VPNFL Max Style (Full Version)

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VCFL Commish -> VPNFL Max Style (9/21/2007 2:50:19 AM)

Are there guys out there that would like to help get a NFL Database up and running.I am currently making a player db for September 20th.NFL is to big a project for one guy.
If we cooperate we could get something made.Are there any guys out there that can help out on this project.
I have some spare time now my computer is at the shop when I get it back I will be busey putting in the CFL players for the VCFL.

22sec -> RE: VPNFL Max Style (9/21/2007 3:02:27 AM)

I'd try and do what I can. I think a successful NFL project would really help MFB grow.
Email me what you have in mind


VCFL Commish -> RE: VPNFL Max Style (9/21/2007 5:25:57 AM)

thanks  what i really need is attributes.Theres 1810 in the db so far have to rechek that .
Whats next
Height to inches
Position ids

22sec -> RE: VPNFL Max Style (9/21/2007 5:32:19 AM)

I'd wait on 2.0 to do the positions.

22sec -> RE: VPNFL Max Style (9/21/2007 5:41:54 AM)

Here is what I'm using to to the attributes for the college teams. Basically each attribute has five ranges a player could fall in.

Fast	76-83	86-92	79-85	89-95	76-83	
Above Avg	69-76	80-86	73-79	83-89	69-76	
Avg	62-69	74-80	67-73	77-83	62-69	
Below Avg	55-62	68-74	61-67	71-77	55-62	
Slow	48-55	62-68	56-61	65-71	48-55	
	T	G	C			
Fast	58-65	54-61	57-64			
Above Avg	51-58	47-54	50-57			
Avg	44-51	40-47	43-50			
Below Avg	37-44	33-40	36-43			
Slow	30-37	26-33	29-36			
Fast	73-79	64-71	83-90	79-86	88-94	87-93
Above Avg	67-73	57-64	76-83	72-79	82-88	81-87
Avg	61-67	50-57	69-76	65-72	76-82	75-81
Below Avg	56-61	43-50	62-69	58-65	70-76	69-75
Slow	50-56	36-43	55-62	51-58	64-70	63-69

Strong	62-70	71-79	78-85	60-67	81-88	
Above Avg	56-62	63-71	71-78	53-60	74-81	
Average	50-56	55-63	64-71	46-53	67-74	
Below Avg	44-50	47-55	57-64	39-46	60-67	
Weak	38-44	39-47	50-57	32-39	53-60	
	T	G	C			
Strong	87-94	87-94	87-94			
Above Avg	80-87	80-87	80-87			
Average	73-80	73-80	73-80			
Below Avg	66-73	66-73	66-73			
Weak	59-66	59-66	59-66			
Strong	79-86	86-94	71-78	74-81	58-65	64-72
Above Avg	72-79	78-86	64-71	67-74	51-58	56-64
Average	65-72	70-78	57-64	60-67	44-51	48-56
Below Avg	58-65	62-70	50-57	53-60	37-44	40-48
Weak	51-58	54-62	43-50	46-53	30-37	32-40

Nimble	81-86	90-95	82-87	92-97	77-82	
Above Avg	76-81	85-90	77-82	87-92	72-77	
Average	71-76	80-85	72-77	82-87	67-72	
Below Avg	66-71	75-80	67-72	77-82	62-67	
Stiff	61-66	70-75	62-67	72-77	68-62	
	T	G	C			
Nimble	63-69	59-65	61-67			
Above Avg	57-63	53-59	56-61			
Average	51-57	47-53	50-56			
Below Avg	45-51	41-47	44-50			
Stiff	39-45	35-41	38-44			
Nimble	70-76	63-69	78-84	74-80	92-97	85-90
Above Avg	64-70	57-63	72-78	68-74	87-92	80-85
Average	58-64	51-57	66-72	62-68	82-87	75-80
Below Avg	52-58	46-51	60-66	56-62	77-82	70-75
Stiff	46-52	40-46	54-60	50-56	72-77	65-70

	Fresh	Soph	Junior	Senior		
All-Conf	60-64	70-74	80-84	90-94		
Good	56-60	66-70	76-80	86-90		
Average	52-56	62-66	72-76	82-86		
Below Avg	48-52	58-62	68-72	78-82		
Bench Warmer	44-48	54-58	64-68	74-78		

Dominating	56-62	74-80	54-60	78-84	90-96
Above Avg	50-56	68-74	48-54	72-78	84-90
Average	44-50	62-68	42-48	66-72	78-84
Below Avg	38-44	56-62	36-42	60-66	72-78
Horrible	32-38	50-56	30-36	54-60	66-72
Block Avoidance					
Unblockable	85-92	76-83	67-74		
Above Avg	78-85	69-76	60-67		
Average	71-78	62-69	53-60		
Below Avg	64-71	55-62	46-53		
Stuck	57-64	48-55	39-46		

Stick'em	75-81	71-78	89-96	74-81	
Above Avg	69-75	64-71	82-89	67-74	
Average	63-69	57-64	75-82	60-67	
Below Avg	57-63	50-57	68-75	53-60	
Stone Hands	51-57	43-50	61-68	46-53	
Stick'em	61-68	75-82	89-96		
Above Avg	54-61	68-75	82-89		
Average	47-54	61-68	75-82		
Below Avg	40-47	54-61	68-75		
Stone Hands	33-40	47-54	61-68		

Stick'em	86-90	85-90	86-90	86-90	86-90
Above Avg	79-85	80-85	79-85	79-85	79-85
Average	72-78	75-80	72-78	72-78	72-78
Below Avg	65-71	70-75	65-71	65-71	65-71
Butterfingers	60-64	65-70	60-64	60-64	60-64
Lock Down	46-52	70-76	90-96	86-92	
Above Avg	40-46	64-70	84-90	80-86	
Average	34-40	58-64	78-84	74-80	
Below Avg	28-34	52-58	72-78	68-74	
Blown	22-28	46-52	66-72	62-68	

VCFL Commish -> RE: VPNFL Max Style (9/21/2007 7:14:43 AM)

looks good

Frank Brickowski -> RE: VPNFL Max Style (9/21/2007 10:44:07 PM)

Well, i'd be will to do a certain amount of teams myself.  We need to get enough people so maybe we only have to do 4 or 5 teams each.  I know i could have my team (nyg) done in a couple hours.

Tbird -> RE: VPNFL Max Style (9/22/2007 12:36:38 AM)


ORIGINAL: Frank Brickowski

Well, i'd be will to do a certain amount of teams myself.  We need to get enough people so maybe we only have to do 4 or 5 teams each.  I know i could have my team (nyg) done in a couple hours.

that's a great idea but not sure about doing the favorite team part tho

Frank Brickowski -> RE: VPNFL Max Style (9/22/2007 1:42:28 AM)

Well count me in for something. btw. i'm not nearly as interested in getting the player photos right as i am getting the height weight and stats done.

Frank Brickowski -> RE: VPNFL Max Style (9/25/2007 3:01:55 PM)

i'm assuming no one wants to go through with this roster project. I've got the gmen done.

22sec -> RE: VPNFL Max Style (9/25/2007 3:17:06 PM)

I know personally I'm trying to get use to 2.0 and retool my playbooks, and work on my college project. I think though eventually we can get a NFL League completed. Just keep plugging away.

VCFL Commish -> RE: VPNFL Max Style (9/25/2007 8:15:32 PM)

What I will have is all 32 teams in with the September 20th rosters.They will have the proper attributes for their position just not the right attributes for that player.
What i was thinking was if we broke it up into to position aatributes with different people doing different positions. (WR/TE) (QB) (PK/PU) and so on.

VCFL Commish -> RE: VPNFL Max Style (10/17/2007 6:24:50 PM)


Theres the address to the file I made.The first and second name have been seperated.The height has been converted to inches.The proper position id has been added.The proper number has  been added.The proper range for position has been used but unfornately not set to the attributes of that player.
Since I did this on my old computer which doesn`t support the game there may be some issues not sure.
This is a good start thought.
Needed now
the schedule
the proper attributes given to the players

Frank Brickowski -> RE: VPNFL Max Style (10/18/2007 2:28:05 AM)

How come the player names don't showup?

Brodie -> RE: VPNFL Max Style (10/18/2007 2:29:23 AM)

Do you think theres enough interest to get a 32 team league going even if these files become availiable?

Tbird -> RE: VPNFL Max Style (10/18/2007 7:06:58 AM)



Do you think theres enough interest to get a 32 team league going even if these files become availiable?

For single player yes [8D]

VCFL Commish -> RE: VPNFL Max Style (10/18/2007 2:35:52 PM)

How come the player names don't showup?

Could be something as simple as the wrong league id somewhere.If you have access you should be able to see the players.As soon as I get back my computer I will tinker with it to work

VCFL Commish -> RE: VPNFL Max Style (10/18/2007 2:59:45 PM)

How come the player names don't showup?

I labeled the Gloves Wrong I had UseGloveImage from a old version of the DB its now just GloveImage try that.

Frank Brickowski -> RE: VPNFL Max Style (10/18/2007 11:48:03 PM)

its actually "GlovesImage" everything is working now. Thanks a lot! Thanks to tbird as well for the roster editor. Things are working fine.

local8h -> RE: VPNFL Max Style (10/19/2007 1:47:47 AM)

Hello VCFL,

  I re download your NFL file, Looks like its fix, works good for me, also you made it easier for me when i was trying to make NFL 08 Rosters, Thank you so much! Now all i have to do is edit the 3d faces with real players[:)]
Heres to you [&o]

mvb34 -> RE: VPNFL Max Style (10/19/2007 3:00:14 AM)

How do you associated uniform to a team ? Great job thanks

Shaggyra -> RE: VPNFL Max Style (10/19/2007 3:42:46 AM)

This is great!!!!

simmer -> RE: VPNFL Max Style (10/19/2007 3:18:56 PM)

I have an expired version of Access 2007....How can I upgrade this so I can open this NFL file? Exactly what alternative program can I use to open this file?

Tbird -> RE: VPNFL Max Style (10/19/2007 5:04:29 PM)

Open Office

JasonnTN -> RE: VPNFL Max Style (10/19/2007 5:10:09 PM)

Is anybody working on editing the attributes in this league file?

VCFL Commish -> RE: VPNFL Max Style (10/20/2007 4:31:52 PM)

I really can`t I don`t follow the NFL I don`t think I`ve watch a American Football game in 2 years.The reason I made the file was to drum up a little more interest in the game.Hopefully  draw some new owners for the VCFL when people get use to the game and figure out what a really good game this is.

Mrgravyard50 -> RE: VPNFL Max Style (11/15/2007 1:42:28 AM)

I download this file, and it comes up. But when I try to play a quick play it wont play it fact the game starts but when the players are to come out of the tunnel onto the field theare are NO players.
When I try to look at each team, the game says each team needs a play book.
So I figure I am doing something wrong what is it??


MAF -> RE: VPNFL Max Style (11/15/2007 2:32:38 AM)

You have to assign a playbook to teams you want to use first.

Mrgravyard50 -> RE: VPNFL Max Style (11/15/2007 2:43:50 AM)

Yea I did for New England and the Colts. I do a quick play and use those 2 teams.
When they are to come out onto the field they dont come out..
What about this "GlovesImage" thing? Maybe thats the problem and if so what do I have to do?

Thanks again..

VCFL Commish -> RE: VPNFL Max Style (11/15/2007 4:43:31 PM)

i fixed the glove image shouldn`t be that

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