusha batteries were destroyed by Panthers of 2./SS-PR 8.
The defenders of Darahanava have been pushed back to the northern edge of town and are expected to be removed or captured next turn.
The Russian units on Hill 324 have left their positions to support Darahanava, and the remaining ATG pltn was easy prey for the Panthers.
Elsewhere, rag-tag combat groups of recon and SP flak are trying to fight off the marauding Russian foot units. The last surviving T-34 was put out of action soon after it left the cover of the trees.
Only 150 VP to go for a major victory.

Schlonz -> Scen 1 - Turn 21-23 (9/29/2007 6:44:50 PM)

Turn 21:
Two more batteries N of Darahanava, which is now secured, destroyed.
No organized Russian resistance anymore, only remnants of rifle battallions roaming around on the battlefield, obviously without any orders from a higher command level.
All objectives captured and 3072 VP’s at all, that’s a major victory.

Turn 22 + 23:
Not much to report, mopping up.The battle is coming to an end.

Schlonz -> Scen 1 - Turn 24 (end) (9/29/2007 6:45:59 PM)

Turn 24:
Again no notable events, the battle is over. The bridgehead at Darahanava has been eliminated.
94th Guards Tank Regiment lost all of it’s tanks and 71st and 113th Guards Rifle Division have ceased to exist as effective fighting units.
Compared to the scale of the battle, own losses have been moderate. Due to the concentration of Russian artillery, the PzGren suffered more losses than other units,
and the lack of infantry could be a problem in upcoming missions.

Final result:
3256 VP – Major Victory
Objectives: 1300 VP (all)
Axis losses SP/VP: 117 / 500
Allied losses SP/VP: 895 / 2456

Missed to take a screenshot of the last turn and to note the detailed losses.

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