gherndon -> RE: using / finding original harpoon battlesets for use with h3 anw? (2/13/2008 3:20:38 PM)
darren, thanks for the explanation. last night while my dsl connection was offline, i explored the included db's and found exactly what you describe! if i might say so, your packaging and comments in the battlesets and scenarios is excellent (referencing, attributing to others etc). i can't wait to see the results of the updated models etc in the actual game play. i think matrix and end users would benefit from a wiki or faq entry that consolidates the various scenario info etc that you and others are sharing with me. i know that dbs and scenario editing has been a difficult subject area in the past, but i think what's been left is a void of info. the site has good information, but i'd like to see something that makes it easier for users like me to enjoy the benefits of yours and others hard work. again, maybe the info is there, but i couldn't find it easily. i don't want to sound critical, i just find it difficult to pool all the info that's scattered between the, , and this forum. googling makes it worse because it brings up the bile from all the past fights over db's and scenario design. it's a classic case of someone needs to distill the info and package it so that it's useful to the game player. in another life, i might even volunteer to help. anyways, thanks again for taking the time to respond and thanks for your work on the scenarios. george